Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 224: Noah's Trip Double Blade

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The next day, first grade classroom...

“ …… ”

Julie sat in her seat and looked forward motionlessly. Her face lacked emotional color as usual, but she was surrounded by a dull atmosphere that made it clear that she was in a bad mood at the moment.

“Do you still mind last night's celebration?” Ivanli sitting next to Julie sighed.

“Didn't I tell you it wasn't your fault you fell asleep half way? ”

“Yay ~ ~" Julie's mouth was still a little dull.

“But it's rare to celebrate with everyone…”

“What do you think we're celebrating for?” Ivanli lit a little Julie's little brain melon with her fingers, sayin 'oddly.

“Now that we are able to celebrate this time in order to advance to Level II, we can celebrate next time in order to advance to Level III, which is something we can celebrate at any time, so don't worry about it. ”

When I heard that, the dull atmosphere around Julie eased slightly, giving Ivanli a helpless look.

“Really like a little kid. ”

'Cause a little thing is boring.

Because one or two words of persuasion make me feel better.

Plus the appearance and slightly natural personality, and always hanging "Dad" and "Mom" and so on, Julie may really be the same as a child.

Sitting behind Ivory and Julie, Noah listened quietly to the conversation between two heterosexual friends, but her mind had already flown.

Point the rifle at your own teenage girl under the moonlight.

Although the true identity of the other party is not known, the 'rifle' used by the other party is definitely 'Blaze', both in appearance and breath.

In fact, the girl did scream the word "Blaze" before she took out the rifle.

So it shouldn't have happened, and a type of "Blaze" with Noah was actually embodied by a teenage girl.

Needless to say, to be able to use 'Blaze', the other must be a 'transcender'.

So, they're also students at this school?

But if that's the case, like Noah, students with such a special 'Blaze' will definitely get the attention of all the teachers and students in the school, and they can't possibly not even have heard of it.

In this way, the identity of the other person is a mystery.

However, he seemed quite obsessed with Noah.

Reason, is that what the so-called "kind" means?

Who is it?

With such a doubt, Noah was caught in silence.

And that's when, at the doorstep of the classroom, the substitute class directors pushed the door open, walked in from the outside, and came to the podium.

However, as soon as they appeared in the classroom, the three countries made such unexpected statements.

“Although things rarely happen at our school, I would like to tell you that today a transfer student will be welcomed in our class. ”

“Transfer students?” No surprise, the whole class was stunned.

Whether the transcendent can only be found in a thousand people, or only the adaptability of the dawn star pattern, may not necessarily be successfully implanted in the dawn star pattern.

So, halfway into the students of the Transcendent, that's a rare thing, as the Three Kingdoms say.

However, those who walked in through the classroom door, not only did the stunned students react, but all of a sudden took a breath, whether it was a boy or a girl, there was an amazing look in their eyes.

What entered the classroom was a beautiful foreign girl who, like Julie, knew at first glance that she was not a national.

But unlike Julie, the other person's appearance, in cute terms, is slightly less than that.

Because, not only does a teenage girl have a stunning, seductive, uprooted figure, and her surrounding temperament is not as tranquil and beautiful as Julie's, but it's as if she deliberately gathered the spotlight on herself, and every part has a strong presence like a star.

A beautiful foreign girl, if Julie is the one who floats in the night sky releasing the soft silver cream, then the girl is the one who blooms the hot sun in the sky.

Julie would unconsciously attract the attention around her.

And the girl, as if she was attacking anytime, anywhere, was caging the sights of the people around her.

What's even more amazing is that they also have a pair of ocean-like blue eyes.

And, long and lumbar, extremely brilliant blonde hair.

Noah, sitting in the last row, slowly straightened her back, looking at the girl, her eyebrows picked up.

And the girl who walked into the classroom with everyone's eyes on her, came to the stage, and dumped her bright, long hair, also cast her eyes on Noah in the last row, gradually showing a very proud smile on her face.

That smile is exactly the same smile that was left before Noah disappeared last night.

Yes, it is!

The so-called transferee in front of her is the mysterious girl with the "Blaze"!

“Lilith Bristow.” A girl named Lilith, with one hand stuck in her waist, smiled.

“I'm transferring from a sister school in England, and although I'm in a bit of a hurry, let me just" special "allow you to call me by my name. ”

Whatever Lilith says, whether it's content or tone, is full of arrogance.

However, this arrogance, which is weird, has not provoked much disgust, but has given rise to a sense of course.

So Ivanli, sitting in front of Noah, couldn't help but make a sound.

“What an incredible man. ”

“Huh.” Lilith closed her eyes and smiled carelessly.

“I'll take that as a compliment. ”

So Lilith's mouth snapped and stepped down from the podium at a gentle pace.

Lilith's eyes were on Noah all the time.

Then, in the somewhat stunned and stunned look of everyone around her, Lilith crossed every empty seat in the classroom directly to the last row and sat down.

Right next to Noah.

Ivory, Julie, Orange Bar, Elegant, and others who knew Noah better all faced each other on weekdays, and even Noah frowned.

Though it had long been expected that this young girl named Lilith was coming for him, Noah did not expect that the other side didn't even have the slightest intention of avoiding him and approached him directly.

That is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is what Lilith said later.

Teacher of the Three Kingdoms. ”Lilith's voice echoed.

“Shall we continue? ”

“If you don't have a problem.” The three countries pushed their glasses, followed by a statement to that effect.

“Noah, from today on, you and Lilith will be forming Trip Blades! ”

“Eh?” The students were stunned and shocked.

“Ewwwwwwwwww?! ”

“Trip... Trip double edge?” Ivanli said somewhat overwhelmed.

“So Noah's staying with Lilith from today on? ”

When Julie's head was stunned, Orange Bar and Yadu opened their mouths slightly.

“Teacher.” Noah's eyebrows got tighter and tighter.

“Isn't that inappropriate? ”

“Noah, you've always been one person because you didn't have the ability to form a" triple-edged "object, and the school's basic pedagogical approach is aimed at a pair of people.” The three countries spoke indifferently.

“There was no way before, but now there's finally one more student in the class, and the rules say," If you don't make a formal "tripping double edge" in the end, the school will arrange for them to make a "tripping double edge," which is the rules, don't you forget? ”

So the three kingdoms looked at Lilith.

“And, as a 'special', Lilith has no objection to this decision either. ”


What the hell is that?

The students got confused.

Noah turned her eyes to Lilith, but found that she was looking at herself as well.

“It's destiny.” Lilith, like catching a prey, has a strange look in her eyes and a confident smile.

“Let's just get along...”

“As an 'exception' and 'special'...”