Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 117: The Hardship of the Holy Residence Guard (First Order! Moon ticket!

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It's on the shelf! This is the first chapter of VIP! Strive to subscribe! Moon ticket!

(Thank you very much for the 10,000 reward of the Mido of Love! ‘Tishadow' 's 1888 reward! And the rewards of the other bookmates!

(Between the requests of some bookmates, the first chapter of the VIP, which should have been released in the morning, should have been released in advance. I hope my friends can support the first order!

(The next chapter will be released at 12: 00 pm. Please ask your friends to see the testimonials. There are detailed instructions for updating, so don't come out tomorrow morning to ask why they haven't updated...)

Over the next hour, Noah stayed in the Holy House and had a detailed discussion with the Holy Son about the day of the meeting's escort plan, walking directions, itinerary and the commission and duration of this one.

Originally, people who consulted with Noah about things like escort plans, walking directions, scheduling should have been the Holy Guard, led by the threat to Zhuo people. There was no need to bother the Holy Son with the question of commission, just talk to the Holy Son's secretary.

However, on the grounds that Noah was her close escort and that the person who entrusted Noah was herself, the Holy Son left the escort plan entirely to Noah herself, and the issue of remuneration was also discussed by the Holy Son herself with Noah.

Noah has no problem with that.

You don't have to talk to some saint guard about the escort plan, let alone some unknown secretary about the reward, you just have to talk to the Holy Heavenly Son, which is fun.

Noah walked out of the room under the watchful eye of the Holy Son when all the escort plans for the day had been prepared and handed over to the Holy Son.


Noah scratched her cheek and suddenly sighed as she walked down a corridor in the Holy House where she didn't know where it was going.

“Qi Wu Zongxuan? ”

Looking back at her past two phone conversations with each other, Noah was inexorably tired and had an impulse to regret taking on this assignment.

Honestly, although we've only spoken twice, Noah's impression of aligning Wu Zongxuan is really bad, almost comparable to that of Tianjin.

It can be said that Qi Wu Zongxuan is definitely the most typical of Noah's most hated types of people.

So Noah doesn't want to deal with people like that at all.

Besides, Qi Wu Zongxuan is also a political enemy who has been entangled with the Emperor of Chrysanthemum for more than 10 years. Noah can't help but get bored when she thinks that she has to face an adversary who is likely to resemble the Emperor of Chrysanthemum in some respects.

“Would it be better if I pushed this one off? ”

That sentence had just fallen, and Noah stopped in her own footsteps, revealing an interesting colour in her eyes.

“I also very much agree with you. ”

Then, I don't know if they found Noah stopping before he showed up, and behind Noah's back, a hard object hit Noah's back brain.

“Noah Dollar, it would be better if you gave up on this one, even for yourself. ”

With this phrase, in addition to those who stood behind Noah and made noise, several others emerged from behind Noah and surrounded him.

They wore solemn white clothes and guns around their waists, but the holsters were empty, and the guns inside were held in their hands by one of them, surrounding Noah while aiming at his body.

It was the Holy Guard who had just entered Noah's line of sight under the introduction of the Holy Son.

Noah shrugged her shoulders helplessly, looking around at herself and pointing a gun at a member of her Holy Residence Guard, etc. and looking at them with ridicule and contempt in their eyes and faces.

“What are you doing? Threaten Captain Zhuoren? ”

The man who stood behind Noah and pointed a gun at Noah's back, Heron, was the one who threatened Zhuo.

However, when Noah could not see it, but could guess it, the threat to Zhuoren was still very friendly until just now, but at this time had the same vicious look as the bully, a pair of snakes and lizards with exactly the same unmasked malice in their eyes.

“Shut the fuck up!” Threatened Zhuoren hard to hold the gun in his hand against Noah's back of his head and whispered.

“I am the glorious captain of the Holy Residence Guard, you are just the monster leader who adopted a bunch of monsters, don't give me the tone to speak to me on an equal footing! ”

The members of the Guard around them laughed laughingly, but completely unaware that Noah's eyes were getting cold.

“Down with the Scorpio hero?” And the threat to Zhuo people was as if he had endured Noah for a long time, whispering and whispering.

“If I had the bullet to defeat Scorpio, I could be a hero to defeat Scorpio, you lucky bastard. ”

“Why you?” Slowly, the tone that threatens Zhuo has brought with it feelings of hatred.

“Lord Tianjin has entrusted His Holiness to me. The one standing next to His Holiness should be me. Why did you, the lucky bastard, suddenly get the authorization of His Holiness and be invited into your room by His Holiness? ”

“Room?” Noah was surprised this time.

“Is that really the Holy Son's room? ”

“Add the word" adult "to me!” Threatening Zhuoren couldn't help yelling.

“Don't be so intimate with me, that beautiful head of state is mine, only I can get her and become the new ruler of Tokyo! ”

“Oh?” Noah stared forward, softly.

“Though there is a little speculation, it is because of this that you are so hostile to me. ”

Listening to Noah's somewhat apathetic words, he threatened Zhuoren to slightly widen his pupils and his body trembled with anger.

“What are you calm about?!” Zhuo raised his hand with a gun and hit Noah's head with a gun butt, with no mercy in it.

“You should be trembling because of fear by now! ”

After all, the gun butt that threatened Zhuoren to hit Noah in the head swung in the space.

“Psst! ”

In a broken voice, Noah, originally standing in front of the Zhuo people, behind the back of the Zhuo people, suddenly disappeared into the view of the people on the scene. When he appeared again, he was already behind the Zhuo people.

Then, when no one at the venue responded, Noah stretched her legs out slightly, ticking under the feet of the threatening man who tilted forward because of the emptying.

“Bang --! ”

A total loss of balance threatened Zhuoren with no preparation. He hit the floor heavily. Instead, the strong nose beam became the most stressful part, causing Zhuoren to make a scream.

“ ———— ”

Around, all the guards who wanted to watch the show had no idea that Noah would suddenly strike back, and when the reaction came, they rushed towards Noah.

But the next moment, the guards' faces were all stunned.

Just because the guns that were supposed to be in their hands didn't know when they were going to disappear.

“Hello.” Noah's voice sounded.

“Are you looking for this? ”

As the sentence came out, Noah waved randomly, a pile of guns fell out of his hand and made a dull impact on the ground.

“You...” the escorts began to retreat in shock.

“When did you...”

“Bastard!” Covering a red nose beam, he fell on the ground threatening Zhuoren with an angry roar, just remembering that one foot appeared on his back and fell hard.

“Boo-hoo! ”

“Goo--!” Threatening Zhuoren to lie back on the ground again, the tremendous force coming from his back made all the air in his heart squeeze out, his chest and back were as painful as hitting a rock, and he screamed.

“Stop... stop!” The shocked guards finally remembered the need to help threaten Zhuoren, but before they could make it forward, a sharp gaze swept through their bodies.

“————!" All the escorts were frozen on the spot, forgetting to move.

“Humph." Noah chuckled, bowing her head and watching as she kept threatening Zhuoren at her feet.

“Am I to be thankful for your generous dedication to the future ruler of Tokyo, who was stepped at my feet by a lucky monster leader?” (Great activity of dropping pies in the sky, cool phone waiting for you! Follow ~ Chinese Official Account (WeChat Add Friends - Add Official Account - Enter qdread) and join now! Everyone has a prize. Follow the qdread WeChat account now!