Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 19: Gifts from Peers and Families

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of 'Unable to Do As You Want'! And the rewards of 'Ice · Moon Shadow’, 'Linjiang Immortal Soul’, 'Dragon Shallow Moon’, ‘Dragon Tian i’, ‘You Are My i’, ‘Dark Dragon Chopped’, ‘End Road Xuangheng’, ‘Soul Falling’, ‘Singing Son’, ‘Pokémon’, ‘Cloudy Blue Valley’, ‘Heaven and Earth Double', ‘Ti Shadow’, ‘Yifei 2012’, ‘O0 Mingblood 0o’!

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In a forest not far from the Fairytail Guild, Noah took a deep breath by standing on the banks of the river, taking Elusia to a stream where she often exercised magical control in the past.

“It's been days since I've been here and it still feels good to be here. ”

“I didn't expect you to hide such a secret place.” Arusha looked around and seemed quite satisfied with the place.

“It's a beautiful environment and quiet enough for practice. ”

“Right?” Noah blinked at Elusia.

“This is where I usually exercise magic control. ”

“It's good.” Elusia retracted her sight and cast it on Noah, and her expression soared.

“But you brought me to a place like this where it's usually unlikely that anyone will come because it's not easy for outsiders to find out about me, is it? ”

“It's not that it's not very easy for outsiders to know.” Noah shook her head and told Elusia not to be too serious.

“It's just that this place is easier for you to do what I want you to do! ”

“Easy for me to do what you want me to do? ”

“Yes!” Noah turned to Elusia, looking directly into Elusia's incredible eyes.

“I want to learn combat skills from you! ”

“Learn to fight with me?” Elusia, with a muddled face, stood still.

It's not Alasha's fault, it's Noah's so-called favor. It was a surprise.

“I know it surprises you to say something like that all of a sudden.” Noah laughed bitterly.

“But it's really something I want to ask you to do. ”

Looking at Noah with a bitter smile, Elusia frowned and more or less understood Noah's thoughts.

Obviously, the encounter with PhantomLord three days ago gave Noah a stronger mind that he could not fight in that battle.

However, because Noah has too much magic in her body to control relationships as she pleases, and even if Noah wants to become stronger, she cannot become stronger by learning magic, so naturally, she can only focus her ideas on exercising her own fighting skills.

And in that regard, it's not weird that Arusha did get caught up with Noah.

Of course, what's really weird about Elusia is that it doesn't seem like something really weird per se.

“Why me?” Elusia asked outright.

“Perhaps you were surprised to see the results of my sword crushing three Wizards the other day against PhantomLord, which is why you came to me, but with so many good Wizards in Fairytail, it would be more appropriate to find them? ”

“Indeed," Fairytail "has many powerful demon mentors.” Noah shrugged her shoulders.

“But if you say it's more appropriate to look for them, you're wrong. ”

Elusia was slightly unknown, so...

“You also say that they are powerful wizards, so to be honest, I don't see how many of them can be any better than you simply because of their skill!” Nor did Noah turn around and say his thoughts directly.

“Plus, although they gather in the guild every day, they are also mature magicians, they can't stay in the guild all the time, need to go out to work from time to time, but you will not officially start working for the time being, have a lot of time to practice, no one is better suited to teach me now than you! ”

Rumor has it that Elusia also feels a little bit justified and can't help but admire Noah's analytical skills.

It's not easy for an 11-year-old to do that.

And also, Elusha didn't forget that three days ago, in the battle with PhantomLord, she was the same age as herself. Even the young man who didn't learn any magic, didn't even touch her, stood up, didn't fear to block the blow for herself, and beat Mowglia with an unexpected, beautiful punch.

Either way, an average 11-year-old can't do it.

So, Arusha really admired Noah.

Unfortunately, Elusia still didn't say yes.

“To tell you the truth, I do know a little bit about combat skills, but that's not what famous teachers teach me, I don't learn from anywhere else, it's all on my own!” Elusia stared at Noah with a tight face.

“Naturally, I can't assure you that these skills will be excellent, or even effective or useful, even if they are? ”

Instead of showing any hesitation, Noah smiled lightly and said something like that.

“When I hear that, I want to learn it with you! ”

No surprise Elusia stumbled on the spot.

“I didn't make it to the battle" PhantomLord "that day, but I can see clearly what you did, and I can instantly solve the sword skills of the three regular guild demon leaders. Who can say it's invalid and useless?” Noah looked straight at Elusia and said frankly.

“And since you figured it out yourself, I can't find a reason not to learn from you anymore! ”

“This...” Elusaton couldn't help but laugh.

“What, are you in trouble?” Noah scratched her cheek.

“If there's something really hard about it, just ignore me. ”

“No, it's not like that. I just didn't think you'd give me that much credit myself!” Alusha's expression also began to relax and smile.

“In that case, don't ever regret it again! ”

Two 11-year-old teenagers smiled at each other, reaching out very tacitly and holding tightly together under the backdrop of the creek.


It wasn't until it was dark that Noah said goodbye to Elusia on the first floor of the Guild and returned to her room, exhausted.

Even Noah didn't think that she had just begged Elusha, who promised not to delay again, even when she pulled herself to work out.

This is nothing. After all, Noah also wants to master some fighting skills sooner rather than later. He is not a lazy person. Otherwise, he will not exercise his magical control on an uninterrupted basis every day of the year. Alusha is so active and Noah enjoys seeing it.

Now, however, Noah feels too naive.

As Alusha herself said, her battle skills were self-explored, no one taught them, no one learned them from anywhere else, naturally, and she didn't know how to teach them.

And so it mattered that the teaching method that Elusia could come up with was a personal battle.

And so Noah was practiced all day by Elusia, not tired.

“Looks like I need to improve my physical fitness more, otherwise I won't be able to get used to this rhythm of exercise...” Noah opened the door to her room talking to herself.

But with this push, Noah also stayed there.

Just because, on the bed in Noah's room, something that didn't belong to him appeared.

A sword!

A half curved, slightly curved long strip of guardian sword with an icy body!

And next to this rather dazzling knight's sword, there's a piece of paper pressed against it that says only two words -- come on!

Looking at those loose but extremely robust words like old pine, Noah doesn't have to think about it and know who left it.

After all, it's the old man who suggested he get power from something else, isn't it?

Noah's heart was overwhelmed by a burning warmth, and before her, Jean and the heavy lifted up the gorgeous knight's sword in front of her, feeling the rays of the sword and a good aura, muttering.

“Thank you... Grandpa...”