Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 815 is not good!

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts search novel (www.soxscc.com)" look up the latest chapter!

Umrich came, in a certain night, with the mission of the owner (wrong) minister.

When William saw her, it was drinking fresh unicorn, and I didn't come up with it.

Not just what he wants to vomit, many students think.

Umridge leaves a fist-fruked hair, and it is very ugly pink big bow.

In the outside of the robe, wear a pocket jacket, wearing a pink tip, a bit like "Wolf Grandma."

Oh, this damn temperament!

It's really taking the death ... It's simply a look, it will make people can't help but indulge.

Umrich's face is somewhat stiff, this is what she is shocked, is there no time to be stunned?

Her eyes are mixed, and the eyes are in the crowd, and they see Stark and Granger.

I saw two people again, Umrich is complicated, and it is not to describe:

And anger and sadness.

Ecstasy ... It's so good to understand.

After that trial, although it was closed for a month, he was promoted by the disaster.

That's right, she successfully passed the secretary of the secretary and became the deputy minister.

This is already the most prominent position outside the ministeer.

When I came to come, Fuji also held her hand and solemnly promised her:

Just find Dumbledo and Starke's handle, let the two people go out from Hogworth, let her further.

Remove the 'side' word to the minister!

Of course, it is five years later.

Five years.

She is only one step away from the highest power of the British magic world!

Not Umrich expansion, she really has been considering the opponent after the Minister.

This is certainly not good, after all, the enemy is Dumbledo and Starke.

Two legendary men.

This is the reason for Umridge worries.

Dumbledo does not have to say, the most annoying people in the student!

Umrich still remembers that year, that night, in the office, only her with Dumbleo.

At that time, she was only 14 years old ... such as a wild lily to be put on, it is so simple, so kind.

However, Dumbleo hurt her, deep!

Since then, she is slowly black ...

That's right, Dumbleo has made very bad things about her:

The cold rejection, she wanted to be a request for the Chairman of the SliTlin Length and Female Student Association.

Dumbledo actually refused! !

Umrich has always been in the heart.

And Shick's hatred, then more ... Whether it is driven out of the Outro office, it is still imprisoned.

It's really going to be, I am afraid that three days and three nights can't finish.

However, these two people will be driven out of Hogworth sooner or later.

"Professor Dumbledore?" Umrich's voice, carefully listened: "Do he usually eat breakfast in the school?"

According to the information, Dumbledo has recently been not in school, which is likely to restart the Phoenix.

This is also one of the tasks that Umridge to explore:

Investigate Dumbledo is doing.

"The principal is busy." Professor McGess replied:

"You know, recent investigators of the International Wizards have arrived, he as a president, definitely plan to work!"

"But the school's work is also very important. No wonder that Hogwarts is not as good as one year, and the education level is falling ..."

Umridge picks up.

"This is not accurate." Professor McG helped the eye and cold road:

"This year's OWL score and the rate is the highest in five years.

Also, in July International Federation Education Evaluation, Hogwarts rose three times.

Far from Bosbarton and Demrrand! "

Professor Macquard is really a truth, but it is only a rogue.

The OWL and the enrollment rate rose, which is Willey Office of Akari Springs;

The education review is raised, but since Hermione won the champion of the three hegemony.

If the two things are excluded, Hogwarten is probably a decline.

However, Umrich does not know the inner feelings, take the data to smash her face, or more than enough.

Umrich was umrich, and Snape smiled.

He is the most hateful of Umridge.

Because this woman grabbed his position of his black magic defense professor.

It is me, I am first, I am clear, I will come first ... When the professor is good, apply for this position, or like the black magic defense.

Professor Snape also heard that Umrich wanted to grab the location of the Delegal Governor.

Why don't you grab the vice president of McGe? Or the principal of Dumbledo's position?

Stick a snake head.

Professor Virishi is also very happy.

Umrich is here, and the previous year is also introduced, specifically for hybridized creatures.

Mixed blood demon eat your home black bread?

Umrich has been able to accuse her with political literacy in many years. Colleagues are not very welcoming her.

Can't be good!

(Snape: You are coming!

Frevi: Rolling out! )

Umrich looked around and felt that the students were almost the same, they will clear their throat and stand up.

The little wizards put down the newspaper in their hands and looked up to see this new professor.

"The classmates are good!" Professor Umrich smiled and started his performance.

"Well, I must say that I can return to Hogwartes is so good!" She grinned and exposed a pointed teeth in his mouth.

"See these happy little faces, it is great!"

Umridge's voice is higher and pointed, and it is also like a small girl's voice.

If you don't look at your face, you can deceive a pure little boys with your voice.

But with her length and dress, it is really discomfort.

There are also a few students drinking Nanu juice, I can't help it out.

"I urgently hope that everyone will meet everyone, I believe that we will become a very good friend!

What do you have any heart, you can also say privately.

Whether it is learning or life, or even future career planning ... "

"Remind you," smile on the Umridge face, as if blooming chrysanthemums:

"I am the deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic, must help those who want to develop in the middle."

The little wizards are all squatted, obviously not yet, this new professor is so big.

So her, really is quite attractive.

"I am actually a few years old, reluctant to count the same age people, you will take me into my heart!"

Several students spit up ... You don't look at the mirror, smile the fish tail pattern on your face.

Can you make a grandmother, what is it?

"I will do a good job with her, just let me borrow her leopard jacket."

Pavati said to Rander, two people smiled.

"Is this styling a decline in space?" The autumn laughed.

Lua looked up and saw it for a while, and he was seriously said:

"I may give me the mad girl to get a set."

The orange cat in Lua Huai has heard this sentence, and the whole hair is blown up.

Umrich is still talking, it doesn't seem to stop.

Professor McGrang took the lips, tightly, and she did not eat in the morning.

Professor Spruote, I have been going to her dried hair. She still has several little cute, there is no dragon manure.

Snape's face is more wax, he remembers the baby magic medicine to hit it in the crucible.

"When is she going to talk about ..." Hermione made a yawn.

"It may be necessary to talk about class." Willia lifted a wand and gently said. "go!"

A row of large feces suddenly lifted, as if the royal salute, heading toward Umridge.

Umrich is stunned, and there is no big fever.

But the students have experienced rich and have been running towards the auditorium.


The burst came, and a richness of the dead smell and wrap Umridge.

She screamed, and even busy his nose.

Touch your head and look, on the entire faculty desk,

A teacher is gone!



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