Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 179: Ordinary World, Strange Institutions

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of 'Misaka 9982’, ‘Burning Purple Flame’! 1176 reward for Dancing with Maples! And the reward of 'Windless Heaven', 'I Love to Dream'!

“Wow! ”

Before Noah opened her eyes and put all the scenes in front of her, the noise hovered first into Noah's ear.

Noah opened her eyes with a slight flash.

Going into Noah's blindfold is just a very ordinary street.

At this time, Noah is in the middle of a crowd, in the street where people come and go.

Around, a person who was either talking or shouting at his cell phone constantly rubbed past Noah, there were vehicles on the side of the street that walked or stopped, the red and green lights were swinging in a very regular fashion, and even the sound of the tram before it was developed echoed clearly in the distance.

Noah couldn't help but look at the scene.

Remember when Noah first left the world of Fairytail and entered the Black Bullet, Noah cut into an unexplored field full of colon animals.

Back then, the 'black bullet' world felt like Noah was nothing but despair and darkness everywhere.

Now, this incredibly lively and mediocre scene that presents itself in stark contrast to Noah's mind when she first entered the world of "dark bullets," naturally relieves Noah of her own breath.

It appears that this time into the world, like the 'black bullet' world, it does not favour the negative.

Of course, it is possible that the scene in front of us is nothing more than a superficial phenomenon, and that there may be dark sides in the dark of the world that ordinary people do not know.

Anyway, for Noah, the world is just a strange new world.

After confirming in "Between Worlds" that he could return to the worlds of "Fairytail" and "Dark Bullet" at any time, Noah no longer had to worry about going into other worlds and recovering "World Fragments" with confidence.

It was in this world that Noah chose to enter, with the same attitude of being relieved.

On the face of it, this seems to be a world closer to the culture of the 'black bullet' world.

Evidence is that the language spoken by those populations who have been passing around Noah is the Japanese that Noah is familiar with.

That's good news again.

After all, the trouble that Language Impermeable can cause is considerable, and Noah had already realized it when she entered the world of 'black bullets'.

Therefore, Noah's first wildly learned knowledge in the world of "black bullets" was language, and with his memory and understanding, he held all the language types in the world of "black bullets" in his hands.

Nowadays, this is an initial demonstration of the benefits of not blinding Noah, knowing nothing, and breaking into the police station to find someone to practice the way she speaks, just like the first time she enters another world.

“Now that the world is roughly the same as the culture of the last world, that is to say, in order to operate in this world, an identity must first be prepared.” Noah touched her chin.

“Well, you have to have an ID and an account, and if you have to, you have to have an ID, otherwise it's hard to move. ”

With this in mind, Noah left the scene with a few glances.

By the way, the reason it's noticeable is simple, just because Noah has been carrying a side cloth bag with a knight's sword on her shoulder.



In a very regular keyboard banging sound, Noah sat in the bag room of an internet cafe and quickly operated on the computer in front of her, letting the computer screen flash through the running boxes one after the other.

A seventeen or eight-year-old teenager tapped the keyboard quickly in the cafe's bag room, giving the impression that, like the master of any game, he was carrying out operations that no one else could compare.

So no one would have thought that the seventeen or eight-year-old was hacking into the country's personal information repository using a computer in an Internet café.

Noah had learned this hand while still in the world of "dark bullets".

"The Cursed Son" is not doing very well in the "black bullet" world, something that everyone knows.

In some areas, the "Cursed Sons" are not even allowed to own households, while in others there are extremist figures who claim to deprive the "Cursed Sons" of their households.

In case you ever need it, Noah learned a pretty good hacking technique in "Black Bullets" under the guidance of a hacker expert, and borrowed it to solve this problem for a number of "Cursed Sons" who have had difficulty with household issues.

Noah didn't think that this technology would actually work on her.

It took Noah some time to successfully break into the country's database, where he left his own information without a trace and without a trace.

“That's all right. ”

As long as you leave your own information in the country's account registration information, it's easier to get an account book and ID under the pretext of "lost" and "lost".

After solving the problem, Noah looked at the secret information that belonged to the country.

Of course, Noah has no interest in any state secrets, so browsing through them is just trying to see if there are any unknown secrets in the world that can be acted upon.

If this is an ordinary world with only ordinary people in all its aspects, then Noah can act with a lot less concern.

Conversely, there are more things to consider.

Borrowing a computer from an internet cafe to hack behavior is not a safe thing, not to mention sensible.

So Noah hurried up and went through some information.


All of a sudden, Noah noticed a line of small words in red fonts, looking at the past.

There are only four characters on the small characters that are specifically marked in red.

"Dawn Institution."

“What kind of institution is this?” Noah clicked on it with some curiosity.

Unfortunately, an error warning box appears on your computer's screen immediately after a click.

Suddenly Noah squinted her eyes.

What does that mean?

On behalf of this so-called 'dawn body', which, even in this country, is classified as confidential, even the official officials concerned may not have access to its contents.

For a moment, Noah had the urge to use hacking technology again, to intrude directly into the secret, but later she could not help but give up.

With Noah's hacking technique, it may not be a problem to get personal information or anything, but it seems extremely inadequate to get into a country's real secrets.

Noah had no choice but to search the Dawn Institution online.

And of course, it's just trying to do it, and Noah didn't really think that a secret in a national secret would be searchable on the Internet.

However, while there was little information about the 'dawn agency', another term appeared lonely on the results of the search.

“Hao Ling School?” Noah frowned slightly and clicked in to read the information she had searched for.

This is a very special school.

A Combat Technology Training School.

Needless to say, training in combat techniques and all that is definitely heresy in this peaceful world has attracted Noah's attention.

And what's even stranger to Noah is that there's no detailed information online about this school that fosters combat technology, and only a few of them are going to feel strange.

Firstly, school fees, accommodation and meals are waived for all entrants, and students' living expenses are also provided outside.

In addition, the founder of this school is a research institution that has never heard of, or even had less information than Hao Ling School.

That's right, the Dawn Institution.

In addition to these, there is no indication of the specific curriculum, background, or cultivation purpose of Hao Ling School. The information on "Dawn Institution" indicates only that it is a research institution, but the research is not documented at all.

Isn't that weird?

After a moment of silence, Noarton stood up and turned off the computer directly in front of him, lifted the side cloth bag and walked out of the bag room.