Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 83: Despair and Darkness

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of 'Datame Seven Nights'! And rewards for 'Red Eyes s silent’, 'Ice · Moon Shadow’, 'Two-Factor Our Dream’, 'Xuanqi,‘ Two-Factor Confusion ’,‘ Blue Valley of Clouds’, ‘Windless Heaven’, ‘Silver Blossom on the Ninth Day of the Moon’, ‘Sky of Candy Gu'!

Because the little girl with the dark red eyes struggled to fall on the ground and all the people fell down dizzy and couldn't get up for a short time.

Seeing this situation, the little girl had not yet reacted, and the people around her showed their anger.

“A monster, indeed! ”

“It only hurts human pests! ”


“Kill her! ”

The people who had just ignored everything were surrounded by themselves, panicked, and the little girl with the face full of fear was surrounded.

The idea in Noah's mind to witness all this can be summed up simply in three words.

Why is that?

Why would this little girl be called a monster?

Why does everyone around her not only see her dead, but also intend to drop a rock downhole?

Why would this little girl have dark red eyes?

Why would a group of residents of Tokyo, who seemed so normal until just now, easily say 'kill her’ to a little girl under the age of 10?

I don't understand.

Noah really doesn't understand.

But Noah doesn't understand, doesn't mean he'll stand idly by.

Without hesitation, Noah went straight up, hiding in panic with the little girl with dark red eyes, grabbed the little girl's hand, and then walked outside the crowd.


After the reaction, including those who chased the little girl from the ground so easily, everyone blocked Noah's way and stared at Noah with an evil look.

“Who are you? ”

“Wanna go? ”

“Do you want to cover that monster? ”

“Watch out for her colon animalization and eat you, you little shit! ”

All the people blocking Noah's path shouted, and some even did not hesitate to speak ill of Noah, leading to more and more people watching and more people casting horrible eyes, disgust and hatred at Noah.

Instead, the little girl who was stopped by Noah seemed incredible that Noah would stand up for her and stand there, forgetting the struggle.

There were more and more people around, more and more comments coming out of bad words and even dirty words, and Noah's heart lifted a little anger, and she threw her hand with the strap of the cloth bag on her shoulder, holding the cloth bag in her hand.

Seeing here, the surrounding sound disappeared instantly.

Just now, the angry and hateful people looked at each other and spit out.


“It turns out he's a civilian police officer...”

“No wonder I went to shelter such a monster...”

“These monsters are rare tools for them, aren't they? ”

“What bad luck...”

The people who said these words no longer looked at Noah, but glanced unwillingly at the little girl with the dark red eyes. Three, three, two, two, with bad words, as they talked and spread out.

At first glance, Noah had a slight glimpse and a thoughtful look in her eyes.

Civilian police?

Another unknown word.

Noah looked away at 'Monolith', somewhat more or less anxious.

Without a certain understanding of the world, one's actions are bound to be limited.

We must hurry and get the information necessary to understand the world.


A week later…

Outside the 'Monolith', which serves as the frontier for areas of human life, an area of unbridled infestation of colon animals, all belong to an area that has been shown by international intelligence to be 'unexplored'.

In such a very dangerous place, Noah stood on an earth of the same colour as a decaying trunk, looking at the black gray sky, and the dark pupils revealed that unprecedented obscurity.

Noah spent the rest of the week hunting colon animals outside the Monolith, except for language and communication mastery in the Tokyo area.

Noah doesn't have the currency of the world.

Thus, after knowing inadvertently that some research facilities were acquiring part of the body of the colon, Noah often came to hunt for some of the colon animals and earned some living by trafficking part of the body of the colon animal.

And now that this has been going on for a week, Noah has basically solved communication and language problems.

So we also know some rather cruel realities.

Noah, who carries a weapon with him, appears to be mistaken for a civilian police officer.

The so-called Civilian Police, short for the Civilian Guard Corporation, is a civil society organization specializing in matters relating to colon animals.

The main task of the civilian police is to eradicate the primary intestinal animals entering human settlements from outside.

Since it is in the form of a private company, civilian police generally carry out their tasks in the form of a mandate.

It also includes tasks such as bodyguards, escorts, searches and, in some cases, instructions from the Government to carry out tasks.

From this point of view, the nature of the work of the civilian police is similar to that of the Wizard.

However, the difference lies in the fact that civilian police are generally operated by two people in partnership.

One is the civilian police themselves.

The other, "The Cursed Son."

"The Cursed Son", a special human being born with the emergence of primary intestinal animals.

They are factors that possess the primary intestinal virus, which, during pregnancy, leads to the accumulation of the virus in the fetus, resulting in children with certain primary intestinal abilities, that is, excessive physical and regenerative abilities.

Because the "Cursed Son" was infected during the embryonic phase, the mutation proceeded at a very slow rate, and they had the ability to heal themselves at high speeds, as well as the agility and power to transcend humans.

And the phenomenon of the "Cursed Son" liberating the colon virus in the body when it acquires power is that it turns into a dark red pupil.

That is the best proof of being the 'Cursed Son'.

When the Sons of the Cursed possess powers comparable to those of colon animals, they are fully applied in the war against colon animals.

As a result, the civilian police of the Civilian Security Corporation were all partners in a group of two.

It is itself a pro-intestinal virus carrier, the "Cursed Son," because of its ability to harness the power of the pro-intestinal virus and its ability to regenerate the body of the pro-intestinal animal, and is therefore the main force in the two groups.

This person, who has partnered with the civilian police and is the 'Cursed Son', is collectively referred to as the 'Initiator'.

As a partner of the Initiator, Initiator supports the battle. Initiator's core support is generally the guardian of Initiator, and most of them are ordinary people. Although the ability to fight may not be comparable to Initiator, they are also basically good fighters, the ordering party and the civilian policemen who have intangible responsibilities as the spiritual pillars of the Initiator are collectively referred to as Promoters.

Because the primary intestinal virus has been around for less than a decade, Initiator, or Cursed Son, is a child under the age of 10.

And they're all women.

So a bunch of little girls born without knowing anything are not only used as props, but even because they have a protozoan virus in their bodies, they are not considered human beings at all.


That's why the little girl with the dark red eyes would be excluded and even hit.

After knowing all this, Noah finally understood.

The world is not just filled with despair, but darker and worse than you think.

Noah couldn't speak for a long time when she looked at the fairy seal on the back of her hand and held her fist tight.

At this moment, Noah made a decision.