Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 181: One Adapter in a Thousand

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“Nah, Noah. ”

The girl named Ivanli Nagakura, with her hands behind her back, flanked herself, looking at Noah's shoulder bag in her hand, asked without any curiosity.

“Have you learned Kendo too? ”

“Well.” Noah thought for a moment and nodded directly after finding that there was nothing to hide.

“I've learned more than just swordplay, fighting, boxing, aikido, judo, martial arts, guns. ”

“Whoa.” Ivan Lipton shouted admirably.

“I didn't expect you to learn so much martial arts. Aren't you particularly advantageous when you enter this school? ”

“Favourable?” Noah reacted after a moment.

“By the way, I almost forgot it was a school of combat skills. ”

Since it is the cultivation of combat techniques, it is indeed advantageous for some students who already have some bottom line.

However, Ivory looked at Noah with some surprise.

"It's not just that, is it? ”

“Not just this?” Noah was a little surprised this time.

“What's in it for you? ”

“Eh?” Ivanli asked strangely.

“Didn't the man who brought you here tell you anything? ”

“No.” Noah simply admitted.

“After I took a medical exam at the school yesterday, I was notified this morning that I knew basically nothing but that I would be able to enter the school if I passed the next entrance exam. ”

“Isn't that very irresponsible?” Ivanli shook her head helplessly.

“In that case, don't you know what the entrance exam is about? ”

Noah nodded without hesitation, making Ivory laugh confused, and then his expression became cheerful.

“Then let me tell you about this school! ”

“You gonna tell me about this school?” Noah sounded surprised.

“So you know about this school? ”

“I don't know what it's like to be notified of my qualifications after a medical examination at your original school, but I was picked up directly by the Dawn Institution and received here!” Ivanli stood up and laughed.

“So I've been told a lot about this school before I came here! ”

Noah's heart moved on.

I thought it would take a lot of trouble to find out the true face of this school. I didn't expect the truth to come so suddenly.

But soon, Noah frowned again.

“But if you just tell me these things, will it be all right? ”

Ivanli didn't seem to expect Noah to say that, and suddenly stunned, followed by a gentle smile.

“Noah is so gentle. ”

“Uh...” Noah gave a slightly silent expression.

“Why all of a sudden? ”

“'Cause we've only been seeing each other for a while, and you've just found out your name. You've been thinking about me, haven't you?” Ivanli laughed.

“Isn't that gentle? ”

“What kind of gentleness is that?” Noah shrugged away from Ivalina's flirtatious gaze.

“I'm just wondering if it's not a good idea for you to just leak out so much confidentiality in this school. ”

“It's okay.” Ivanli waved.

“Now that you're here, Noah, you're the one with the" adaptability, "so no problem. ”

“Adaptability?” The new vocabulary, once again, caught Noah's attention.

“In that case, can you tell me more about it? ”

Ivanli smiled without saying a word, twisted her head and seemed to be thinking about how to begin, clapping her hands later.

“You know Dawn Institution, right? ”

As soon as that sentence came out, Ivanli saw Noah's bitter smile and suddenly laughed and explained it directly.

“'Dawn Institution' is a research institute that deals with genetic engineering, and Hawling College is a school built on behalf of this research institute. ”

“Genetic engineering?” Noah sinks down.

Ivanli nodded and said.

“A few years ago, the Dawn Institution developed a biologically super-enhanced nanomachine called the Dawn Star Print, a special invention capable of making implants far beyond the existence of ordinary human beings! ”

After that, Ivanli put up a finger and the expression began to get serious.

“This nanomachine, called the Dawn Star Print, is said to have only one of the conditions for implantation in a thousand people, that is to say, adaptability, while those implanted with the Dawn Star Print will gain physical abilities far beyond the limits of humankind, and even spiritual abilities will be super-enhanced, gaining the ability to embody the soul! ”

“Soul?” Noah looked at Ivanli in surprise.

Noah, of course, can't be without knowing what the soul is.

The embodiment of the soul?

How could there be such a miracle in this world?

“The official name is Blaze, a simple weapon of construction embodied in the soul of a man implanted with the Dawn Star Print!” Ivanli touched her full-breasted breasts with one hand, a little bit like that, he said.

“And those who are implanted with the Dawn Star Print and have the Blaze will be called the Transcendent and our next identity. ”

Hearing this, Noah figured out who this school really is.

Simply put, Hao Ling School is the place where Dawn Institution was created to screen people with the adaptability of Dawn Star Pattern and bring them to this school for training.

Noah should be here because she was tested yesterday for her fitness to possess the "Dawn Star Print" and could be a "transcender", which is why she was notified of her eligibility for the entrance exam.

“So...” Noah turned around and looked at the building in front of her.

“The so-called entrance exams, in fact, are the people of the Dawn Institution going to implant the Dawn Star Print into our bodies? ”

“I used to think so, but now it doesn't look like it.” Ivanli protruded from Noah's side and followed her past.

“Since there are people like Noah who didn't know anything before you got here, then the entrance exam should also have the significance of giving you guys a simple explanation as to whether or not to accept the Dawn Star Print, right? ”

Noah nodded carelessly and his eyes glistened slightly over a thoughtful light.

Strengthen your health.

Spiritual hyperplasia.

The embodiment of the soul.

And, "Blaze."

Slowly, Noah's mouth snapped up slowly.

Isn't that interesting?

“You know why I'm saying you're so good here?” Ivanli put his elbow over Tenoa's ribs and said strangely.

“Since you know so much about martial arts, no matter what kind of weapon your 'Blaze' is, it's not good for you to be comfortable with it? ”

Noah shrugged her shoulders.

Next, Noah talked to Ivanli without a word about the issue of Kendo.

However, after a short chat, Noah realized that the swordplay Ivory Society was nothing more than the kind of swordsmanship that could be learned even in ordinary schools, preferring physical fitness to combat, and fundamentally different from the lethal swordsmanship that Noah learned to kill for battle.

So Noah just made a few random points, and Ivanli's eyes started to shine out, and a little bit of excitement kept Noah talking.

That's really familiar. I've only known him for less than half an hour...

I don't know how long it's been, but the people in front are finally out of line.

“Noah Dollar, is it?” The doctor in the white coat nodded at Noah after going over the list in his hand.

“You go inside! ”

“It's your turn!” Ivanli patted Noah on the shoulder with a brilliant smile on her face.

“Come back and tell me how you feel! ”

Noah made an "OK" gesture, led by a doctor, into the interior of the building.


Through the not too long corridor, Noah came into a room that looked like a infirmary.

There, another doctor in a white coat sat in one position, holding a gun needleless syringe filled with liquid inside, and suddenly snatched Noah's eye.

Is that the Dawn Star Print?