Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 88 Tianjing Civilian Security Company

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of 'Asuna Sky'! "Ice · Moon Shadow", "Officer Xuanqi", "Yunxiao Qinggu", "Lonely - Moon Hua", "For You", "Luo Shaoyu", "Running Golden Mizuki Moon", "Close Your Eyes Is Sunrise", "The Light of the Dark Sun", "End Road", "Everlasting", "Soul Falling", "Windless Heaven", "Red Eyes s No Words", "Silver Flowers on the Ninth of the Moon" reward!

“Ding-dong! ”

Noah, who had just come out of the room, heard the doorbell slightly, but then the excellent sensing power gave Noah a clear response to the breath of an outsider, causing Noah, who recognized him, to roll his white eyes.

Before walking up, Noah opened the door directly, and the next moment, three shadows were printed in his blindfold.

The visitors were a man and a woman around the age of 16 or 7 and a young girl around the age of 10.

Standing in front of a man and a woman is a 10-year-old girl.

The little girl was wearing a trendy plaid lined jacket with short skirts and thick-soled high boots and a slightly shaky hairpin on her left and right ponytail with a big smile on her face.

Standing behind the little girl to the left is a beautiful girl of black descent.

A long, smooth, dark hair leads straight to the waist, in stark contrast to a fine, snowy skin, wearing a student sailor's uniform, elongated eyes and a beautiful face.

Standing behind the little girl to the right is an inexorable teenager.

A pure black student uniform like a suit was worn on the teenager's left chest, not knowing which high school badge it was, wearing a pistol at the waist, and knowing at first glance that it could not be an ordinary student.

Such a threesome appeared in front of Noah with a smile on her face.

The difference is that the smile of the little girl is the kind of vibrant and cute expression that comes from the heart, and the smile on the face of the young girl who stands behind it is somewhat more or less likable in it.

Noah pretended not to see the teenager and the girl standing behind her, saying hello to the smiling little girl.

“Yanju? ”

“Chairman!” The little girl named Yanju jumped directly at Noah and hung herself on Noah.

“I missed you so much! Chairman!”

“Liar! I only said hello in class tomorrow morning!” Noah unmercifully ripped off the beads hanging from herself, ignoring her dissatisfied expression, and patted her head.

“Sounds a little older, doesn't it? ”

Smell it, Yanbu's eyes lit up, excited to say it.

“Is that a chest?! ”

As soon as the voice fell, Noah pounded a chestnut directly on Yanju's head, causing her to breathe out a painful sound while correcting her face without expression.

“It's height! ”

“Hey, hey, hey! Chairman Noah!” The girl, who has been ignored, seems to be a little impatient, going one step further, pointing to her nose and emphasizing her presence.

“We're here too! We're here too! ”

“Is that you?” Unfortunately, Noah's reaction was extremely cold.

“It's been a long time since Miss Heavenly Boy and Miss Ri met Lotus. ”

“Don't call me Tianjing, just call me Mugang!” Tianjin wrinkled his nose even more and said somewhat unhappily.

“Chairman Noah, did you do it on purpose? ”

“Really?” Noah's reaction was still so cold.

“I'm so sorry. ”

“Nah, Noah, don't you have to be so cold with us?” I saw Lotus grabbing his hair.

“At least we've known each other for a year. How can we be old friends? ”

“So, my old friend met Lotus and Tianjin, let me guess what the purpose of your visit together is?” Noah smiled.

“If I'm not mistaken, the reason for the two visitors should be that Tianjin Civil Guard Company's income last month was infinitely close to zero, and there was no business this month. Therefore, as president, Tianjin Mugang met with his civilian police officer, who could not come to me under the difficult circumstances of even living expenses. I hope that I will share some of the entrustments received by Fairytail with you. ”

Noah glanced at Liantaro and Tianjin and closed her eyes.

“Am I right? ”

“Oh...” Liantaro and Heavenly Kid kept a more rigid look, laughed twice, and Yanju jumped up with joy.

“It's our Fairytail chairman, all right! ”

“Is that so?” Noah's silent gaze turned to Liantaro and Tianjin.

“I said, how can a civilian police company like you run a job that needs to be commissioned from somewhere else? ”

“What can I do?” Tianjin was more annoyed, he said.

“It's all because our company's members are so useless, they can't beat up our company's reputation, their strength is still so weak, of course others don't want to look for us! ”

“Is that really true?” Lotus couldn't help but grunt and refute.

“The problem should be that the first floor of the building where our company's address is located is gay, the second floor is a nightclub, and the fourth floor is a loan shark, right? ”

“If you really are a good civilian police officer, your guests won't even care!” Tianjin glanced at Liantaro in the eye and then looked at Noah. He hung a fake transactional smile on his face so that he could no longer fake it.

“Well, Chairman Noah's Fairytail gets a lot of appointments every day, doesn't he? Would it be all right if we split it a little? ”

The task of the civilian police is to resolve incidents related to colon animals.

Compared to the purely civilian police, the nature of Fairytail is quite complex.

Inside Fairytail, there are schools, hospitals, residences and even Initiator training facilities dedicated to the Cursed Son, and the money to maintain these facilities was almost exclusively personal property from Noah.

Benefit from the hunting of primary intestinal animals and the trafficking of their bodies to research facilities for the study of primary intestines.

This is how Noah made his money from the beginning, and then spent all his money on the creation of Fairytail, which allowed Fairytail to be born.

And when Fairytail is really operational, Noah gets paid to get a lot of money to get Fairytail on track by partnering the inner Initiator with the civilian policemen he recognizes and inviting them into Fairytail to work in the name of Fairytail.

Civilian policemen under the umbrella of the general civilian security company go out to work on a salaried basis, and the remuneration is entirely attributable to the company.

Noah is letting Fairytail learn Fairytail from another world, making each commission into a power of attorney, posting it on the board, allowing the civilian police under the flag to choose their own work, and 70% of the reward goes to the civilian police themselves.

This mode of operation has also attracted a number of external civilian police.

After all, if you work at Fairytail, as long as you work diligently, you will definitely get paid much more than the average civilian police collar.

In this way, Fairytail, as an alternative civilian police organization, is also recognized by a number of industrialists.

Now Fairytail is the premier civilian police organization in Tokyo.

This is also why these two thick-skinned people come to Noah frequently.

“Boo-hoo! ”

Heavenly Kid threw a heavier punch and hit Lotus in the stomach.

“Whoo!” When he saw Lotus, he made a strange noise, laying on the ground with his stomach covered.

Tianjin knelt down more immediately, pressed and held Liantaro's head, and made a kneeling.

“We'll follow Fairytail's rules and only get 70% of the pay, so please give us a job, or we'll just starve! ”

Noah sighed heavenly and utterly silent.