Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 156 Two Positions, Three Implications

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Noah once said in front of Lotus that Lotus was the kind of man who would sacrifice himself for the cause of righteousness.

At that time, Lotus also rebutted that she could not be the type of person who could die very easily.

Unfortunately, this time, Liantaro's questioning revealed the essence of the implementation of the great sense hidden deep within his body.

“I just don't really understand why you're doing this.” What happened to Lotus? He made such a defense as if the dead duck had a hard mouth.

“Not for any good. ”

“Really?” Noah looked deeply at Lotus.

“Can't you really understand why I'm doing this? ”

“I…” Liantaro opened his mouth and welcomed the second cork.

Saying you don't understand why Noah did it is a complete lie.

After all, even a fool knows that Noah would make such a declaration on behalf of Fairytail only to protect the "Cursed Son" who lives in Fairytail.

People can't stand the "Cursed Son" and even want the "Cursed Son" to die.

Noah, on the other hand, wants to protect these children and make them happy.

So Noah made that noise on behalf of these bullied children.

Just like Noah said before.


Because of the different positions.

Therefore, Noah must stand in opposition to those who are equivalent to the entire Tokyo region.

“Even so, it doesn't have to be this extreme, does it?” Lotus is a little unrelenting.

“Can you really watch the entire Tokyo region die in the hands of colon animals? ”

“Why not?” Noah said faintly.

“If they can just say what they want us all to die, why can't we just watch them die? ”

“You're too radical!” Lotus said aloud.

“Can you watch them die just because they are not good to you?! ”

“So I told you, Mr. Lotus, I'm not like you!” Noah's face is still calm.

“If someone around me is hurt by someone, then there is absolutely no way for me to persuade myself to let go of the other person for the sake of so-called righteousness. 'Fairytail' always exists only for the sake of family and companionship, as I should have told you. ”

Lotus's face was all tangled up, obviously there was still no way to forgive her.

The tree that witnessed the conversation between the two could only sigh in the dark in their hearts.

From the standpoint of being a bystander, both Noah and Lotus are right.

The difference is that Noah's starting point is from the perspective of his family and companions, while Lotus's starting point is from the perspective of the whole Tokyo region and indeed of all humankind.

One is for war.

One is for the greater good.

Who can say that Noah and Lotus are wrong?

Lotus also seemed to understand this, as well as that he could not force others to work to protect others.

That sounds great, but unfortunately, how many people can do that?

Even Lotus is not sure he has no selfish side.

Besides, Noah's approach is not selfish, not even just to preserve Myung-chul, but to treat him in his own way.

Others are good to him, and he is good to others.

Others are bad for him, then he will definitely give it back a hundred times.

Noah Dollar, chairman of Fairytail.

This is the most basic rule of his life.

Lotus was able to understand this and sighed like a loser.

“But you've made a big difference, haven't you? ”

Noah's declaration not only brings Fairytail to the opposite side of the whole Tokyo region, but also raises questions of all sizes and sizes.

Fairytail has an alternative way of saving lives, leading a large number of people to ask to join Fairytail, which is one thing to seek refuge in Fairytail.

Noah's actions on that day also had three major effects.

One is that someone has begun to propose the repeal of the New Act on Progenitor Animals.

The reason is simple, because Noah announced publicly that Fairytail was no longer helping to protect the Tokyo region, and that officials in the Tokyo region saw no need to protect the basic human rights of the "Cursed Son" of mankind.

However, this proposal has not yet entered into force.

The reason is that "Cursed Son" in "Fairytail" does not represent all "Cursed Sons," and that "Fairytail" also includes people other than "Cursed Sons."

According to this statement, Fairytail's "Cursed Son" has to abolish all the human rights of the "Cursed Son" without his help. Can Fairytail's people deny all human rights?

That is why the proposal is still controversial, and it seems that it will sooner or later subside as long as it is not accidental.

Secondly, the day Noah killed a group of people with the Fairytail in front of everyone, threatening the Zhuo people, killing them in front of the public and provoking intense reaction from the general public.

Organizations such as this, which kill ordinary people at will, are considered to be completely criminal, terrorist organizations and should be arrested in their entirety and even sentenced to death.

Unfortunately, that argument is equally controversial.

Because a bunch of people who want to threaten Zhuo people are felons who want to plant bombs in Fairytail.

And the group of "Fairytails" headed by Noah are basically civilian police, with the most basic right to outlaw crime. Shooting felons is not a crime, but rather the enforcement of the right to self-defence and the right to outlaw.

However, Fairytail shoots captured criminals on the spot, making many feel that this is already part of the crime of indiscriminate homicide.

Therefore, the issue has not been contested for a long time.

As for the last issue, the impact of what the residents of Tokyo did that day.

Tokyo residents who, for various reasons, excluded the "Cursed Son", after Noah announced that they would not take part in the war, demonstrated an attitude of self-defence, even without the civilian police.

This attitude has caused a lot of friction and a lot of civilian policemen ready to defend Tokyo, one by one, anger and disappointment.

Who wouldn't be chilled when they struggled so hard to defend Tokyo?

Plus, when the news that Fairytail had other means of saving lives came out, a lot of civilian policemen who chose to go to war because they would die if they didn't guard the Tokyo area didn't have to worry. One by one, they chose to go to Fairytail and join the ranks of non-warriors.

Three influences make the otherwise chaotic Tokyo region even more chaotic.

That's what Lotus meant.

“Why?” Noah said with a smile.

“You think it's my fault? ”

“That's not what I meant...” Lotus swallowed up.

As I said earlier, Noah was right.

Rather, it is impossible to complain in good faith when ordinary people are treated badly.

That's what people do.

At this point, the tree that inadvertently leaned its eyes out the window narrowed its pupils and screamed in shock.

“How is that possible?! ”

Hearing the screams of Mugang, Noah and Lotus, who were preparing for a new round of argument, looked out the window as Mugang gazed.

The next moment, the scene that was printed on the curtain allowed Noah and Lotus to congeal their pupils together, and a sense of consternation began from the soles of their feet, rushing out along their bodies and over their heads, spreading all over their bodies.