Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 689 The Dark Lord... is back!

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

In the audience, the students frantically discussed who would win the final game.

Although Hermione is the first and has countless fans, the students of every college will support their warriors.

At least, verbally.

The students of Boothbarton and Durmstrang, even more supportive of their own warriors, shouted hoarse.

Four colleges, three schools... The students were arguing loudly.

At that intensity, it seems that what is going on is not the Triwizard Tournament, but the US election.

It will turn blue for a while, turn red for a while, only to turn over and then turn over again, enjoyable!

William didn't participate in this kind of quarrel. He looked at the double-sided mirror in his hand, and Hermione also carried one.

In this way, she can broadcast the whole process as if it were live.

William, Annie and Gabriel are all calling 666 to her.

The double-sided mirror is from Anne, and the other is borrowed from Dumbledore.This is a Christmas gift from the principal to Annie many years ago.

However, watching the game like this, how can I go in and watch the game enjoyable.

William couldn't help but want to apply. Enter the maze as a level, guarding the trophy.

Stark, the patron saint!

Only those who can pass his level can win the championship.

The four patrolmen, together with Ludo, guarded different areas.

If there is a spark in the area of ​​their responsibility, they will go in to rescue the students.

As the game progressed, red sparks continued to appear in the sky.

Madam Pomfrey was holding various medicine bottles and treating the students who had been rescued.

A student who was bitten by a swallowtail dog in his ass needed to be hit with rabies potion immediately.

A ghoul entangled a Boothbatten witch, and kept calling on her head.

The worst is Poliaco of Durmstrang.

He stabbed a hornet's nest and was stung dozens of stitches by Billy Wig, his entire face could not be seen, and he became a veritable Zhang Mazi.

Anyone who has been stung by the Billy Wig bug will feel dizzy, and then float up and down.

This side effect is like drinking Vita lemon tea.

So Poliako was refreshed, floating in the air, not coming for a long time.

"Don't touch me, I can still tie...I am the champion!" he shouted.

"It's crazy again." Madam Pomfrey shook her head twatly.

A flame shot out, representing another warrior abstaining.

The difference is that this time it is a three-shot burst, which means...life and death are a matter of life and death.

Professor McGonagall rushed in.

The students all stood up, wanting to see who the hapless guy was this time... This was the only fun they could not see the specific game.

But Professor McGonagall took a long time to enter, and it took a full five minutes before he came out.

Shockingly, the first to come out was... Cedric!

The students were in an uproar, especially the students of Hufflepuff.

Cedric is the only hope for the little badgers. How could he fail?!

Professor McGonagall walked out of the maze with a stern face, her hands trembling, as if she was trying to keep herself from crying.

On her side, there is also a stretcher floating, on which lies a little wizard.

All of them stood up, trying to see who was lying on the stretcher.

"What happened?" Professor Sprout asked aloud not far away."Cedric, why did you come out so soon!"

Cedric looked at his dean blankly, and came over for a long time before speaking:

"Ron... Ron..."



The crowd left their seats and ran towards the field.

All the referees also got up, and Dumbledore walked quickly.

Cedric squatted on the ground, surrounded by dark figures, all squeezing towards him.

He saw Minister Fudge's chubby body running past, and even slipped and fell in the middle.

His face was pale and he looked terrified.

"Merlin... Weasley!" he cried, "Dumbledore... he is dead!"

This sentence spread, and the dark figure squeezing into it spread it to the people around in horror.

The others screamed—screams rang through the night sky.

"he died!"

"he died!"

"Ron Weasley! Dead!"

Dumbledore leaned closer. He held the swaying Professor McGonagall and looked at Cedric with a grim expression: "Digory, what's the matter?"

"Krum... Krum..." Cedric said hoarsely, "He killed Ron with Avada's life!"

"It's impossible!" Fudge said in disbelief."Did you see it?"

"I saw it with my own eyes!" Cedric gritted his teeth.

"After he killed Ron, he pointed his wand at me again. I removed his weapon and he ran away... I chased him.

But it was a maze, after a few turns, he didn't know where to go!"

Cedric handed Krum's wand over.

Dumbledore raised his wand and docked it with Krum's wand.

"Flashback Curse!" he whispered.

The unique light of Avada's life came out from where the two wands met.

"Without a trace!" he whispered again.

The Avadasuo fate formed by the smoke turned into a light smoke and disappeared.

"Capture Krum immediately," Fudge ordered loudly.

"The physical evidence and personal evidence are conclusive, immediately enter the maze and arrest him."

"Digory needs to go to the school hospital!" Madam Pomfrey said.

Dumbledore nodded and turned to look in the direction of Gryffindor's seat.

"Dumbledore, Arthur...He's here... Would you like to tell him first—before he sees the body—" Professor McGonagall whispered.

Mr. Weasley squeezed forward with difficulty in the crowd, and Mrs. Weasley had passed out in a coma, and Bill and Fred were shouting there.

Harry stood there blankly, as if stupid.

"Send the students back to the lounge, all students, at once!" Dumbledore ordered.

All the teachers walked towards the auditorium, preventing the students from continuing to crowd towards the maze area.

Mr. Weasley finally squeezed in. He gently hugged Ron's body with both hands. His face was already full of tears, and he suddenly cried.

Dumbledore's lips buzzed, as if he wanted to speak, but was silent.

At this time, another gorgeous firework exploded.

——From the center of the maze.

Everyone raised their heads.

"The Triwizard Tournament is over. Someone got the trophy..." Li's voice echoed in the arena, and he said in a low voice: "The match is finally over..."

Dumbledore's deep voice echoed in the arena.

"William, come to me...I need you!"



The others were leaving, but Malfoy took his wife Narcissa and rushed into the maze against the crowd.

Their son Draco is still inside!

Halfway through, Malfoy suddenly covered his arm, panting heavily.

His face was pale, and his body began to tremble violently involuntarily.

"What's the matter?" Narcissa hurriedly supported her husband.

"He... he... the Dark Lord... is back!" Malfoy was full of fear.

"What, how is it possible?" Narcissa trembled.

"He is calling... us, for the first time in 14 years." Malfoy looked desperate.

"What should we do now?"

"Find Draco first. After you find him, you stay at Hogwarts..." Malfoy looked up at the sky, his lips squirming.

Finally no soundtrack:

"I'll go... meet him..."



"I...can't meet him!" Karkaroff was shaking all over.

On his confessed left arm, the dark mark had turned into charred black.

This is Voldemort calling the Death Eaters back to him.

When the signal was sent, all Death Eaters must apparate immediately and appear beside him.

"I want to... escape..." Karkaroff said desperately."Severus, let's run together, and we will hide our names and hide where no one is.

Hidden in the United States, they can take care of each other."

Snape was silent for a moment, shook his head, and said calmly: "You can run away...I want to stay at Hogwarts."

"Why, why didn't you run? Think you are safe by hiding here?" Karkaroff asked, "Dumbledore is old!

He can protect you for a while, but he can't protect you forever!

The Dark Lord will kill you sooner or later, there is no need to kill Dumbledore!"

Snape didn't speak.

Karkaroff stomped his feet, stopped talking nonsense, turned and ran.

Snape's dark eyes stared at Karkaroff's distant back.

He suddenly muttered: "Lily."

Snape's voice was bleak, like...like those bare sycamores, falling out in the winter with nothing but dead branches.

The professor's back was a little rickety, and when he turned around again, he recovered the expressionless and dead face.



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