Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 338: Breaking It All Down

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'hateful, unreliable’, 'own fate’, 'thousand change 2012’, ‘little monster of dreams’!

“Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! ”

The roaring sound of the wind roaming over the forest.

But the very nature of the wind whistle is a form that the general wind can never possess.

The golden cyclone is as if it were derived from the sun, not only with a heat wave that distorts people's horizons, but also with a glittering golden ray that cannot be ignored at all.

“Mm-hmm! Mm-hmm!”

And in that fiercely winding golden cyclone, Noah was like a flat boat in a storm that had difficulty controlling its upper and lower swings as the wind rose and fell, especially as the burning wind around her made Noah's whole body burn like a fire, causing Noah's skin to ache for a while.

“Buzz —— buzz —— buzz —— buzz ——! ”

Behind Noah's back, the "Magician" wing tip in the form of "Dead Feather" erupted wildly with a lot of black light, forming thrust, bitterly supporting Noah's body, so that Noah would not spin directly in the wind, but her body could not control the ups and downs.

In such an environment, Noah, just as his whole body was imprisoned by an invisible strap, could not move at all, could not even use "leap in" to rush out of the centre of the cyclone and had to struggle.

Likewise, the ability of the Knight's Sword to arbitrarily control distance cannot take effect at this time.

After all, the Knight's Sword can control only a hundred meters away, and it's just a controlled distance.

If Knight Sword's ability is to control space, then Noah can instantly transfer space away from the center of the cyclone.

However, the ability of the Knight's Sword is to control the distance, even if it is shorter, which still exists and cannot really be reduced to zero.

As long as there is a distance, the cyclone can act in that distance, and if Noah wants to make a shorter distance across it, he has to go ahead with the golden cyclone.

“In that case..." I felt the heat wind blowing all over Noah's face, and the magic in my body burst out like another cyclone.

“Let it all go to pieces! ”

The voice fell and the magic of a cyclone burst out of Noah into a dazzling white light, like the ocean, spreading abruptly.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

In the golden tornado, the high roar belonging to the golden wolf Beo roamed inside the whole golden tornado, and seemed to feel a slight threat from Noah's actions.

“Boo-hoo! ”

Soon after, a golden flame appeared in the midst of a golden cyclone, rolling up, absorbing all the heat in the cyclone, the fluctuations condensed, and finally turned into a golden flame of dozens of meters.

The golden flame is flickering, making a "crackling" sound like calcined steel, as if in a furnace, even the space is distorted.

“Is this your last resort?” Looking at that huge golden flame, at the center of the cyclone, Noah's eyes flashed and his voice echoed around like the god of judgment.

“Then let this battle end! ”

White light spreading out like the ocean swirled, like a white black hole, and bursts in all directions.

At this moment, Noah exerted her "crushing magic" to the extreme, and the magic in her body did not need any money to roll out, causing that slowly spinning white hole to tremble slightly, expanding rapidly, spinning, bursting out a tearing of space, filled with horrible magic and energy, laying the heavens and earth to sweep away against the distant golden sea of fire.

“Buzz ————! ”

The vast golden flames swept apart, flames hovering, and finally, secretly congealed into a huge golden beast.

The appearance of the golden beast seems to have caused a lot of consumption for the golden wolf Beo as well, making the golden cyclone that binds Noah a little darker.

But from that golden beast, Noah felt a real threat.

It is huge and no smaller than a small hill.

Shaped like the wolf shape of the golden wolf Beor, it has a golden unicorn over its head and glittering golden flashes.

The appearance of that giant golden beast also tightened Denoir's heart, afraid of any small heart, and the magic in his body swelled wildly, making the 'crushing' of white holes bigger and bigger.

So, the white hole that locked the target, without any hesitation, was like a transient movement, between a few flickers, with terrible space ripples, causing the golden cyclone surrounding the sky to tremble slightly.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

At the same time, the golden beast also erupted like the destruction of the heavens and the earth. He raised his head and shouted like a thunderous roar. He moved like a mountain peak that hit him directly, without fear of colliding hard against the white hole.

The distance between the white hole and the giant beast arrives instantly.

In other words, two terrorist attacks sufficient to burn the seas of the mountains collided with the solidification of the surrounding golden cyclone, like a meteor, under Noah's watchful eye.

“ ———— ”

In the second they touch each other, the whole heavens and the earth are silent.

There was a sudden uprising between the heavens and the earth, and the winds and waves of heaven were dancing around, and it looked like they were fleeing the center of the crash.

Immediately afterwards, like the star's contraction explosion, the impact center contracted, and a moment later, it exploded.

“Boom boom -! ”

Shock storms, like natural disasters, erupt from an intersection in the sky.

“Boom --! ”

The instantaneous coverage of the terrible impact storm was extended beyond 100 metres, shocking the thick dark clouds of paint in the sky, and blinking kung fu was blown without a trace.

Storms span the entire heavens and the earth.

The surrounding temperatures seem to rise above the boiling point at once, making the air in the space above the forest extremely dry, and the ripples of wind waves diffuse from the sky's edges, occupying half of the sky, causing the space in the sky to become distorted and blurred.

“Psst! Psst! Psst! ”

In the forest below, a tree that had been devastated in the battle between Noah and the golden wolf Beo was finally unable to sustain itself, breaking apart and falling to the ground.

“Knock, knock, knock, knock! ”

On the ground, no matter how hard the rock is, it was completely crushed at this moment, turned into countless pieces of rock, and "crackling" fell.

“Boo-hoo! ”

Even far away, as long as it is slightly affected, the ground turtle cracks, trees collapse, leaving the entire mountain forest a whole lot less, and the ground is scraped away as if it had been plowed.

A long time later, a shock storm in the sky began to fade away after spreading over a very long distance.

However, the two scents that were supposed to be in the centre of the storm disappeared as if they had disappeared without a trace of movement.

“Shh...! ”

Above the sky, there are still future shock storms that can all dissipate. Suddenly, a breaking wind sounds and a shadow emerges from the storm.

However, the shadow showed no signs of movement at all, as if it were garbage falling from the sky, unable to fall down.

“Psst! ”

At the same time, another sharp breeze broke out.

The shock storm in the sky suddenly crept and a shadow came out of it. Behind it, those two pairs of dark light wings appeared particularly prominent.

In such a case, the dark light wings shook, and the master's figure turned into a stream of light, bursting into the shadow that rapidly fell towards the ground, blinking time, appearing above each other's head.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

Beo, the golden wolf, shook the whole of heaven and earth like an unyielding whistle.

Looking at the madness in the eyes of the other beast, Noah's dark eyes swept through the bright splendor and gazed.

“Buzz ————! ”

Noah's fist, brilliant white light fluctuated, under a fierce wind and strong magic, in the roaring sound of the golden wolf Beo, smashed hard on its chest.

“Boo-hoo! ”

Under the combined impact of "Crushing Magic" and "Destruction Strike," Beo, the Golden Wolf, exploded all over his body and turned into a golden ray.

In the gold, a fragmented feather slowly emerged.