Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 250: The World Debris

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Whatever the rest of us thought, Noah heard what it was like to actually make a living and quit.

Because that's not even necessary, is it?

The study arranged by the school was designed to enable students to apply the knowledge they normally learned and to increase their success rate in performing their tasks as' guardians of the mausoleum '.

And that's what happens when you join the Dawn Institution three years later.

Three years.

Will Noah stay in the world for three years?

Honestly, that's a bit of a hangover.

So, for Noah, who is likely to leave the world after three years and go to the rest of the world looking for 'world debris' and not be a 'protector of the mausoleum', this study really doesn't make any sense.

Besides, Noah attended a variety of lectures and exercises in order to obtain a civilian police license when she was in the 'black bullet' world.

Although those lectures and exercises were all about the work of the civilian police and were mostly dedicated to primary animals, Noah also performed a wide variety of tasks in Fairytail.

Noah already has a lot of skills, knowledge and experience for the mission.

And since "Mausoleum Guard" is an underground character who outlaws crime, it should be no different than the work of the Demon Advocate's Guild and the Civilian Police, have time to take part in such a study, Noah would rather get acquainted with the strength gained from his ascent to "rank IV" in the school.

Hidden Power in Knight Sword and Revolver Blaze.

Thinking about it, when Noah was just about to apply for withdrawal, a strange feeling suddenly rose in the bottom of her heart, causing Noah to move in her heart and turn her tongue and ask a question.

“What is the main content of this study? ”

The rest of us who were caught in the silence also pressed our thoughts down and cast our eyes on the night of the 99th Century.

Ninety-nine New Nights thought for a moment, then raised his head.

“I shouldn't have exposed the content of the assignment without confirming that you were actually going to take part in the study, but since the person questioned was an 'exception', I'm going to make an exception. ”

Speaking of such a sentence, the ninety-ninety-ninety-nine shrugged no-expression began the mission description.

“As you know, because of the relationship between field studies, the studies we arrange are indeed some of the less dangerous tasks that will be carried out by the" Mausoleum Guards "of the" Dawn Agency "security forces, so even the studies do exist. ”

Everyone here nodded.

In fact, even low-risk assignments that involve a group of students who have not yet graduated are just as outrageous.

But this school is long overdue.

In other words, with psychological preparedness, people have long accepted such a degree of outrage.

“The task this time is essentially to protect something of equal importance.” The deep eyes of the ninety-nine new years flashed slightly, "he said.

“Recently, the Dawn Institution stumbled upon an unusual object that could not be analysed. ”

“Unable to analyze even the Dawn Institution?” Noah frowned.

Don't say Noah, even Lilith is stuck with the rest of us.

What's "Dawn Agency"?

On the face of it, it's a genetic research institution, but implicitly, "Dawn Institution" is a rich "transcendent" organization that operates underground in this country, in the inner world of this country, and even has close ties to the country, and has a lot of rights implicitly.

Why is there such a special existence as the Transcendent so far unknown to mankind in the ordinary world?

Why is it that the outside world of Hawling School, which nurtures the transcendents, is a school that few people know about?

This is all because the 'dawn agency' secretly interacts closely with the State and manipulates intelligence in the dark.

It can be said that the Dawn Institution represents the inner world of this country and is the most secret but also the most powerful force in this country.

And what else, in addition to being a research institution in itself, is impossible to analyze at the current level of scientific development?

And when he heard such a peculiar presence, Noah's uncharacteristic feeling that had just stopped him from quitting was getting stronger and stronger, causing him to react and look forward to the night of 99.

“What is that thing? ”

“If I knew what it was, I wouldn't have used words like" strange things. "” Ninety-nine New Year's Eve looked away at Noah.

“We call it The Broken Feather because it looks like a broken feather! ”

This phrase, like a thunderbolt, is also like a ignition line, not only detonating the wonder of Noah's sudden rise, but also blowing into Noah's mind.

Looks like a broken feather?

There's no way to analyze it?

And you have a strange feeling about it?

This is a sign that brightens Noah's eyes.

Noah has good reason to believe.

The so-called "Broken Feather" found by the Dawn Institution is the "World Fragment" you are looking for!

Noah's instincts were the same again!

Enter Hao Ling School to find the clue to 'World Fragment'!

Noah is not surprised that the Dawn Institution will find the World Fragment.

After all, "world debris" exists in a variety of ways, like being attached to Mavis' tombstone, the type that only Noah and Mavis can see and encounter, and the kind that only Noah can see and encounter automatically when certain conditions are met, like in the "black bullet" world.

Naturally, there will be parts of the world debris that nobody has seen or encountered.

Of course, "Dawn Institution" wanted to analyze "World Debris," which was purely a joke.

If even a fragment of a world can analyze its composition, then the Dawn Institution should not create any "transcendents", and create a world directly.

And while Noah was delighted to find the World Fragment, the Ninety-Nine New Year's Eve continued to illustrate it.

“The reason you're protecting The Broken Feather is because the news that the Dawn Institution has accidentally obtained something strange that cannot be analyzed has been leaked, and a number of celebrities from around the world have expressed their desire to visit The Broken Feather.” Ninety-nine New Night's Eve looked at everyone.

“For this reason, the Dawn Institution has decided to hold an appraisal the day after tomorrow, when celebrities from all over the world will come to the country. ”

“So that's it.” Lilith's blue eyes squinted slightly.

“This also includes some people who are particularly interested in 'The Broken Feather', and is it possible to use some crude means to get it? ”

“'Dawn Institution' is quite famous in the industry, and sinners cannot be avoided. It is not surprising that people will want to have access to something that even 'Dawn Institution' cannot analyze.” Ninety-nine New Year's Eve shook his head and looked at the students present, one by one.

“And don't think the task is simple, if someone really chooses to do it on the day of the appraisal, then the other person will definitely be able to transcend the existence of humanity! ”

“Can we also transcend the existence of mankind?” Everyone suddenly took a sip of cool air, and Ivanli made a rush of noise.

“Isn't" the transcendent "only available in the Dawn Institution? ”

“That's true.” Ninety-nine New Nights seems to laugh and not laugh, "he said.

“But who told you that the only thing that can transcend human existence is the transcendent? ”

The faces of the people suddenly subsided.

Noah and Lilith looked at each other and nodded secretly.

That's true.

It's not just "the transcendent."

"The Army of God" is equally capable of transcending mankind.

“Of course, you do not have to worry so much that, in addition to you, members of the security forces will be involved in this mission and, in order to be able to take care of it when necessary, you will not stand directly on the bright side this time, but will be disguised as guests of the congregation. ”

After that, he took a look at the three countries next to him at night 99, and they immediately took a document and walked out.

“If you all decide to take part, I will now announce the identity of your arrangement! ”