Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 9: Help? Another guild?

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Noah, Elusia, and Laxas all know that Ritual Lake is in this city, but they don't know exactly where Ritual Lake is. If they want to go to Ritual Lake, they have to be led by a middle-aged man from the Senate.

As a result, Noah, Elusia and Laxas stood directly at the door after a night's rest, no longer moving, waiting for the middle-aged man to arrive.

It was agreed yesterday that we must meet at the entrance of the hotel today and then go to the lake of rituals together. Now, there is not much time left for the rendezvous, and the middle-aged people should arrive soon.

However, when middle-aged people appeared in front of Noah, Arusha and Laxas, the three stood still.

The reason is simple.

Middle-aged people do not come alone.

Behind the middle-aged, a group of at least thirty different men and women, of different ages, of different heights, of different clothing, but equally disgraceful, followed the middle-aged and appeared before the three of them.

And on these people, in different positions, a different color, the same shape of the Guild crest is being exposed to the air.

Obviously, these people, they're all from the Guild!

Looking at the crests on these people, Laxas gazed at them in an otherwise untamed, divine colour.

“PhantomLord! ”

“'PhantomLord'?!” Noah and Elusia first came together, followed by an unexpected look.


That name, even Noah and Arusha, who haven't been in the Guild long enough, wouldn't have missed it!

Of the many regular Guilds of the Kingdom of Fiore, PhantomLord is arguably the most outstanding at the highest level, even known as the First Guild of the Kingdom of Fiore at its peak, a Guild that truly brings together a number of powerful Demon Messengers!

Even now, 'PhantomLord' remains the finest of all the regular guilds of the Fiore kingdom, with the power hidden in the Fiore kingdom's first name!

However, in recent years, Fairytail has begun to stand out, and has come to the fore, gradually catching up with PhantomLord, making PhantomLord's number one name in the kingdom of Fiore somewhat less or less false.

This is also why, in recent years, the relationship between Fairytail and PhantomLord has become tense, starting with the old death, giving a feeling that it is likely to be higher at any moment.

Between them, when the Wizard of PhantomLord appeared here and followed the middle-aged man from the House, Laxas looked down and glanced at the pale middle-aged man.

“What's going on? ”

Listen to the question of Laxas, which is completely undisguised, and the middle-aged man answers unchanged.

“I'm sorry, folks, but after reporting to the House yesterday, the upper echelons of the House invited these demons from the PhantomLord branch to help! ”

The middle-aged man glanced at Laxas.

“After all, there are only three people in the Guild, and experience seems to be a bit lacking. The people above will be a little uneasy, and it is also normal...”

Hearing this, Noah, where do the three of us not know what middle-aged people mean?

Emotions, middle-aged people don't believe that Fairytail can accomplish this huge task that requires dozens of demon mentors, just three people, all underage kids, so someone from PhantomLord is invited!

So, Laxas laughed, laughing very violently.

“In other words, are you underestimating me, either way? ”

During the conversation, a bit of fierce magic rose slowly from Laxas.

“Beep, beep, beep! ”

The next moment, the golden arc sparkles from the body of Laxas, like a tiny snake of golden yellow running around the body of Laxas, swept around with an extremely intense electric shock.

Not only did middle-aged people and the group behind them look different, but even Elusia's eyes revealed a surprising emotion.

Though not as strong as Noah's, the magic that has risen from Laxas has outgrown the average magician by several times!

How many times more powerful than an ordinary wizard at the age of 15?

Whether it's talent or strength, Laxas has an arrogant capital!

Noah, the only one beside her, looked at the golden yellow arc and the mighty magic of Laxas, her eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

Even Makarov doesn't know that Noah, besides being inherently powerful enough to be invincible, also possesses sensory abilities that others can hardly reach.

Thus, Noah can clearly perceive that in addition to the ferocity characteristic of thunderbolt magic, there is an extremely repressive force in the magic that emerges from the ascent of Laxas, who specializes in thunderbolt magic.

It's like, there's a beast hiding in the magic of Laxas!

Such special magic allowed Noah not to look away for a moment and stare dead at Laxas.

And in comparison to Noah, the middle-aged man who was in front of the angry Laxas had ‘flickered’ and his whole face had turned pale.

It is pitiful that, although he is a member of the House of Representatives, he may not be of a high standing, but will only use some furry magic. Even calling him the Wizard of Magic has some difficulty. He bears the fierce and unusual magic of Laxas head-on. He is no less than confronting a chariot directly from a collision. The fear in it is not enough to be inhumane.

“Enough! ”

At this point, one of the Wizards from the PhantomLord branch, who was clearly in the leading position, took a step forward and looked coldly at Laxas, which was bursting with electricity.

“'Fairytail' kid, it's not a wise thing to do to someone in the House...”

“One of the PhantomLord branches in the precinct wants to make an appearance, too?” The more Laxas laughed, the brighter the light was.

“Exactly, even you! ”

“I'm not Mowglia enough to compare to a kid!” As the wizard who calls himself Mowglia's PhantomLord says, looking at Laxas is getting colder and colder.

“Besides, do you want to openly clash with another regular congregation in front of the people in the House? ”

The Chamber of Deputies has expressly stipulated that it is also a regular association and that there must be no struggle between the association and the association. If the offender is guilty, the association will be forcibly dissolved!

Had it not been for this rule, Mowglia might have meant that she really didn't want to compare herself to Laxas.

“Does the Chamber of Deputies provide for blatant job robbery between two guilds?” Laxas laughed.

“Since you want to rob a job, it's necessary to separate victories and losses. Even the House has nothing to say, right? ”

“We will not rob you of your work!” That's what Mowglia said.

“We're just looking for the House in case your mission fails, we won't do it until your mission fails! ”

Laxas had an arc on his body.