Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 235 Golden Girls and Silver Girls

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Taking the school configured phone and walking back to the dormitory, Noah tried searching the internet for "Steel Mounted," and all she got was some unencumbered results.

Noah was also more or less prepared for this result, but Noah was still somewhat disappointed.

“It is, indeed, trouble in an unfamiliar world. ”

If you are in the Fairytail world, with Fairytail fame and union energy, you can get whatever information you want, even if it's more secret.

Even in the "black bullet" world, where there is an intelligence network that gradually extends its influence to the "Fairytail" of the world, Noah can get the information she wants just by moving her mouth.

But in this world, Noah is alone, not to mention the big boss of any power, not even a friend with a little background.

In this case, it would be a bit of a hassle to get any more secret information.

“Want to hack the National Database again? But that's probably the same as last time, right?” Noah was in trouble as he walked.

“Why don't you ask Lilith? ”

Bristol, the company behind Lilith, has proven to be extraordinary in its ability to become a contributor to the Dawn Institution.

So, if you ask Lilith, maybe you can get some answers.

Having decided on such an idea, Noah suppressed her thoughts about what was happening today and returned to the dormitory.

Unfortunately, Noah won't find out until she gets back to the dorm.

At least, today, he couldn't afford to take the liberty of telling the truth.


“ …… ”

Extremely luxuriously decorated rooms with a repressed silence.

Noah, who had just returned to the room, looked at the scene in the room with her eyes slightly beating and some calm down.

Not to mention Noah, but Lilith, sitting at the little white table, glanced at the bed and later hung a painful expression on her face.

“I didn't expect you to do this, I underestimated your obsession. ”

“Yay ~ ~" spit out the usual vocabulary, wearing only a white shirt, holding a pillow in his hand, silver hair covered with water beads, apparently just after the bath Julie sat on the bed, her dark red eyes staring closely at Lilith, as if she was guarding against something.

“Even if it wasn't Noah's" tripping double edge, "you wouldn't be given the right to sleep with Noah. ”

Julie has to say that at least ten times today.

It's as silent as telling someone about the determination of a girl who can't see the expression on her face.

“Nah, Noah.” I had no idea that Lilith had come to this point and sighed again.

“Can't you think of something? ”

Who's to blame?

If Lilith hadn't been unstoppable during the day and been working against Julie, how could this have happened?

Noah could only swallow the bitter fruit and looked at Julie with a smile.

“Julie, didn't Ivanli say anything? ”

“Ivanli said if Lilith was here, even Noah wouldn't do that, so she wouldn't come with me.” With this phrase, Julie twisted her head and her eyes glisted toward Noah.

“By the way, Noah, what is that thing? ”

“... is something you don't need to know about Julie.” Noah unnaturally avoided Julie's lustful gaze in Lilith's somewhat dazzling eyes.

“Is that all Ivanli said? ”

“Yah ~ ~" Julie answered that first, and then something came to mind.

“Ivanli, however, seemed angry and said she didn't want to talk to Noah for some time. ”

“…” Noah silenced.

“What do you want?” Lilith seems to have a headache, too.

“You don't want to keep us out of bed, do you? We only have one bed! ”

After hearing Lilith's words, Noah woke up and finally realized a serious problem that had been ignored by herself.

There's only one bed in this room.

The standard bunk dorm bed that Lilith ordered has long been replaced by that luxurious queen bed.

That's why Lilith slept with Noah yesterday.

So, in the future, Noah and Lilith, too, will still sleep together.

“Lilith!” Noah's voice suddenly increased.

“Like you said, there's only one bed, how do we sleep?! ”

“Ah, pull, just like yesterday, just sleep together.” Lilith didn't take this as a matter of fact and looked at Noah with interest.

“Anyway, you're my" tripping double edge, "so take it as" special "to give you the right. ”

“No need!” It wasn't Noah who said that, it was Julie with all the silly hair on her head.

“Noah, just sleep with me! ”

“That's not gonna work!” Lilith rebutted.

“Noah is my" tripping double edge ", sleeping with me even if I want to! ”

“Then I'll join!” Julie said that with no expression on her face.

“I want to sleep with you too! ”

Noah and Lilith only understood.

Understand why Julie is carrying a pillow.

Julie, it's been planned for a long time.


The night descended quietly.

“Noah, Noah.” Julie, sitting on the bed with her pillow at the end of the day, pulled Noah's horn and leaned back on her head, like a lovely little animal eager to feed, and couldn't wait to say it.

“Time for bed. ”

“Yeah...” Noah had a deformed smile on her face.

“It's just like declaring the death penalty...”

“Hmm?” Julie didn't know, so she twisted her head.

“I have no objection to you sleeping with us.” Lilith, sitting in her own private seat drinking milk tea, closed her eyes, dressed in pajamas, and breathed relaxed.

“But that doesn't mean I'll give you Noah. ”

Julie ignored Lilith's words, still pulling Noah's clothes, her dark red eyes fluttered with anticipation, and let Noah, who was still looking for an excuse, defeat her.

“Alas.” Noah sighed, reaching out and touching Julie's head.

“I can't help it. ”

Julie's cheeks became slightly reddish, and her eyes also enjoyed the general look of God, so that the bright eye could see how well she was feeling at the moment.

“Aren't you spoiling the kid too much?” Lilith seemed to mumble with dissatisfaction, swirling, setting aside an empty cup of tea and standing up.

“Forget it, let's get some sleep. I have work to do tomorrow. ”

By the way, without giving Noah and Julie time to answer, Lilith suddenly turned her back and removed her clothes.

“Wait!” Noah glanced inadvertently at this side of the spectacle and almost didn't glance out at her eyes, then hurried to make a sound.

“Lilith! What are you doing? ”

Even Julie's pretty face became slightly reddish and seemed to finally understand shyness.

Instead, Lilith, the client, didn't even answer her head, and she sounded like she deserved it.

“What are you talking about? Of course he's asleep, isn't he? ”

“Why are you taking off your clothes when you sleep?!” Noah's voice has changed.

“Didn't I already say that?” Lilith had no hesitation whatsoever because of Noah's presence.

“I can't sleep in my clothes. ”

During the conversation, Lilith took off all of her pajamas and her white skin instantly entered Noah's field of view with her slender back, revealing an amazing charm.

“————!" There was no time to stop Noah's fierce side overhead, avoiding Lilith's direction, but soon his eyes burst again.

Seeing Lilith staring at Lilith's Julie set her eyes, Lilith unbuttoned her shirt and removed her only obstruction.

Noah was stuck in the moment when her tender delicate body was imprinted into Noah's curtain.

Then Julie's voice rang.

“Neither can I. ”

Intuition tells Noah.

Tonight, initiative is a situation that will make him completely insomniac and unable to fall asleep.