Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 17: Choosing the Right Way to Gain Power

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In a room on the top floor of the Fairytail Guild, Makarov looked at Noah, who was lying in bed biting her teeth and enduring pain, with no change in her expression, but with her wrinkled eyes surrounded by anxiety that no one else could perceive.

“Pollucica, are you all right? ”

Makarov was talking to an old woman who was standing beside Noah's bed, bandaging Noah's left shoulder and left arm.

“Shut up and watch!” The old woman, named Polluxica, has not changed her face and continues to work on her hands with a slightly sour response in her mouth.

“One more fight and I'll be back! ”

Makarov immediately shut his mouth and dared not speak again.

Because, as Makarov knows, Pollucica can definitely say it.

Although they have known each other for years, Polluxica abnormally hates humans. For Polluxica, the noise and the liveliness of "Fairytail" is definitely one of the most unwanted places.

If it hadn't been for Noah's injuries, Makarov's thick face, making a scene at Polluxica's house, I'm afraid, even if Noah was dying, Polluxica wouldn't have come to Fairytail, and even if she had come now, she wouldn't be happy.

If you mess with Polluxica again, Makarov knows that Polluxica will leave without a word.

Perhaps he couldn't bear to see Makarov's dark self-anxiety, and Polusicaa sighed.

“How old are you, or are you so impatient? You can't say that your grandson's injuries are mild, but he didn't hurt his bones. If you work with" healing magic, "he will recover in less than three days. What's your hurry? ”

“Really?” Makarov relieved himself.

“That's wonderful. ”

“Thank you, Grandma.” Noah, lying in bed, also hurried to say thank you.

“What a hassle. ”

“Don't get me wrong, I just can't stand the old man's dead face!” Pollucica tied Noah's bandages with no expression on her face, then rose without a trace.

“If it hadn't been for that, I would never have been in a place like this where people hate me everywhere! ”

Not only did Noah laugh bitterly, but Makarov was helpless.

“Anyway, thank you. ”

“You don't have to say any more useless crap.” Polusicaa turned her back and walked outside.

“If you really want to thank me, don't ever come to a place like this again. ”

Leave this sentence and Polexica will fall straight out of the door and anyone will feel the discomfort in her heart.

“How old are you, you still hate humans so much..." Makarov leaned aside and cast his eyes in the direction of the promise, watching Noana begin to feel comfortable with his bandaged left shoulder and left arm, and there was a sorrow in his eyes.

“I'm sorry, Noah, I knew this would happen, so I wouldn't let you do this. ”

“Grandpa, what are you talking about?” Noah waved the remaining intact hand with no concern.

“Nobody knows that PhantomLord people suddenly appear, don't they? It wasn't Grandpa's fault. ”

“Don't worry! Noah!" Makarov clenched his fist and there was a silky chill in his old eyes.

“I'll get it back from Joseph sooner or later! ”

“And Laxas!” The cold flashes in his eyes turned to rage, and Makarov shouted outrageously.

“Before I left, I told him he had to protect you, and I hurt you so badly, I must teach him a lesson when I go back! ”

“Laxas?” Noah couldn't help but think back to what Laxas had said to herself and silenced for a moment.

“Grandpa, did you really do something wrong when you said I never learned magic? ”

Just when some angry Makarov heard this, his expression stagnated slightly, watching his grandson lying in front of him give a vague expression, and a feeling of compassion appeared in his heart.

Throughout the year of Noah's adoption, Makarov knew more about Noah than anyone else, and naturally knew that his grandson, in the face of outsiders and events, often showed calm and tranquillity that even ordinary adults could not achieve, and that there was no youth-specific impulse and a very good heart in all aspects.

However, with excellence, Noah is only an 11-year-old child, and there is naturally a weakness in her heart that a child deserves.

It's just that this weakness in Noah's heart only manifests itself in front of the closest person.

For example, in front of yourself.

“You don't learn magic because of what I tell you, even if it's wrong, it's my fault!” Makarov responded after a moment of silence.

“But Noah, I can tell you, your decision will never go wrong! ”

Makarov's words, like a ray of light, illuminated Noah's heart, full of confusion, and made Noah's eyes shine, turning to Makarov.

“Your gift is too good to be born with powerful magic that no one else can compete with, even if it is not specially trained. If you are free to control these magic and learn magic, you will certainly have more power in the future than I do!” Makarov said solemnly.

“But sometimes, too powerful a gift brings more than just simple benefits, which is particularly evident in you. Learning magic, even the magic of the non-powerful therapeutic and auxiliary systems, before you can freely control all your magic, can lead to uncontrolled magic escaping from control and then going wild when you use it, which is very dangerous! ”

“Anyway, your gift doesn't escape, your magic doesn't disappear, so why rush to learn magic?” Makarov's voice began to soften.

“You are young, and you work hard to exercise your magical control every day. Sooner or later, this magic that belongs to you will be completely controlled and utilized by you. It will not be too late to learn magic again, and with your magical strength, once you learn magic, your power will surely grow faster! ”

Listening to Makarov's guidance, Noah's confusion finally dissipated a lot, but she still couldn't get over it.

“I know that too, but this time when I meet PhantomLord, if I can do magic, I can protect my people, can't I? ”

“What are you talking about?” Makarov grinned.

“After everything I've heard from Elsa, aren't you very protective of Elsa? ”

“Is that protection, too?” Noah frowned.

“I just blocked the blow for Elusia. ”

“You didn't let the PhantomLord people hurt their peers, that's protection!” Makarov patted Noah on her skinny shoulder and stared at Noah's face, saying so.

“If you really want power, I won't force you, but I hope you can choose the right way to get it! ”

“The right way to get power?” Noah doesn't know, so.

“It's not just magic that counts as power!” Makarov said with deep heart.

“Aren't you working out your swordsmanship as well as your magic? ”

Noah quickly understood what Makarov meant, and his heart was suddenly open.

“I am sure that you will be able to follow your magical path correctly! ”

Looking at Noana's bright face, Makarov said with great comfort.

“Until then, no matter what, Grandpa will guard you...”

Noah took a deep breath, hiding her inner gratitude for Makarov, nodded her head heavily, looked out the window, and her expression grew steadfast.