Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 321: Someone Looking? Unexpected visitors

(Thank you very much for the reward of 'The Only Blank’, ‘Love - Angel's Play’, 'The Little Demon of Dreams’, ‘Heavenly Prompt'!

No matter how hard the magicians who exist in Misaki are fighting around Misaki's spiritual veins, Misaki's watch world is still so calm.

But those who have the identity of the two worlds in the table will surely discover that all four of the five pillars of the Misaki Spiritual Junction have disappeared.

Yes, it is.

Four of the five fulcrums have already been eliminated.

In addition to the two fulcrums eliminated by the magician hiding in the dark, Aoko Azaki and Yuzu rushed to work night after night, eliminating two of the three remaining fulcrums in Misaki's spiritual junction.

Obviously, after the last discussion, nothing was apparently said, but Aoko Asaki and Arizu both adopted Noah's adversarial scheme.

It was somewhat comforting to Noah.

What does that mean?

On behalf of Aoko Asaki and Yuzu both believed in Noah.

At least, after one choice, both girls chose to believe in Noah.

After all, if Noah didn't end up on the same front as Aoko Asaki and Yuzu, the option of eliminating the two fulcrums would be as convenient as helping the enemy destroy the border of Misaki City.

The boundaries of Misaki City are the grandfather of Aoko Asaki, built by the former fifth magic.

If you want to destroy the boundary of Misaki city, unless your own ability far exceeds that of Aoko Asaki's grandfather, even breaking the boundary will take a short time.

Aoko Asaki and Yuzu are the managers of the Misaki Spiritual Vein. They have control over the junction. If you want to eliminate the junction's fulcrum, it is much simpler to consume kung fu.

So, if you don't choose to believe in Noah, Aoko Asaki and Yuzu are not proactive in eliminating the spiritual junction.

After Aoko Asaki and Yuzu took the initiative to eliminate the junction of Misaki City, the wind was quite calm for the next period.

Obviously, the outside magician hiding in the dark was also terribly thoughtful and wary of Aoko Asaki and Zhu's initiative to eliminate the junction fulcrum, and dared not move again.

Today, at the last fulcrum of Misaki's spiritual junction, Aoko Azaki and Yuzu have laid a heavy trap, and Yuzu also concentrated "SixSongChocolate" on the last fulcrum, conducting daily patrols.

As long as the magician hiding in the dark shows a hint of trace on the last fulcrum, Noah's travelers standing by in the pavilion will immediately discover it.

In other words, all that remains to be done is to fix, as in the past, another daily junction dedicated to detecting the movement of magic in Misaki to monitor the entire city.

Throughout this time, Noah entered the library of other places in the Mansion every day, finding all the books in the library related to "Reinforced Magic" and "Runi Magic", spongy absorbing the magical knowledge of the world.

In addition to buying time each day to restore their magic, Aoko Asaki and Yuzu need to monitor the magic movement throughout Misaki City and regularly communicate with the head of Hetian Church. Pinoya is busy.

It is worth mentioning that Shizushi Shizukushiro has likewise been lured into the residence of the Temple by various coercive means.

In this regard, Zhu can be said to be all sorts of dissatisfaction, but because of Noah's previous advice and suggestions, he no longer resisted as he had at the beginning. However, every day, Zhiguangbird would be allowed to monitor Shizuku Shizuku, and he had not given Shizuku Shizuku a good look. After a day, he did not have any communication with Shizuku Shizuku.

Aoko Asaki did not completely ignore Aoko Shizuki because he was the same school as Shizukushiro, and he was also the president of the student association. However, daily exchanges are also extremely limited.

This situation is expected to continue until Shizushi Shizukushiro has cleared himself of the suspicion of being part of a group of foreign magicians.

Poor Shizukushiro didn't even know that he was being watched by a chirping bird flying in and out every day. He had always been left cold by cohabitants other than Noah. He maintained the three-point line of "Ocean Hall - School - Work" and lived like a satisfied self.

Noah thought she'd stay calm until the magician himself appeared in the dark.

However, one day after a week, such a smooth life was broken by an unexpected visitor.

On this day, Noah entered the beaded library, as she had done in the past, where she studied the use of advanced "Runi magic".

Unlike the average library, beaded libraries don't have any book flavors, and those that seem old don't decay over time.

Such an environment is like the fairy tale of the fairy state of witch life. It seems simple and ordinary, but it's incredible if you think about it.

It is precisely for this reason that, for beads, the Library is a place to relax and feel comfortable.

Plus, Noah is not the kind of person who tries to read books, or doesn't care about books, and damages the loose people, and now there are beads that no longer resist being in the library with Noah.

If a third person comes to the library, they'll find out.

Every day, Noah and Yuzu spend time in the corner of the library reading books, separated by a distance that is neither far nor close, blended together with the library environment and immersed in a world of books.

This, too, is Noah's acquiescence with the beads that were cultivated during this time.

By the same token, Noah and Aoko Asaki were also cultivated, but instead of reading books, when Noah practiced "The Magic Bullet," often Aoko Asaki practiced as if he were going to climb with Noah, plugged into the sky, silently together.

If no one cares about Noah and Pearl, they will read the book in silence until evening.

But today, just after lunch, at the entrance to the library, a footstep suddenly echoed, attracting the attention of Noah and the beads.

Time to read is the time when beads feel happiest.

Such happiness was disturbed, causing a rare and overt display of discomfort, staring closely at the entrance to the library, and a surprise appeared in the eyes after a while.

Just because people come to the library who are usually more resistant to getting in.

Long black hair swayed along his waist and took strong steps. Aoko Azaki came to the library with almost exactly the same discomfort as a bead on his face.

Looking at Aoko Asaki's unhappy face, Noah asked curiously.

“It's so rare that you're here. ”

Heard that Aoko Asaki was sullen, he did not respond to Noah's words at all, making Noah more curious.

“Why? Did Shizuki piss you off again? ”

“It's better just to that extent, so at least there's no chance of trouble.” Aoko Asaki snorted coldly and looked directly at Noah, his eyes filled with seriousness.

“There's someone out there looking for you. ”

“To me?” Noah glanced over his head, even with beads, and looked at Noah.

Noah took the dissatisfaction and seriousness in Aoko Asaki's eyes and silently closed the book in his hand for a while. After watching with beads, he walked silently to the original position of the book, put the book back, and then went outside the library.

Aoko Asaki glanced at Yuzu and followed him.


Without the consent of the beads, even if someone came to visit the pavilion, Aoko Asaki would not bring them into the pavilion, challenging the bottom line of the beads.

Knowing this, Noah went straight out of the hall, into the courtyard, in the direction of the iron fence.

Noah didn't see a figure until he walked out of the fence and onto the ramp outside.

A figure that wrinkles Noah's eyebrows.

Not only Noah, but even the beads that came outside the door with Aoko Azaki were unexpected and the expression became uncertain.

Not for the others.

Just because the identity of the visitor is very special.

“Ever since I first met you, I had a feeling we'd meet again. I didn't expect you to come so fast. ”

A man dressed in a dark cloak in a priestly costume with a tall body and a steady voice and dangers beyond the comprehension of outsiders stood below the ramp, looking toward Noah, and in the first moment against Noah's eyes, he hung a smile from his heart.

“Shall I come with you in search of the lambs hidden in the city? ”