Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 220: Quiet Changes and People's Reasons

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The cafeteria at the school gives the impression of a restaurant rather than a cafeteria.

It doesn't mean how upscale the school canteen is.

However, after eating here, the students of the school choose to have a drink or even black tea, sit together before class time arrives, and chat in the north and south, giving people a restaurant atmosphere.

Tuition, meals and accommodation are exempt from attendance at this school.

So, nobody bothers about saving money. Want a cup of tea or a dessert or something?

Naturally, students are happy to gather here to enjoy their leisure time after dinner.

And while some people have started their daily after-dinner dessert, and some are still eating their breakfast, at some point, most of the sights in the cafeteria have focused on the entrance to the cafeteria.

“Coming, coming. ”

“Isn't he the" exception "? ”

“The famous freshman in the first grade? ”

“He's a little handsome. ”

In such a loud conversation, Noah, dressed in a uniform, walked in from the outside, staring at almost all those present at the same time, walking unannounced inside, while sighing in his heart.

Noah was used to being noticed or something.

After all, in the "dark bullet" world, because of the status of the "Cursed Son" shelter, Noah's existence is well known at all levels, and no matter where he walks, as long as someone recognizes him, it will be noticed by others.

However, in a world where there are people everywhere who exclude the "Cursed Son," Noah's attention is mostly malicious.

Compared to those full of malice, most of the sights thrown by students at Noah were just curious, and few of them were malicious.

For Noah, who was accustomed to malicious attention, it was more comfortable for the students in the school to pay attention.

However, if it were possible, Noah really didn't want to be watched all the time while eating, believing that even if someone else came along, they would have thought the same thing.

That being said, nothing can be done even if you care.

So, as long as nothing goes wrong, just walk straight through.

With this in mind, Noah walked to the place where she picked up the meal without a trace.

There are basically three kinds of meals available in the school canteen.

First, a package of white rice and meat.

Secondly, the white rice with the B package of fish.

Finally, you can choose your favorite side dish buffet from a total of 50 foods such as Japanese, Western, Chinese, etc.

Although the A and B packages were carefully conceived and paired by the staff in the cafeteria for nutritional management, the ability to make freely chosen buffets is undoubtedly more popular, and nearly half of the students only put their favorite dishes on the plate, with no consideration given to whether nutrition should be even or not.

Noah doesn't have any special picks, but it's also a pleasure to be able to choose your favorite meal at will.

Nor would Noah be wrong about that.

At the moment, Noah took the same preference from Japanese, Western and Chinese foods, plus a bowl of white rice and a bowl of flavorful soup. With this unusual meal, she found a seat and sat down.

“Found it! Found it! ”

At this point, a slightly loud voice sounded behind Noah.

Only, with Ivory at the head, Julie, Orange Bar, Ya and other well-connected girls were holding dishes in their hands during the weekdays, and came together in the direction of Noah under Ivory's greeting.

Whether Ivory, Julie, Orange Bar or Ya, they are very good looking girls.

As a result, the four young girls gathered together and, at short notice, the same treatment as Noah had just received was taken care of by the young girls in this line of work, drawing the attention of almost everyone in the dining room.

Unfortunately, unlike the eyes that had just taken up most of Noah's curiosity, this time the eyes cast on a line of teenage girls were not curious, some were just amazing.

Then, when such a line of girls all sat around Noah, Qi's gaze over here transitioned from stunning to envious.

Naturally, this envy is directed at Noah.

Nor asked Noah if she agreed, Ivory and Julie sat on Noah's left and right sides, while Orange Bar and Ya sat opposite Noah and Ivory after a moment of hesitation.

“Eh ~ ~" As soon as she sat down, Ivanli glanced at the food on Noah's plate and made this sound.

“It's really a boy, he eats a lot. ”

Noah took a bowl of white rice, three dishes and a bowl of soup.

Almost all three dishes are filled with a small plate.

Ivory, Julie, Orange Bar, and Ya all took only two dishes filled with a small plate. Except for Orange Bar with a bowl of white rice, Ivory Bar with soup, Julie with bread, and Ya with rice balls.

Compared to Noah's three small plates filled with dishes, only one small plate was given to the ladies filled with little food.

Julie, in particular, is much less overwhelming than everyone else, and the small plates are basically full of vegetables.

So Julie took a look at her plate, and another look at Noah's plate, and a moment later, she said, drooling.

“Should I eat more? ”

“Don't ask yourself to eat more.” Noah reached out and used to touch Julie's head.

“Enough is enough. ”

“Yah ~ ~" Julie nodded softly.

“Pfft ~ ~", watching Ivanli interacting with Noah and Julie hum softly.

“Noah, it's good for Julie. ”

“Looking at it like Julie's brother.” Orange bars also have a smile on their faces that looks like hearts.

“Aren't you afraid to spoil Julie? ”

“How could I?” Noah didn't respond well.

“Julie's a tough kid. You know that, don't you? ”

“But it would be nice for someone to hurt themselves.” Ya Wang was constantly touched by Noah on his head, with no expression on his face, but the stubborn hair on his head shook, making Julie look particularly happy, and he couldn't help but say this.

“Really, so enviable. ”

“Envy?” Ivanli, Julie, and Orange Bar looked at Ya a little strangely, awakening Ya to what they had said, blushing, head deep down, almost buried in a pair of huge soft pairs in his chest.

Noah smiled slightly, but suddenly felt a pain in her side ribs and was strangled.

“Humph." Ivanli took the soup like nothing else and drank it one by one.

Noah touched her side ribs, which she had just strangled, and could only glance at Ivanli white.

Everly, since that night, when Ivory spilled his heart's wishes to Noah, Ivory has often done something similar to what he is doing today, angering Noah because of small things, and sometimes being very happy and in a constant mood because of Noah's carefree and thoughtful behavior.

This naturally brings Noah and Ivory a lot closer together, but it also gives Noah the occasional need for a little unknown bitterness.

Noah couldn't help but look at Julie when she remembered Ivory's conversation that night.

After the day of the attack, none of Noah's travelers, who were involved, chose to drop out of school because they had been targeted for their lives.

Ivory stayed because of the need to revitalize the family business.

Orange Bar is a descendant of the martial arts family, but being targeted or something is not enough to make the heir of Orange Stream Eighteen retreat.

Although Ya's character is a little weak, she also wants to prove that she has a reason to persuade her to stay.

But where's Julie?

And why does this child, who seems most in need of care, keep her even if her life is in danger?

Perhaps it was Noah's gaze, Julie's side overhead, her dark red eyes unquestionably against Noah's eyes.

“Noah? ”

“It's okay," Noah said to a line of teenagers, pushing her questions deep inside.

“Well, hurry up and finish your breakfast! ”

With this phrase, Noah's eyes were bright.

“Don't forget, we're going to do the Escalator upgrade today. ”

Ivanli, Julie, Orange Bar and Ya's eyes lit up, nodded their heads and started eating seriously.