Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 736 Azka Class Day Tour

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A black big ship drifting in the sea.

The dark clouds are low, not far, a dragon roll is a huge funnel shape, and the wind roots are sharply rotated on the sea, and they continue to tear the black cloud and become more intense.

"did you see it?"

In the cater cab, Hague asked.

"No, I can't see anything, the storm is too big, we can't stand the shore." A black and high wizard said with a telescope.

"Professor Kakarov should I be drowning?" A little girl missed the road.

"Then we can change the principal?" A sixth grade student said.

You have to say this, then I am not sleepy!

Students in the cabin are exciting, muttering each other, fantasy, in the funeral shark, become a stall.

Obviously, everyone has no good feelings about the principal of Kakarov.

It can be mixed to mix this kind of temple, and have to say that the principal of Kakarov is really incompatable.

In a word: Demtron bitter Kakarov for a long time.

Fortunately, these people are not English, Haig also can't understand, he shakes the class apartment, and there is a concern.

Let's take a good time today, how can Kakarov still come?

Not reliable at all!

It is not worried that Kakarov's safety, this person is dead, and there is a matter of Hague, and he doesn't like this food and death.

But Maxim is still waiting in the Coast of Normandy in France.

If you are late, what can you do?

Otherwise let the students will take a while? Leave Kakarov here?

A huge wave suddenly hit, the hull swayed. Hai Ge holds the railing, can't help but vomiting.

His motion sick, now still sauce, really torture!

Previously, the boat was parked in the sea, even if there is a shock of the waves, it also affected, but now returns to the sea, it is uncomfortable.

Haig looked at the tornado in the distance.

This is a bad weather ... really outrageous!

I know that I will take the land from France to perform the task.

I thought about it, he felt that you can't wait until you went to the shore to find Kakarov!

"Come on, help me open the door, take my big baby!"

Under the leadership of Krum, three students pushed a huge motorcycle and laborious.

Haig Zhi goggles, across the motorcycle, he kicked with his feet and launched the throttle.

The car screamed like a fire dragon, ran a few meters on the deck, suddenly take off, flying towards the sky.

Krum stood in the corner and couldn't help but shout: "That's cool!"

Obviously, the motorcycle is the ultimate charm of men.

In this regard, the flying broom is far away, even slightly ... Mother cannon.

Haig was excitedly screaming, and he flew away in the rain, the hair was blown to the brain.

This is what he deliberately brought, ready to find a giant, give Maxim a little romantic.

Two people ride a motorcycle, roam in the moon ... too wonderful.

However, the present goal is Kakarov, Haigna wounded two laps, flying towards the shore.

Trembling, Kakarov.



Coast side,

William and Hermione took a telescope and looked at the sea.

The heavy rain is poured, and there are waves from rushing and not seeing.

Xiao Tian Wolf is coming over, frowning, face: "What to do, the waves are too big, they are afraid that they can't get close.

There is also an anti-pharmacist shade on board, and it is not possible to go straight. "

Xiao Tianfu is also a little annoyed. This wave is really a pit.

"Keep a cold expression, Ka Tiao Wolf." William reminded: "You are Kakarov now, you must not always pay attention."

Xiao Tian Wolf star nodded: "I know, will not be wrong."

Let Xiao Tianfu play Kakarov, and is indeed a unique choice for the Wizard of the Phoenix.

Demtron Magic School, in Scandinavian Peninsula.

There are Nordic five countries, namely Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland.

Mainly used is also an Indo-European system - Northern Germany.

But most of the birth is mainly from Germany.

Therefore, the generic language of the school is German.

In the Phoenix Society, there will be a lot of German, and Xiao Tianfu is just one of them.

The reason is simple, he is a child.

Demtron's reputation is very poor, mainly because of teaching black magic.

But this school is very attractive to the pure blood family.

After the principal of Dumbledo, the Black family also considered let his son to Demtron.

It is specifically let him learn the language there.

So let Xiao Tian Wolf to play Kakarov, how to see it is the best choice.

"What kind of sound, have you heard it, William." Hermione suddenly called, and lifted the telescope.

"Look there." She pointed to somewhere.

William looked at the side, I saw a black shadow punctured black cloud and flew quickly.

"It is Haid ... he rode ..."

"Hey, that is my motorcycle! I used to borrow it to Haid, send him to Harry, I didn't expect it." Xiao Tianshulian excitedly called.

William and Hermione also glanced at him at the same time, Xiao Tianfulin immediately slammed his face and smiled: "Hey, it is Black motorcycle, it is beautiful, there is a cavity."


Haig also noticed that the flame of this side was changed, and he changed the direction and flew toward the shore.

But the wind is too big, the speed of the motorcycle is too fast, only listening to the sound, the whole car is on the ground.

Haig jumped from above, and the car slipped out.

The small Tiantian is very distressed.

"Hey, William, Hermione, how can you have a piece here?" Hague ran.

William nodded: "Yes, we went to Vienna, just right."

"Haig, there is there?" Hermione asked.

"In the southeast of the dragon tornado, walk, I will take you."

Haig raised a motorcycle and checked it, and the tires were issued.

"But this motorcycle can't sit four people." William said.

"You are sitting behind, let Professor Kakarov swimming in the past." Haig said.


William and Hermione are also padded.

According to the preceding performance, Xiao Tianfu swims like this, I am afraid that I will bloate the ocean all the way, I will fly to France.

In fact, it is not strange that Haguel is not good at Kakarov.

He didn't know Kakarov, is a small day.

This is a confidential task, knowing that there are very few people, and it is certainly including the "walking of the leakers".

If he knows him, how long does it take for a long time, let Harry know, and Harry knows that Vulid is likely to know.

"This way, you are with Professor Kakarov." William thought.

"What are you?"

"I brought Hermioni to the past, as long as you took the way."

William said that it became a huge sea carving.

Hermione hilfully climbed to the back of the sea carving, holding the William's carving head, hiding himself under the thick feathers.

Haig has to take Kakarov in front of it.

A motorcycle, clever waves in the waves, and a seavat, a more air is more circulating.

"Don't touch my motorcycle, gave me bad." Hagu roared Kakarov.

Xiao Tian Wolf was accidentally broken, and he was a little speechless. This motorcycle was obviously his.

The vision of seavat is very good, and William flew down in the direction of Haig, soon discovered the big ship.

William flew in Hermione, falling in the class.

"Is Starke and Granjo!"

Many Demtron's students see that two are some excited.

William does not have to say, the famous is scary. They also know that twenty-three warriors, what is going on.

After all, many people are found to find the quota of Starke.

Hermione's name is also very famous, especially she is still the champion of this three strongest competition.

Therefore, Professor Kakarov has not been drowned, although disappointing, but can be with the same boat, but also an accident.

After the Haignai class, let several Demtron students, dragging his motorcycles back to the room and repaired.

William and Hermionic did not pay attention to everyone's eyes, and immediately found Xiao Tuiwei and told him to change the route.

"What, don't you go to France to get Mrs. Maxim?" Xiao Nian said surprised.

William shakes his head, mysterious laugh: "Don't go to France, but go first ... Azkan."



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