Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 802 End of Summer Vacation (Thanks to 'Ace101' )

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I don't know when, Harry and Ron suddenly developed the habit of writing letter to classmates.

Never want to copy home homework.

Ok ... it really has this mind.

Hermione wrote the homework before going to the holiday, then lost the school, do not give "reference" opportunities.

And the "reference answer" that was previously circulated in the summer vacation, and now I can't buy it.

This is a priest!

As for why I can't buy it, I was not last year, Li Jordan's homework business was hit by Professor McGe.

Under William, Li Li took the team to change the team, to do the Hogworth Lily Network, and met friends.

The answer to this family is naturally a complete waste.

But this business has been carried out for four years, many students have developed habits, thinking about achieving problems for a time, is also very difficult.

Harry and Ron did not jump in the top and wanted to find a classmate.

It's wrong, it doesn't matter, just want to copy, it has grinded.

But they didn't think of it, everyone did not write.

Roommate Di'an even reply, wrote in horrible tone:

He remembers this, and inquiry what homework is arranged.

If you can, the write a good answer will be sent, and it doesn't matter if it is wrong. It is just to help check.

Good guy ... Why don't you die?

Of course, this is just a belt. They are most important, I want to listen to another grade of Grawfen ... who is.

They don't have their sisters, I don't understand, which bastard is this mysterious wizard.

William knows who, after all, is his suggestion to Dumbledo.

However, he did not say, because of this little thing, he didn't care at all.

Who is the length of the length, what is the relationship ... Youth troubles, in the context of Vulca, there is no lightweight.

William is more concerned about your own layout.

It is the first to rush.

At the beginning of July, he put the small black robe back to Azkan, and the leader of the soul monster was killed.

After the Azka clan, the small black robe did not succeed as a boss, but the status was rising, and it was possible to explore a lot of news.

For example, ... food and deceased, the touch is more frequent.

According to Hermionic analysis, the soul monsters sooner or later rebell, and they can eat dead and prison.

Jailbreak is not the key, the key is that William needs to catch the Woman of Bellatricks and find the drops of the gold cup.

It is not good in the Azkan, but when she jailbreak, she is just a wave.

This is the benefits of spies, William is still waiting for opportunities.

During this time, Umridge's case has finally been the result:

She was sentenced to a month of Azkan imprisonment.

If you use it to be inappropriate, it is definitely lifetime imprisonment.

But just as William thought, one of the three Ao Luo, took the initiative to democracy.

On the day before the trial, he "truthfully frank" is the wand that is in Umridge, using it.

Other two Oto, also willing to testify.

Fuji quickly closed the case, let the Ao Luo stick.

Umridge is sentenced to one month imprisonment because of his unscrupulous guilty.

To be honest, this behavior of temporary workers, interns, and cooperative suppliers is not uncommon.

Fuji didn't have a mountain, but he could not be criminalized by Umrich before he didn't have a mountain.

But this kind of saying is undoubtedly can't serve the public, but the Minister of Fuji seems to have a heart, and it is going to dry with public opinion.

Perhaps in the mind of Fuji, there is also a self-movement of "for Umridge and the world".

It seems that it seems that it is very hot, even inexplicably there is a feeling of the Qiong Yao drama.

Especially the three views that are contained there is ... it tastes.

Unlike last year, that summer is joy, especially the invoice of the Query World Cup.

But just a year over the past, many wizards suddenly panic.

Everyone knows that the situation has changed.

But no matter how the depressed, this August finally came to the end.

September 1,

Early in the morning, William took Hermione and Anne to come to the 94/4 station.

Already have been there, there are countless times, and the three people are light, and there is no wave.

There are many students and parents, and they have no bisquisy.

Seeing William and Hermione, the crowd seems to be in the unveiled key, and it is quiet.

Everyone is with great interest, staring at the two, and many people next to the elbow, pointing to them.

There are even many reporters surrounded by photos.

When William Road passed, he called a sound, and the entire camera began to take a junk.

The movement of the two people is still bigger than ever.

Whether it is the Vienna event, the International Wizard Federation, and even the trial after returning, and the loss of Umridge ...

In the long serial report of Lita, William is an absolute protagonist, and there is a lot of photos testified.

Public opinion has been reversed, and everyone is self-dangerous.

"Starke, is the mysterious people really resurrected ?!" Suddenly someone shouted.

William didn't pay attention, just silently walked towards the train.

In the car that is often sitting in the car, Sedrick, autumn and Navi have arrived.

Sedrick and autumn study a pot of plants.

And Navi is dealing with the continuous struggling toilet, it seems to want to eat that.

"Oh, it is actually Mubimmao." Anne explored his head, and some surprised.

Mubmower is an extremely rare magical plant, very like a gray little cactus, but it is not full of stabble, but is full of scorpion joints.

If the joints in the stab, it will spray a lot of sticky, stinky ink green juice, as well as a kind of chestnut flowers.

That is cool ... Who knows who knows!

"It is really rare." Navi said happily.

"There is no thing in the greenhouse of Hogwarts.

This is my uncle Algi from the court to me, I want to see if I can cultivate it. "

The favorite class of Navi is her herbology and his best class.

This start is to breed in large-scale, manufactured into prank products.

At this time, Harry and Ron have come, the twins were left by Li Lei, and the three people were discussing what.

"It's a strange, do you see Glanfen's new level long?" Ron sat down, he can't wait to ask.

"I just asked a circle, no one knows who the level is ... Dumbledo doesn't forget to send a badge?"

He also looked at Nanwei and asked casually: "Navi, do you know who is it?"

"You must first rule out ... I guess it may be West Mo, although he always bakes, but it is not allowed to like to like him.

He is definitely intentionally concealing ... What do you think? "

Navi didn't know what to say, it returned to a sentence.

At this time, William stood up and hanged the level of the chest: "Let's go ... I have to go to the long car."

Hermione, autumn, Scetrick stand up.

Navi also stood up, Ron curiously said: "Do you want to go to the toilet, we have a piece."

"No." Navi shakes his head: "I need to go to the long car ..."

Harry and Luo Head had a mouth and shocked him.

"What is your joke, are you a grade?" Ron questioned: "Your grade badge, why didn't I see it?"

"I ... I lost ..." Navi nap.

Of course, it is not a lot, but gives him a mother.

William glanced, the wand was gently picking, turning Laifu into a grade badge.

"Let this put this first, then find Dumbledor's application."

Navi is bus fastened to the clothes.

Everyone is pushed out, the whole car is open for a time, only Harry and Ron are stunned.



(Ask for the recommended ticket everyone.

Thanks to the reward of "ink cold and Chuan".

Thanks to the "ACE101" Wancoin Remnies.

As far as I am not fully statistically, I am currently less than 50 chapters.

At the end of this month, I started to pay back ... I have been accountted at the end of the year. I can't pay attention to the New Year Ω ·))