Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 161 Outbreak of Conflict, Commencement of Dispute

(Thank you very much for the 1888 rewards of Book Friend 150430005017276, Book Friend 150430005017276, And ‘AFzu’, ‘What 5 What 2’, 'GS Big Wet’, ‘Night Hidden’, ‘Void. The crown of thorns, the cwoxe, the twisted assassin, and the charm of heaven!

“One step closer, and I'll cut off his head! ”

With the roar of my cousin, all the members of Fairytail stopped to rush over, and a look of regret appeared on their faces.

“Chairman!” Xia Shi, Tina and Yanju shouted.

Xia Shi and Tina, close to Noah, rushed up the gun in their hand, pointed at my cousin Zheng, you can see my cousin Zheng's black knife on Noah's neck, the movement in his hand was stiff there, the only thing left on his face was anxiety.

“My house!” Lotus had no idea that my cousin was suddenly going to do something like this. Step forward and shout out.

“What are you doing?! ”

“I'll see you in there, Captain, and shut your mouth!” My cousin was looking at Lotus indifferently.

“I have my way, I don't need you to blame me! ”

“You--!” Lotus bit his teeth and stared at my cousin as if he wanted to bite a piece of meat from him.

“Is this what you stand for?! ”

“I told you, I have my way!” My cousin was responding coldly.

“It's not your turn to blame! ”

“Bastard!” Lotus also showed remorse.

Instead, Noah, who was being held hostage by my cousin, not only didn't panic at all, but the corner of his mouth pulled a small curve.

“It turns out that if you can't persuade them to take it down, it really looks like what the civilian police would do. ”

“I can't help it, otherwise I really can't find a reason to convince you.” My cousin was closing his eyes and said with no expression.

“So now, can we ask Chairman Noah to let Fairytail go? ”

“By whatever means?” Noah whispered.

“No wonder you can be the leader of a group of civilian police equivalent to outlaws. You seem like a hero, but I underestimate your cunning. ”

“Whatever you say cannot shake my resolve.” My cousin was tightening the knife in his hand, bringing it closer to Noah's neck.

“Chairman Noah, please cooperate, for your own sake. ”

“Despicable!” Behind the crowd at Fairytail, there was this outrage.

Even the civilian police in the Civilian Police auxiliary units bowed their heads and were at two extremes in comparison to their initial sense of integrity.

Vigorous questioning in someone else's territory has always been about being the right person to be.

As a result, Noah's two or three sentences disrupted the momentum of the Civilian Police Auxiliary Force, and my cousin's righteous approach broke the idea that he thought he was the most correct one.

It has to be said that the civilian police auxiliary forces are now completely ineligible to question Fairytail, and naturally, the subconscious do not dare to confront Fairytail.

“It's all about protecting the Tokyo area.” My cousin said bluntly.

“" B&B Five "is only injured and will come back to life when the restoration is complete, and if the new" Monolith "is to be made, it will take three days. In the meantime, once B&B Five strikes again, we have no chance of winning. Chairman Noah can only ask you to do it. ”

The number of civilian police in Fairytail is also above the Civilian Police Auxiliary Unit.

Not to mention, there are a number of IP rankings in the Fairytail civilian police portfolio that are extremely advanced and possess great power.

Together with that massive "Cursed Son," if Fairytail fought, the chances of blocking a legion of colon animals would increase considerably.

And Noah has a bullet that can kill Scorpio.

If "Bullets" were used to kill the same "Bijuku V" as the leader of the Legion of Primary Animals, by then, the primary intestinal animals that lost the unifying power of "Bijuku V" would be only a plate of scattered sand, and the difficulty of dealing with it would increase dramatically.

Therefore, in order to defeat the Legion of Progenitor Animals, win the Third Kanto War, and defend the entire Tokyo region, my cousin was willing to use this method.

It's all because "Fairytail" has too much and too much impact on the situation.

My cousin is right, I have no choice.

Unfortunately, my councillor's right choice is not to say it was a mistake or to say it was right.

It cannot be said that this is a mistake for the simple reason that it is indeed the most efficient approach.

Instead, it is simpler to say the right reasons.

My cousin is right, wrong measure of strength.

“I do not deny that your approach, while not the most correct, is the most efficient.” Noah looked straight ahead and the sound went into my cousin's ear.

“It's just, you don't think you can take me down, do you? ”

When I heard that, my cousin's correct pupil suddenly stirred, and my heart suddenly rose to a warning sign.

“————!" My cousin changed his face and did not hesitate to put a knife around Noah's neck and lay it on his chest.

“Choke ————! ”

The next moment, a magnificent sword flashed out in space without warning, falling heavily on the knife that my cousin was laying on his chest.

“Psst! ”

The sound of steel and steel crossing sounds abruptly.

“Humph ————!” My cousin was just feeling a terrible force suddenly impinging on his knife, shocking his tiger mouth directly bursting, the whole person as if he had been hit by a mountain, grunting, flying backwards, and falling hard on the ground not far away.

“Goo--!” The pain on my back made my cousin's head flutter, and he woke up after half a bang. One of them turned over and turned up in a kneeling position, raising his eyes and looking in Noah's direction.

Until then, my cousin was just noticing.

Opposite, the previous second was also in the hands of Noah, who was being held hostage by my cousin. When, a brilliant knight sword appeared.

“Oh?” With the knight's sword in his hand, Noah glanced at my cousin, who was kneeling on one knee not far away.

“A civilian police officer with an IP ranking of 275 can escape my sword, even if I haven't done my best to prove you're good. ”

My cousin didn't answer, but he was full of weight.

Him, forget it.

My cousin didn't take into account that Noah herself was capable of human combat and took the situation to its worst point.

“ ———— ”

The people of the Civilian Police Auxiliary Force finally reacted. In addition to Lotus and Yanju, who were overwhelmed, the rest of them ran behind my cousin, and Chaoxia was in front of my cousin, looking vigilantly at Noah.

And the folks at Fairytail laughed and stood behind Noah. Their weapons had long been pulled out, and Xia Shi and Tina stood beside Noah furiously, as if to protect Noah from another sneak attack.

“I'm sure you don't fail to understand that your approach, though the most efficient, is the most risky, right?” Noah slowly inserted the sword in his hand back into the sheath in the side cloth bag, looking straight at my cousin.

“Because if you fail, that means you have to fight my Fairytail with an already understaffed Civilian Police Auxiliary! ”

“Chairman Noah!” My cousin finally shook his face and yelled out loud.

“Civilian police auxiliary units are used to fight colon animals. Do you want Tokyo's last hope to be buried in your hands too?! ”

“People are responsible for what they say and do.” Noah turned her back.

“I should have said that in front of people all over Tokyo. ”

As soon as Noah's words were finished, the men of Fairytail collectively set up guns against those who turned to the Civilian Police auxiliary forces.

Civilian police auxiliary units also fired guns at short notice under all conditions.

Looking at the imminent start of a dispute over differences, someone finally stood up and stopped it.

“Stop it! ”