Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 374: Charges? Trial, impeachment? (Moon ticket)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Red Lion Head', ‘Night Moon Feather’ and ‘Evennell’!

PhantomLord is disbanded.

The Fairytail Guild was destroyed, the PhantomLord Guild was destroyed the next day, and two Guilds capable of competing for the first of the Fiore kingdoms spread the word throughout the Fiore kingdom three days later.

Now, as long as it's the people of the Fiore kingdom, they must know about it.

Knowing that Fairytail Guild president Makarov Dollar has a grandson named Noah Dollar.

Knowing Fairytail, Noah Dollar will be able to destroy the PhantomLord Guild on his own.

Knowing that Joseph Polla, the chairman of PhantomLord, one of the Ten Holy Demons, was killed by a golden wolf under Noah Dollar.

Knowing that all branches of PhantomLord were announced to be dissolved by organizations in the House of Representatives within a short half-day of Joseph's death.

That's natural, too.

Joseph, chairman of PhantomLord, is said to have secretly planned to destroy Fairytail, but after Fairytail's men destroyed PhantomLord as well, he went to the council to confess to the bad guys.

By virtue of this alone, Joseph will be named by the Chamber of Deputies to deprive the Holy Ten of their guidance.

After all, the Holy Ten Mages are titles that claim to be bestowed only by the righteous Mages, and the Mages who behave like Joseph are not entitled to the title of the Holy Ten.

Besides, Joseph was witnessing a sneak attack on the Fairytail or a killer in the eyes of the House's messengers and all of the Knights.

Though the result was Joseph's own counterkilling, Joseph's actions spread throughout the Fiore kingdom, even if the House wanted to preserve Joseph's title.

In such circumstances, PhantomLord, who lost the chairman of the Holy Ten Demons, was soon dissolved.

The reason is simple, because there are too many guilty people.

Shortly after Joseph's death, therefore, the branches of PhantomLord welcomed the encirclement of a dark guild wizard who had been exterminated by PhantomLord and the rest of the regular guild who had been targeted and struggled with falling stones in the dark.

As a result, the branches of PhantomLord were either exterminated or pressured to disband.

And PhantomLord's headquarters all suffered massive casualties as a result of Noah's relationship and eventually had to be dissolved and no longer existed in the form of a guild.

So, three days later, PhantomLord disappeared completely into the realm of Fiore.

By contrast, Fairytail has once again gained a reputation, sitting in the seat of the First Guild of the Fiore Kingdom and shocking the entire Fiore Kingdom.

However, for Fairytail people, these are not enough to arouse their interest.

Because when people were out there enjoying themselves because of this time, for Fairytail, the event had not really come to an end.


This is the branch of the Chamber of Deputies in the Kingdom of Fiore.

At this point, Noah is in this chamber.

In a court-like venue, Noah stood on the witness stand, that is, directly in the middle of the Tribunal's general venue.

There is a high platform in front of it.

There is a position at the top of the platform.

In the center of the tall platform, there are nine other locations.

And with the exception of the top position, all nine positions in the center of the tall platform are seated.

Noah's eyes squinted slightly as she raised her head and swept past one of the individuals sitting on it.

These nine people are the judges, and the core of the Chamber of Deputies, the highest level of the entire Magic Chamber.

In other words, among the chambers that administer and supervise formal associations, such as the State security apparatus, these nine members of the Chamber of Deputies and the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, who are not present, are the most senior.

Noah is now being tried.

“Noah Dollar! ”

A messenger sitting at the bottom of the platform in the Senate took a piece of paper and said so.

“Are you guilty? ”

When this was heard throughout the Tribunal, on the high stage, a line of parliamentarians looked at Noah with all sorts of emotions in their eyes.

Among them, the eyes are friendly, the eyes are measured, the eyes are malicious, the eyes are blissful, and basically everything.

And in these eyes, there's only one that's friendly.

That's a little old man.

To the best of Noah's knowledge, the old man's name was Yajima, and he was a very good friend of Makarov's when he was young.

Is that why Ajima would be so kind to Noah as Makarov's grandson?

In response, Noah just smiled back at Eyajima, even silently.

“Gentlemen, what are my sins? ”

“You better confess honestly.” On the high stage, a congressman named Og smiled and said to Noah.

“Otherwise, the charges to be confirmed later will only be more serious. ”

This congressman, Ogle, was one of those people who took a malicious look at Noah.

And besides this guy, there was a congressman named Michelo who looked at Noah maliciously.

The two men are said to be extremely averse to Fairytail and have made numerous proposals to dissolve Fairytail, but have been dragged down because of their relationship with Ajima.

Noah wasn't so friendly with the two of them.

“That's why I'm asking, where exactly are my charges?” Noah seemed helpless to stall.

“Did the senators call me here so that I could admit what I was guilty of? ”

“Rude!” Michelo shouted.

“You mean as a congressman we don't distinguish between black and white?! ”

“If that's not the case, then please just say it straight, and don't turn around, okay?” Noah waved impatiently.

“That's what you call me to convict. Does anyone think you're trying to embarrass me? ”

“Noah Dollar!” O'Kay started the shooting.

“Pay attention to your attitude! ”

That sentence had just fallen, and his cold gaze swept towards Ogre, making Ogre look stiff and his whole body solidified there.

“Attention should be paid to your attitude.” Noah's sharp eyes swept across the judges of the Magic Chamber.

“It is true that you, as members of the Chamber of Deputies, have the right to outlaw crimes, but I never knew that you had the right to yell at the people above you, that even sinners could be respected, which is something that is understood in the royal family of the Fiore kingdom. If the so-called congressman is this virtue, then I should consider whether it is time to react to the kingdom and impeach you! ”

With such a phrase, Noah's mouth rose.

“I'm sure there will be plenty of churches that will be provoked by your superior attitude with our Fairytail. ”

Word has it that, with the exception of individual legislators such as Ajima, the faces of others such as Ogurt and Michelo have become reddish.

It's pissed off.

These people had no idea that an ordinary member of Fairytail would criticize all the congressmen so forcefully and threaten to impeach them.

However, as an enforcer of law and justice, there is nothing inappropriate about Noah's words.

In other words, unless those judges really want to be impeached, they can only swallow that tone in order to preserve their identity.