Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 46: A Girl's Heart Men Can't Understand

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of 'Unable to Do As You Want'! And the rewards of 'Ice Moon Shadow’, 'Book Friend 150313094047194’, 'Tee Shadow’, 'Mi Night Shadow', ‘Blue Valley of the Clouds’, ‘ha $light’, ‘Little H House’, ‘Love in Senior Years’, ‘Twice Our Dreams’!

“ …… ”

In a huge library, the unspeakable atmosphere of silence is pervading the air.

Noah was holding a thick book in her hand, but her attention was essentially not on it, but her eyes were tilted forward and her eyes filled with subtle emotions.

Across from Noah, the Mira and Lisana sisters sat side by side, but were not as noisy as usual. If you look closely, you can see that both reactions were somewhat abnormal.

First Mira.

Not only does Mira seem a little embarrassed to be sitting there, but she also has pink cheeks, cute as it is, but this is not the Mira Noah knows.

Lisa is quite the opposite.

Even though Lisa is the youngest of all people, she is also the youngest and the most mature, but today she looks like a child, bored and angry.

This scene has been maintained since Noah was woken up by Lisa, who was somehow shouted.

Looking at this in front of him was more depressing for his lovely sister than usual in all respects, and Noah's heart was so depressed that he couldn't even concentrate on the books in his hands.

So Noah simply lifted her head out of the book and looked at Lisana first.

“Humph!” Lisa snorted directly. Don't go too far. She still looks like she's breathing.

Noah blinked and turned her eyes to Mira.

“————!" Mira shook her shoulder with extreme exaggeration, her pink cheeks turned directly into red, glaring at Noah, extremely embarrassed to scream.

“What? Wanna fight?! ”

“…” Noah was not surprised.

Mira, it's not weird to get into a fight.

Strangely, the old saying 'Wanna fight?' Mira shouted so overwhelmingly and so harshly. Today's cheeks are red. What's wrong with the delicate version of 'Wanna fight?'

Noah really didn't know what was going on with these two sisters, so she simply didn't want to ask directly.

“I said, is there something you're not telling me? ”

When you hear this, the sisters with white hair behave differently.

Mira was trembling. Be a thief and don't overdo it.

Lisa looked angrier and even cringed at Noah.

“Brother Noah is an idiot! ”

“ ”Noah's questions are breaking through the sky.

Is this the heart of a teenager that a man can't understand?

“Well... so much free time to talk, let's find the magic we like!” Mira's uncomfortable turning the subject around.

“Don't you want to learn magic? ”

“Of course I want to learn…” Noah felt that she couldn't find an answer for pursuing it any longer. She could only sigh and cushion the magic book in her hand.

“Isn't that what you're looking for? ”

The conversation finally returned to regularity, and Lisa gradually returned to her usual appearance, skewing her head and asking.

“You've been looking all night, haven't you found the right one yet? ”

“Basically, all the magic books in the Guild's library are here!” Noah photographed a book stacked like a hill on the desktop next to herself, unprepared.

“But I looked at it all night and thought I hadn't found the right one yet. ”

“Is it that hard?” Mira mumbled and grabbed a book and flipped it up.

“It's just magic, not clothing. Why don't you just pick out the best, the most powerful, the most useful magic? ”

“The more powerful the magic, the better. Like your" Receiving Magic "is very ordinary. Naz's" Dragon Eradication Magic "is an ancient precious lost magic, but aren't you still much better than Naz?” Noah held her cheek with one hand and her breath became a little boring.

“That's why I chose to pick it slowly. Otherwise, I would have gone straight to my grandfather, who must have known a lot of very precious, very rare, very powerful magic. ”

In fact, Noah also wanted to learn magic in a self-awakening way.

After all, the magic of autonomous awakening, while not necessarily the most powerful, is the ability of the object that best shows the magic of awakening, the magic of the object that best suits the magic of awakening.

But it's not that easy to do that, there's one of the most critical challenges.

That is, Noah had no idea how the magic hidden inside her woke up.

Everyone awakens their magic in a different way.

Like Mila, she woke up "receiving magic" by touching the devil.

Alicia is also the type of person who learns magic through self-awakening.

And the way that Elusia awakens magic, according to Elusia herself, is when she firms her heart in times of crisis, which is when she awakens "dressing magic."

Noah doesn't know exactly how to awaken her magic.

Ninety percent of the world's wizards choose to learn magic for that reason, and Noah is not surprised.

Plus, what if when you wake up, it's the magic that suits you best, but not the magic you use to fight?

The method of awakening magic is unknown and the type of awakening magic is unknown, which causes 99 percent of the world's wizards to use magic that is learned through their own learning.

Noah had been delayed for two years because of his magic problems, and now that he could finally learn magic, he didn't want to put his hopes on an autonomous awakening without knowing.

“Otherwise, Brother Noah, how about you learn to receive magic, just like us?” Lisana had some luminous suggestions in her eyes.

“So we can use the same magic! ”

Noah looked at Mira, but she accidentally saw a glimmer of anticipation in Mira's eyes, scratching her cheek.

“Nor have I not considered 'receiving magic', but I am not as special as Mira and can accept the power of the devil, so I have been thinking about it. ”

When she heard Noah, Mira opened her mouth at the same time as Lisa, and just wanted to say something, a loud noise interrupted them.

“Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-! ”

It was as loud as a church bell.

As if at any festival, the loud bells suddenly rang throughout Fairytail and even throughout Magnolia, and the sound was loud enough to be heard by almost everyone in Magnolia.

Without waiting for Noah, Mira and Lisana to do anything, a loud noise began to echo from the Fairytail Guild outside the library.

“Kildas! ”

“It's Kildas! ”

“Kildas is back! ”

Just at the same time as the noise went off, Noah, Mira and Lisana also heard alarms over Magnolia.

“Magnolia has changed Kildas mode, folks, please proceed to the designated location as soon as possible! ”

When the alarm went down, Noah, Mira and Lisana felt the ground start to vibrate.

“What... what's wrong? ”

As Noah stood up and Mira grabbed Lisana as she looked around her as if she were trembling in a bookshelf due to the vibrations on the ground, with the conditions reflecting behind her.

“Kildas -! ”

There was still noise in the guild.

“Kildas?” Mira and Lisana face each other.

“Who's Kildas? ”

Noah also frowned and walked toward the door without saying a word, and Mira and Lisana hurried out of the library.


When Noah, Mira and Lisana came out of the library to the bar on the first floor of the Guild, they saw this scene.

All the guild's wizards were silent and silent, as if the noise had just been fake, and their eyes had gathered in the direction of the gate.

And in the doorway of the guild, a figure is slowly approaching.