Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 87: Using Physique to Strengthen Yourself

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of 'Datame Seven Nights'! And the rewards of 'Ice Moon Shadow’, 'Shawfeather Luo’, 'Xuanqi the Magistrate’, ‘Heaven Without Wind’, ‘Blue Valley the Clouds’, ‘Xuanrong the Dawn’, ‘The Witch Horse This Time’, ‘Silver Blossom on the Ninth Day of the Moon’, ‘Twice Yuan Our Dream’, ‘Dishadow’!

Fairytail, District 39, Tokyo…

In her own home, Noah casually throws a long cloth bag over her shoulder, sitting on the sofa like a paralyzed seat, with one hand covered in front of her eyes, breathing exhaustion.

If possible, Noah would rather spend a day and a night with a colon than have a word for word conversation with a ruler like Holy Son and Chrysanthemum.

Well, I'm really tired.

Even after a whole year, Noah has basically gotten used to this exhaustion and is reluctant to do so.

After a year of fully understanding the dark side of humanity and integrating into a world filled with despair, Noah realized how wonderful she had been in Fairytail.

And this, too, makes Noah miss Fairytail almost every day, thinking about the guys she grew up with.

Now, of course, thanks to Noah's involvement, Fairytail exists in the world.

Whatever the world is called Fairytail, Noah will do everything in her power to protect it.

Tired, bitter, it's worth it as long as we can do this.

“Forget it, don't want to. ”

Noah rubbed her eyebrows, turned her head, looked into the door of a room, stood up and walked there.


Pushing the door open, Noah walked into the room.

This is an extremely dimly lit room.

There are no sunlights on the ceiling and no windows around.

In such a dim room, there is an instrument that waits for heights.

And in the center of the instrument, a thumb-sized incubator is connected there.

It's an inside incubator filled with unknown liquid, bubbling as if boiled.

If there are experts here who know a lot about colon animals, they will be scared to find that the unknown liquid in the culture trough is the treated colon virus!

Instead of being extracted from the primary intestinal animals and filtering out the virus of body fluids and blood, it is the most primitive, infected in the form of a viral body, causing the primary intestinal animal virus to appear!

Generally, humans and even living organisms are infected with the colon virus, and colonization can only be infected by blood.

In other words, the colon virus cannot be infected by air, otherwise there would have been no human being in the world.

However, this does not mean that the colon virus does not exist in the air.

In fact, experts have long proved that the colon virus also partly works in the air.

They enter from the mouth of humans, but they do not infect humans, leading to colonization, which has been proven by countless experiments.

However, the colon virus that enters the human oral cavity, while not infectious, does not die immediately.

If, by chance, a pro-intestinal virus transmitted in the air enters the pregnant woman's mouth, in which case the pregnant woman sometimes gives birth to a fetus of pro-intestinal factors.

"The Cursed Son" comes mostly from this.

The instrument in front of you is the one that can extract the colon virus in the air and give it to all kinds of colon viruses!

Don't look at that colon trough filled with the colon virus, only thumb size, but it's a colon virus that mixes at least a hundred species factors!

If someone accidentally enters one percent of the colon virus at such a high concentration, it should instantly become a complete monster!

Noah naturally cannot fail to know that.

Next, however, Noah's move was definitely to stun the spectators.

“Knock! ”

Noah reached into a thumb-sized incubator and removed a tube attached to the needle from the device underneath the incubator, and then, without hesitation, stuck it in her arm.

In a thumb-sized culture trough, the colon virus, concentrated as a liquid, suddenly followed the device and flowed into the tube, which was injected into Noah's body in less than ten seconds.

“Buzz ————! ”

The next moment, Noah's dark, star-like pupils trembled violently, blinking all dark red and dyeing Noah's pupils.

Those bloody eyes look exactly like "The Cursed Son"!

“Knock, knock --! ”

Noah's heart beats violently.

“Goo--! ”

As the body releases incredible heat, Noah's vision begins to twist up and down, and the illusion of limbs expanding outward appears.

“Bang --! ”

The muscles seemed to burn, causing Noah to shake the arm of the needle and the needle stuck in the body was immediately pushed out of the body like a bullet and bounced off.

“Squeak --! ”

Noah's chest made such a noise that it swelled dramatically for a moment, and the bones all over her body made abnormal, frictional noises.

It is in this situation that the rate at which people outside of the colon virus are injected into Noah strengthens Noah's body.

The "Cursed Sons" possess high-speed self-regeneration and physical strength that ordinary people cannot possess because of the colon virus in their bodies.

Moreover, animal factors contained in the colon virus in the "Cursed Sons" give them a variety of advantages and abilities.

Noah is now infused with a protozoan virus that contains at least hundreds of species factors, and is hundreds of times more fortified than the usual 'Cursed Son', while also gaining the advantages and abilities of that species factor!

Unfortunately, Noah, who is not the Cursed Son, continues to be so affected by the colon virus that he will only turn into a colon!

Only Noah knew that he would never colonize.

The following scenario also proves this.

“ ———— ”

I don't know how long it's been since Noah's physical abnormality began to stop and the body shaking like a lice slowly returned to calm.

The dark red pupils faded away their colours little by little, and the unknown colours gradually disappeared until, at some point, Noah's black pupils returned again.

“Phew..." Noah, who had endured the body's mutation for a long time, exhaled, shook his arm, feeling his body that had been heavily strengthened again, feeling in general.

“No matter how many times I go through it, I'm amazed at my physique...”

Noah's body is different from that of a normal person and possesses characteristics that ordinary people do not have.

And one of these properties is the ability to rule out all the negative forces and side effects that work on Noah.

Including the virus.

By virtue of Noah's physique, the colon virus entering Noah's body was not only removed, but the side effects of colonization, even the nature of "being in the form of a virus", were judged by Noah's body as a side effect, completely decomposed.

Thus, the colon virus that enters Noah's body leaves behind only the effects of purely strengthening the body and bringing the advantages and capabilities of a wide variety of species factors.

And over the course of the year, Noah injected the progenitor virus almost every other month, and with the help of the autologous and progenitor viruses, the power was fully enhanced over the course of the year.

So even if it takes a lot of effort to run Fairytail this year, Noah's power has been boosted considerably.

Noah walked out of the room by reinstalling the culture trough onto the instrument and activating the instrument's function of collecting airborne pro-intestinal viruses.

The next time you come back, it'll be another month.

“Ding-dong! ”

Noah's doorbell rang like a good time.