Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 247: Inspiring the True Power of Hidden

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“Psst! ”

The emerald green liquid representing the "Dawn Star Print" was injected into Noah's body as the syringe triggered and disappeared into the syringe's tube.

Noah felt a slight heat on her neck, followed by an amazing amount of heat.

“Buzz ————! ”

In the buzz, the pure white 'Star Print' suddenly emerged at Noah's chest position, reflected above.

“Boo-hoo! ”

In other words, the incredible heat emitted in Noah's body ran out of Noah's body and turned into a flame of red, instantly burning, covering Noah's entire body.

“Psst! ”

The flames of red danced wildly on Noah as if she wanted to devour everything around her.

The three countries that had been on standby had protected the ninety-ninth shrub from a distance as early as the ninety-ninth shrub had been injected into Noah's body.

Even Lilith stood side by side with the Three Kingdoms as if she were trying to protect Ninety-Nine New Year's Eve, but her eyes were on Noah and she couldn't move.

Including ninety-nine new nights.

“Psst! ”

With incredible heat, the flames of red dance wildly in vast spaces.

Noah entered the body like a thunderbolt all over her body, trembling, and now quickly closed her eyes, sinking her mind into her body.

With Noah's sensing abilities, Noah's body is just like a picture, directly in his mind, allowing Noah to "see" what's going on in her body.

By this time, the "dawn star pattern" that had just been injected into Noah's body had been dispersed into an extremely tiny, naked machine that was simply invisible to the naked eye, and had wandered wildly through Noah's body.

With the shuttle of these nanomachines, Noah's slow-moving, regular motion like a cell, "Dawn Star Mark" followed the uprising, slowly following the newly added "Dawn Star Mark," penetrating Noah's body.

Except for the first time when "Dawn Star Print" was implanted as a "transcender" of "Bit I", Noah did not suffer much when he ascended to "Bit II" and "Bit III", even the abnormality did not appear, just felt hot, and the sublimation succeeded.

But this time, the pain, though not yet, is enormous.

Apart from the fact that the shavings were running around on the surface of the body and the flames of expansion were burning, anomalies also occurred in Noah's body.

An organ, tissue, and vein that was so normal, as if it had been burned by something, was distorted at once, and distorted like a hemp, so strange and horrible.

After a while, however, the nanomachine, which moves intensely in all corners of the body, is constantly passing through this twisted, numb-like organ, tissue, and vein during the shuttle, allowing them to quickly recover in just one second.

At first glance, this seems to be the "Dawn Star Print" that works on Noah's body.

But only Noah can sense that the "Dawn Star Print" really works not with his body, but with a deeper presence of his body - the soul.

That was something Noah could not have sensed even by virtue of sensing power.

But at this moment, Noah seemed to be able to sense the presence of her soul.

No, no, no.

More precisely, the presence of sleeping in one's own soul is perceived.

That's two weapons.

One is an all-over, pitch-black gun with a pure white tattoo.

———— "Revolver".

The other is equally dark, and the sword is fluctuating with white lines. It has completely disappeared from what it used to be like to be as bright as ice. Instead, it is as dark as an abyss.

--The Knight's Sword.

One is that Noah was named "Blaze" by the name of "Exception."

One is that only Noah knows about the existence of Blaze, even if no one knows about it.

The two belong to Noah's "Blaze," at a time when it was like something very exciting was happening, trembling frequently.

“Buzz buzz --! ”

In two Blaze tremors, the rioting nanomachine in all corners of Noah's body, like what commands it received, stagnated for a moment, releasing some sort of fluctuation-like message that no one else could see.

This fluctuation-like message echoes in every corner of Noah's body.

Noah felt it.

As a result of these messages, my head became clearer and clearer.

That is the manifestation of the spirit that was greatly specialized by the Dawn Star Print.

“Buzz buzz --! ”

And as Noah's spirit was greatly specialized by the Dawn Star Print, the tremors of the two Blaze pieces that slept in Noah's soul became more and more frequent, and in the end, it shook a wave for a while as well.

The fluctuations representing the "Dawn Star Print" and the fluctuations representing "Blaze" suddenly met in Noah's body, and eventually, like being towed, all retracted into two "Blaze" pieces.

In this moment, two voices emerged in Noah's heart that had no origins.

Or -- two "names".

Noah opened her eyes suddenly with two "names" appearing in her heart.

“Buzz ————! ”

Deep in Noah's soul, the "Knight Sword" and "Blaze" of the "revolver" gleam brightly.

It was a blue light.

“Psst! ”

Almost at the same time, it covered Noah's entire body, and the burning red flames of the bear were all trembling, immediately replaced by another flame that had burned from Noah's body.

Looking at the new flame that replaced the original flame, the eyes of Lilith and Ninety-Ninth New Year's Eve, apart from the three people present, lit up at the same time.

Because the color of the flames that burned on Noah changed.

From red to blue.

This blue flame has been seen not only by Lilith, but also countless times on the ninety-ninth New Year's Eve as the head of the Dawn Institution.

It is the only flame that can be possessed by the transcendent who has risen to the rank IV.

The appearance of such a flame not only represents the successful ascent of the "transcendent" to the "rank IV", but also represents the awakening of the true power of the "soul" belonging to the "transcendent".

That's right!

It's just like the moonlight rabbit I saw when I used Snake Ring!

And that's when Noah called.

“Blaze ————! ”

The flames that covered Noah's entire body were suddenly like running water, gathering in front of Noah.

Noah reached out her hand and grabbed the flame that burned in front of her.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

The flame immediately spins and slowly turns into Noah's only weapon, the revolver.

Noah then slipped a fine shine through her eyes and threw the revolver in her hand straight into the air.

“Give it to me! Magician--! ”

The voice dropped and a half-empty 'revolver' blew out an unusually pungent light.

“————!" Lilith, the Three Kingdoms and the Ninety-Ninth New Year's Eve, protected by the two of them, shook up their hands and blocked themselves, blocking the strong light coming from the face to the outside of their hands, through the gap of their hands, closed their eyes, and stared at the "revolver" with its strong light.

And in the strong light, the all-over black "revolver" actually shivers, like it disintegrates and turns into a piece of debris.

“Buzz ————! ”

Stronger and more intense light.

At the center of the strong light, the 'revolvers', broken down into pieces, spinning like a sphere, then dispersed, clustered in seven different places, and suddenly combined.

It wasn't long before Noah, Lilith, Ninety-Nine New Year's Eve or the Three Kingdoms saw it.

Seeing seven completely pitch-black, extremely distinctive and simple things.