Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 690: Dead Harry

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Death is like wind,

Always with me.

William has deeply felt the meaning of this sentence.

Is death far away?

Not far away.

At least in this Hogwarts, not only not far away, but also the most basic routine operation.

William has been in this school for five years, five years... almost every year there are dead.

There are different ways to die, but they are exciting and turbulent... enough to write a book "The Detective at Hogwarts."

It is not easy for students to grow up smoothly in this environment.

Standing in the principal's office, William, who was distracted, was thinking about this.

His professional opinion is:

The earlier you leave school, the school you transfer, the longer you live.

If it doesn't work, just change the principal, change the teacher... William is not talented, willing to take over Dumbledore's job, and give Hogwarts a normal learning environment.

For a while, not only him, but other wizards also fell silent and distracted.

Silence... It's Hogwarts tonight.

It's not that things have been tricky and complicated to the point where everyone has no idea and can only be silent.

On the contrary... the event is simple and straightforward, without any twists and turns.

——It was just an accident.

Krum and Ron met on a narrow road, and shot in order to compete for the trophy... The last two shot out. Ron lost to Krum and was killed by him.

It's that simple.

The method of killing was Avadaso's order, but it only made the nature of the matter worse.

Since it was an accident, and Krum did kill someone, he should bear legal responsibility.

The Ministry of Magic does not have any "Minor Scum Protection Act."

Besides... Krum is not a minor, he is seventeen years old.

Adults should be responsible for their actions.

Minister Fudge figured this out and said:

"The top priority is to detain Krum's parents and hunt Krum, he should still be hiding in the maze..."

Bang bang bang.

The wooden door was knocked.

"Come in," Dumbledore said softly.

Professor McGonagall walked in slowly, his face pale and terrible, without a trace of blood.

Everyone looked at her, and Dumbledore, who had been silent, raised his head and frowned:

"Minerva, what happened, didn't you let you take the students back to the lounge?"

The subtext... naturally looked at Harry and didn't let him run around or be taken away.

After all, Voldemort is still thinking about resurrection, and there is a young Barty Crouch in secret, about to move.

Professor McGonagall's lips trembled, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't make a sound, so he had to cover his mouth tightly with his hands.

After a long time, she barely choked and said:

"The principal... Harry... he..."

"What's wrong with him?" Fudge asked anxiously.

Could it be that Barty Jr. or Voldemort, taking advantage of the chaos, attacked Harry and snatched him away?

This thought... instantly came to William's mind.

If Voldemort has any conspiracy, tonight is the last time.

But Professor McGonagall's next words were shocking.

Her eyes were red and her voice hoarse: "Dead!"

The audience was in an uproar, and everyone looked at Professor McGonagall in amazement.

"Who is dead again?" Fudge swallowed."Who!"


The cup in Fudge's hand fell on his feet, and the hot water splashed on the floor and burned his legs.

Dumbledore tried his best to keep calm, but his clenched fists showed that his mood was not so calm.

He asked: "How did you die?"

As if to resist the coolness of the night, McGonagall, covering his arms with both hands, lowered his head and said softly:

"I was taking the students back to the lounge when Harry suddenly yelled. He said...know where Krum is hiding."

"He took out the invisibility cloak, put it on, and left the team, not knowing where he went."

"I was in a hurry, so I took the prefect to go out to find. I searched and found Myrtle's bathroom on the second floor, and saw the invisibility cloak thrown at the door.

Going in again, I saw Harry lying on the ground, already...dead.There is Krum beside..."

"Krum, did you catch him?" Fudge shouted.

Professor McGonagall shook his head.

"He ran away?"

"He... also died, and the corpse was lying beside Harry."

For a time, the entire office was deadly quiet.

Overnight, three students died in a row...This news made everyone feel like they were in a nightmare.

"It must have been Harry who found Krum's hiding place..." Fudge sat down in a chair in despair.

"Oh, it would be nice if we caught Krum," he said painfully.

"It was not us who found Krum, but Harry. It is said that Weasley is his best friend, and he must be sad and crazy.

He didn't know how to find Krum's location, so he went after it."

Fudge thumped the table and roared:

"Krum didn't have a magic wand, but he was also an adult wizard. Harry was careless. They both died together!"

"Yes, Ron is Harry's best friend." Professor McGonagall took the handkerchief and wiped his tears.

"If it's smart, the two of them never rank.

I'm always fierce to them, and I...how regret it now... Harry is always so brave.

This silly boy..."

William lowered his head, frowned slightly, thinking hard.

Judging from the results presented so far, it is indeed as Fudge said:

Krum killed Ron, and Harry was counter-killed while pursuing him.

The evidence chain is complete, and every link can be inferred.

"Look! What's going on over the Black Lake?!" Ludo, who had been silent for a while, suddenly shouted.

William turned his head and looked, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Durmstrang’s broken ship ignited a raging fire, the bottom of the ship seemed to be leaking, and the huge hull began to shake violently.

The water of the Black Lake was surging violently in an instant, and the black ship sank at a speed visible to the naked eye and soon submerged half of the hull.

In the end, it turned into a splendid splash and disappeared completely.

Fudge licked his lips and squatted: "The students of Durmstrand...have they returned to the boat?"

"It seems to have gone back..."


Fudge sat slumped in the chair, covered his face, and burst into tears out of control.

"It's over... my position as minister... can't be kept... so many people died.

And Durmstrang’s students..."

The entire army of Durmstrang students was wiped out and killed at Hogwarts... This was undoubtedly a great event that shocked the magic world.

It may even affect the relationship between Britain and the Nordic countries.

A Minister Fudge absolutely cannot bear the responsibility, he must take the blame and resign, and apologize for everyone.

Therefore, loss of control is understandable.

For a while, everyone rushed to the Black Lake to see if they could rescue a few, but Dumbledore and William remained.

For a while, the two of them did not speak, still remembering this bizarre night.

Professor Snape opened the door and walked in. When he saw William, his pupils visibly shrank.

He didn't expect William to be here.

"It's okay, William is credible, I trust him like you trust you." Dumbledore said.

Snape snorted without speaking.

Dumbledore glanced at his watch and said softly, "Go, go see him, you should go."

William raised his head, thinking about whom to see.

Just listen to Snape whispering: "But... are you sure the Dark Lord will not kill me?"

"I'm late, two hours behind the time he requested..."

"No," Dumbledore said flatly."I understand Tom... he won't kill you, as long as you tell him..."

Professor Dumbledore paused, staring sharply at Snape with blue eyes, and said:

"You followed my instructions to go back... he won't kill you.

He will trust you more!"



(Seeking recommendation votes, everyone.

Thank you "Lonely Piaoxue A745 for your reward.")