Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 154: Sequelae of the First Murder

(Many thanks to ‘Pan YSJD’ for the 10,000 reward! 1888 reward for 'Book Friend 141018220740885’! And ‘oops! That's a good book!’, ‘Burning Purple Flame’, 'The Witch Horse Is Here’, 'Heavenly Underworld. The reward of the leftover moon, the night of the night, and Xuanqi the magician!

Fairytail, District 39, Tokyo…


Upon returning to her home, Noah fell on the couch until she was just so tired in front of all the Fairytail members.

“Chairman (brother)...”

Xia Shi, Yanju and Tina looked down on the sofa, their faces were exhausted Noah, their eyes were heartbroken and worried.

But even so, there is no way to get Noah out of exhaustion.

That's not physical exhaustion.

It's mental, inner exhaustion.

Noah was really disappointed.

Very, very disappointed.

Although it had long been known that the world was so desperate and chaotic that humans in the world were so miserable, Noah had not thought that they had come to this point.

Since the Cursed Son is giving his strength to defend these ordinary people and to fight against the enemies of mankind, how can these people, as if reason were on their side, naturally hate the Cursed Son and naturally reject the Cursed Son?

And, more importantly, they can still take their children for granted as monsters and make declarations like "all deserved to die" with no care.

Do they even know how ugly their actions are?

Do they even know what they're doing is blackmailing all mankind?

Do they even know they're retaliating for saving their lives?

Do they know that doing so, in the end, is only weakening the power and hope of mankind to defeat the colon, and ultimately, the people who hurt them are themselves?

From the moment he made up his mind to guard Fairytail, Noah was ready to fight against the humans who were hostile to the Cursed Son.

It's just that Noah still didn't think that there would be so many of them alone.

Even "plundered generations" seem to have radicals and stabilizers.

Radicals are those who hate The Cursed Son very much.

The Stabilists, for their part, were the ones who excluded the "Cursed Son" during the week, hiding their hatred deep in their hearts and not revealing it.

Now, in the face of the crisis of life, these people have all torn their disguises apart, revealing the ugly side of their hearts and their hatred, and they can no longer conceal it.

So it wasn't until now that Noah knew that those who were hostile to the Cursed Son were not only more, but more severe than he thought.

Noah has been disappointed.

Disappointed with humanity in the world.

But even so, those people, they're still people.

Even the guy who's going to blow the whole Fairytail thing up is human.

Noah, lying on the couch, raised her hand.

The pair of hands belonging to Noah are trembling.

“After all, it's still glued to the blood...”

Seven years.

It's been seven years since conscious beginnings.

In those seven years, Noah has learned a lot.


Sword technique.


Martial arts.



Wait, wait, wait. Countless.

Today, for the first time in seven years, Noah learned something she didn't want to learn.


Threatening Zhuo people is the first person in Noah's life to kill himself.

Until then, only monsters or colon animals had died in Noah's hands.

Man, it's really the first time.

Even if the other person is the one you hate the most.

“Chairman.” Xia Shi did not know when she had arrived in front of Noah, reaching out and holding Noah's trembling hand, a pair of clear eyes staring directly into Noah's eyes.

“Brother.” Tina also walked over and grabbed Noah's hand hard and took her face seriously.

“Chairman.” Yan Zhu also came to Noah, his pretty face, though a little white, held Noah's hand firmly.

Noah's trembling hands were steady and her heart was certain. She looked at her three little girls with concern and laughed bitterly.

“Sorry to bother you. ”

“Please don't say that.” Xia Shi shook his head.

“We know exactly who you're doing this for. ”

“Brother killed those people in front of so many people, to deter them, right?” Tina was also a gentle smile.

“The same thing will never happen again in Fairytail, will it? ”

“Thou hast killed to protect us.” Yanju's face of guilt.

“So we should be the ones to say sorry. ”

“So it's all been seen through?” Noah smiled.

“I thought I was hard to see through, but this time I was seen through by you three little girls. You three will surely be smarter than me when you grow up? ”

Xia Shi, Yanju and Tina just shook their heads, but didn't say a word. They held Noah's hand vigorously, as if they wanted to separate their hearts from their fear of the first murder, and continued to focus.

Within the civilian police, a number of people are either hooligans or criminals who have committed major crimes.

Prisoners are more than just a gangster, and while serving as a civilian police officer, they have not always done anything wrong.

Killing is one of them.

And Xia Shi, who followed the Admiral, also killed by order of the Admiral.

So, Xia Shi knew very well how Noah felt at this time.

As for Tina, let alone...

As a former assassin, Tina does not know how much she has learned from assassinations alone, nor has she done anything to destroy lives herself.

And even if she did, Tina was scared every time she killed someone.

So Tina also understands Noah's feelings best.

On the contrary, Yanju, who has always lived under the shelter of Noah and Fairytail, together with his partner and Lotus, has never killed anyone before.

But Yanju envisioned it.

What would it be like to kill someone yourself?

With that in mind, Yanju understood Noah's feelings.

Noah sighed when she saw Xia Shi, Yanju and Tina all give a comforting look.

“Don't you care about my decision? ”

This time, Noah not only gave up access to the underground bunker for the entire Fairytail, but also gave up guarding the Tokyo area and intended to stand idly by.

The former is an opportunity to save a few lives, and the latter is more likely to lead to the eventual demise of the Tokyo region, with Fairytail.

Anyway, Noah's decision seemed to push Fairytail to a halt.

But even so, the folks at Fairytail chose to trust Noah and follow Noah's instructions.

Noah was really touched by this, but it was also difficult to assure whether the people who trusted his Fairytail would be disturbed.

Xia Shi and Tinathan looked at each other and said in unison.

“We respect the Chairman's decision! ”

“The concubine also respects the Chairman's decision!” Yanju said out loud, but the voice went down again.

“But what about the concubine? ”

“Yanju.” Noah touched the little head of the beads.

“You don't have to worry about my decision to go to war! ”

“Eh?” Yan Zhu stunned and was in a bit of a hurry.

“Concubines are also part of Fairytail! ”

“I know, I'm not denying that you're not part of Fairytail.” Noah explained.

“It's just that if you don't, Mr. Lotus will be in danger. You have to protect him. ”

“Concubine understood.” Yanju nodded freely.

“The concubine will protect Lotus! ”

Noah smiled slightly and looked over at the sky outside the window.

I hope nothing else happens next.