Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 961 Hermione, by me Anne Staike!

You can search for "a magic Hogwartz Spring Novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu (www.soxs.cc) "Find the latest chapter!

The domineering looks, let Notel are condensed, and the heart is speaking.

Even if it is an enemy camp, he is also inexplicably producing a feeling from the heart:

True mother's domineering!

But this also makes Norta more angry.

The district mud species, actually made my noble blood wizard, all produced fear? !

Don't forgive! !

Norte face is gloomy, angry: "Stop him, throw throws, don't go close!

Watch him! "

Even if all the giants and the east people brought out of this time ... Starke must also die!

William stood in the animal group, leaned out of the arm, and the fairy made of treasure swords, sharp and unstoppable, and a half-cranial height jumped.

He looked around, and he was all bodies on the side, and he was more comparable to blood.

The thirty stone carving knight has also damaged most.

The remaining giant and half orc, the orders in Nobot, enclosed in a circle, obviously intended to kite him, then exhausted his magic.

So, it was a burst of shooting.

William lifted a wand, all the spears were static, then quickly dropped the arrow, shot back in reverse.

Although these giant and half-orc, because of intellectual issues, the action is relatively slow, it is not a scarecrow.

Remove more than a dozen spears, the angle is too licking, and the stabbies have hit the giant, the rest is just scratching or tricking.

They began to surround a circle and continue to attack William.

Another benefit of low intelligence, it is not afraid of death.

It will not be unruly because of the death of a lot of companions.

This is a wizard, or human can't match.

50,000 pigs really have to catch three days, but 50,000 people don't need it.

Therefore, William, which is also prepared to kill the half-orc people, is also instant, not ready to be entangled with them.

William's body disappears, rushing to Not of Decline.

The thief first smashed the king ... Just kill Nort, this group of giant intelligence is low, no command, can only be a bird and beast!

William looks at the face of Novel, and the mouth is slightly evoked:

"You just shouted very loud, come with Laozi."



The speed of the Hogwart shut train slows down, with a burst of bursts, eventually stopped on the rail.

It is not afraid to hit the William of stopping the army alone.

Instead, countless corpses, it is really in the footclaborate "suicide".

Anyway, can't die, or it is dead, will not die for the second time.

These corpses will give full play to the body advantage, they are squeezed on the railroad track, and the trains are stuck.

The little wizards were originally looked at the William of William, and excitedly blood.

They also want to support, a shackles, but found that the train stopped.

They also calm down.

Or say ... is frightened by the scene in front of him.

This is also a close range to see what is called the corpse.

There is a man, a woman, the child's body, is full of depression, no visual eyes ... It looks extremely terrible.

They used their stick, Baisen's hand, and pulled the train.

And this express train has also opened magic protection under the magic of Slaghane.

The wall is engraved with a lot of ancient ancient magic, and even temporarily blocks the attack of Thunderbirds.

So short time when the corpse is, it is not a big problem.

But their quantity is too much.

The corpse climbs the roof, use the dead hands, tap the top.

There is also a large amount of corpse, it seems to be a hammer, in impacting the body, trying to let the train derailed.

Students are constantly shouting, they are like victims trapped in the island, can only pray firm in magical protection.

But it is better to rely on others.

Students have come up with amulet.

What garlic, pepper, gods, fireplace, boy urine ...

More belong to students, take out the cross, try to use other power systems to strike in latitude.

Isn't this the sword of Christ, my wizard's demon?

Even, there are students who take the high-end perfumes bought in the far East.

It is said that this is a universal magic medicine that can expel any magical organism.

They want to use this taste, expelling the corpse!

This is obviously the fish of Hogwartz seven years of compulsory education.

Just when everyone is worried, the train will come to explosion again.

The battle on the corridor has been in a few minutes.

Hermione is fighting with a sudden phantom to the car.

Hermione, which was fully taught by William, has already placed the wind, she was getting careful, holding a wand, double fingering.

A thick wind blade, rolling in a narrow corridor, cutting the door out of a deep gap.

After Everre, it was irreparable.

Now Notel pulls Stark, this is the best time he caught Slagjo!

But after entering the train, it was blocked by a little girl.

He certainly knows the same very big young witch.

I even know her terrible record ... I used to defeat three Ao Luojia an Umridge.

No one will Xiaoyu Granger!

But the descending of dragged is that Starke is coming back early.

Once he is back, the task must fail, then the next place, must be very miserable!

Effli is an urgent, he also caught so much, raising the wand, and a black flame sprayed.

The devil flames fall in the hallway, and it is fierce, it seems to have life.

It starts to deform, becomes a fire snake, and go to Hermione.

The vigorous curse is extremely uncontrolled with black magic. Once lost, this car is unlikely.

But Effrey has already taken advantage.

If you die, you will die, as long as he does not die, he will give him a flood.

Hermione is serious, facing the hustle spent, she didn't avoid it, but the top is in front, raising the wand, shouting:

"Hundreds of curse!"

Magical flow, bursts.

Finally formed a wide mirror, just like a basin of water, saving the water basin, but that basin is hovering in the air.

Hermione holds the wand and die directly to the huge black giant snake.

Two magical shocks, blowing Hermioni double-haired silkwards.

She presses her hands to press down.

Black flames have no struggle to hit on the ground.

However, the high temperature of the vigilance is also hot on the train.

There are countless corpses, in the gap, hit the wall and rushed in.

Hermione's wand swept and traged the black flame and went to the corpse.

There is a combustion sound similar to silk rapid tearing in the air.

Effrin is an opportunity to raise a wand to alignment.

And I have been hiding in the side of the car, shouted:

"Slide flat!"

The floor under Efrey turned into landslides, he was unbearable to prevent slipping.

"Foulled slate!"

Annie pointed into the door with a wand, with a uncommon loud noise, the door turned into a stone and went to Everre.

Everry has not responded yet, and he was smashed by the stone.

Annie rushed to Efrey, a feet in his arms, evil:

"Brother is not there, Hermione, by me Anne Staike to guard!"



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