Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 12 Weakened? Unknown anomaly.

(Thank you very much for the 100,000 reward of Ling Fall River! Ten thousand rewards for 'Xuanqi the Magistrate'! And the rewards of 'God Moon Bless', 'Ice Moon Shadow’, 'Dragon Heaven i’, ‘Little H House’, ‘Dragon Sword Ruined’, ‘Dark Dragon Chopped’, ‘Wandering in a World Without You’, ‘Cheng Brother Cheng Me'!

“Joy... welcome back next time...”

With a fake smile on his face so that he could no longer fake it, the middle-aged man from the Chamber of Deputies sweated in front of the hotel and bowed his head to Noah, Elusia and Laxas to see if he could ever see Fairytail again.

Noah, Elusia, and Laxas naturally won't pay much attention to the work of the middle-aged people. They also know that Noah and Laxas really scared each other. After receiving three million J's of direct pay, they packed their bags and went in the direction of the station.

Along the way, however, Elusia's expression was somewhat unforgivable.

“Is it really okay to take a third?” Originally a pretty face filled with tangles, Elusia said to Noah, who was careless.

“I'm just following you, and this time the task isn't helping, not even helping, so it's unacceptable to charge a third! ”

“They're all from the same guild, and they say it's too far-fetched.” Noah sighed slightly.

“Since we have worked together, it is only normal to divide the remuneration equally, and it is better to accept it with gratitude rather than not being able to relieve ourselves of it without prescribing more contributions. ”

Seeing as Elusiana was still unrelenting contrasted sharply with Elusiana, Noah shrugged her shoulders and shifted the subject as though she had accepted a third of what she deserved from the beginning.

“It's about PhantomLord, and I have to go back and talk to Grandpa. ”

Rumor has it that Alusha silenced down and Laxas' eyes swept past the cold.

As part of Fairytail, Noah, Elusia, and Laxas knew that Fairytail's relationship with PhantomLord was getting tense, but they didn't expect it to be this tense.

This time, PhantomLord did something that directly interfered with Fairytail's work, and it was a job assigned by the House of Representatives, and any idea, I'm afraid, anyone could guess.

If it weren't for Noah's true ability to do the magic that provides dozens of magic missionary weights, PhantomLord wouldn't be watching Fairytail do the job.

Though it's just what the PhantomLord branch did, it doesn't mean that PhantomLord really intends to go officially with Fairytail, but maybe not in the future?

So, PhantomLord's action this time is more like a prelude.

If you want to continue like this, the relationship between Fairytail and PhantomLord will get worse and worse, and when the fuse line appears, full hostility will be possible.

It is absolutely necessary to report this incident to Makarov.

“" PhantomLord "...” Laxas looked a bit gloomy.

“When did the guild become so weak that any character could step on the head of Fairytail? ”

Elusia's footsteps lagged behind.

“Weak?” Noah looked straight at Laxas.

“Probably the opposite, right? It's only because the Guild is stronger that PhantomLord gets into trouble, isn't it? ”

“Huh?” Laxas looked at Noah with a mean look in his face and looked at Noah.

“What is not weakness when a branch of the district dares to provoke? ”

“Really?” Noah, who was laughed at and even insulted by Laxas yesterday about his own affairs, was fearless at a time when his eyes became sharper than those of Laxas and surprised her.

“Do you think the Guild with Grandpa would be weak? ”

“The chairman of PhantomLord is the Holy Ten, and the old man is also the Holy Ten, isn't he?” Laxas has stopped and gazed cold at Noah.

“The same is true of the Ten Demons of the Holy Communion. The branches of other people's Guild dare to come to our Guild openly. Isn't that despised? ”

Noah's eyes suddenly squinted.

Holy Ten!

Those are the ten best and most decent wizards on the continent, unanimously chosen by the Supreme Arbitration Body of the Magic Realm, the House of Representatives!

Each of these 10 Magic Preachers possesses an unimaginable power. It is said that the battle between the Ten Magic Preachers will be like an avalanche, and the mere encounter of magic will cause the mountains to shake, making them truly monster powerful!

The Top 10 Mages are also ranked!

However, the Holy Ten Commandments do not rank on the basis of an individual's ability to fight, and there are even people who do not understand the battle at all, but the other side has reached its peak in a certain magical field, and no one can ignore it.

Makarov is one of the Ten Mages!

The chairman of PhantomLord is also one of the Ten Commandments of the Holy Ghost!

It is precisely because of the presence of the Holy Ten Demons, the most powerful of both guilds, that Fairytail and PhantomLord are considered to be competing against the First Guild of the Kingdom of Fiore.

“The Fairytail is getting weaker and weaker, and it's becoming the cradle of the weak!” Laxas spoke with some hatred and cast a grumpy eye on Noah.

“And you, you bastard, have such powerful magic in the sky that you can't even learn magic, will you be willing to be a weak man? ”

Looking at Laxas with a glimmer of iron and steel hidden in his grumpy eyes, Noah lowered her head, silenced for a while, then turned her eyes to Laxas again.

“Magic, I'll learn! ”

Laxas stretched out his hand, dragged Noah's collar, and shouted furiously in his face.

“Then hurry up! ”

“Laxas!” At last, Elusia couldn't help but reach out and grab Laxas' arm holding Noah's collar.

“Calm down! Let go of Noah! ”

However, Laxas did not even look at Elusia, but slowly calmed down after seeing Noah's very sharp eyes directly at him, returning to calm, the unknown rise of fire in his heart.

“How long are you going to be buried? Are you really going to make me look down on you? ”

“What's your hurry?” Noah ignored her body, which had almost been pulled off the ground, and said with some indifference.

“I don't suppose I'll have any effect on learning magic later? ”

“But you're such an obstacle!” Laxas roared.

“Do you know how many people are watching your jokes, bearing Dollar's last name and not even fighting at all? ”

“Dollar's last name?” Noah looked closely into Laxas' eyes.

“Does this name put a lot of pressure on you? ”

Laxas breathes a nitrogen.

“Pfft, pfft...”

At this point, a sound of applause reached the ears of Noah, Elusia, and Laxas.