Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 415: Go! No sign of him?

(Thank you very much for the rewards of Evennel, Rest Me, Fly With Love 00!

“Grandpa! ”

Coming down the stairs with Mira, Lisana and Arusha, Noah saw Makarov sitting on the bar at first sight, then discovered the wonderful atmosphere that pervaded the whole Fairytail.

At this moment, people in the Guild can be described as less pitiful.

When Noah counted it, he found that only a dozen more had arrived in the Guild.

This is an incredible thing for Fairytail.

After all, "Fairytail", although not as random as "PhantomLord," and even spending all over, makes anyone in the Guild have hundreds, if not thousands, of members of Fairytail, the first Guild in the true sense of the Fiore kingdom today.

Is it not surprising, however, that only a few dozen people are now in the Guild?

Plus yesterday, Noah exchanged her eyes with Mira, Lisana and Arusha and walked in the direction of Makarov sitting at the bar.

Believe me, whoever it is can see how dangerous Makarov is sitting silently at the bar.

That's right.

It's dangerous.

Just at this moment, the magic of the Holy Ten demons, which is powerful enough to shake the space, circulates back and forth around Makarov in an extremely obscure way, making the space around Makarov a little bit as if it had suddenly increased, extremely concentrated.

Instead, he looked silently at Makarov inside the entire guild, fluttering in the eyes of an old Mai, making the remaining dozen guild members hardly dare speak, making the atmosphere on the scene very strange and quiet.

But no one will blame Makarov.

Makarov would behave this way, and that's natural.

For Makarov, almost every member of the Fairytail guild is his child, and the guild is Makarov's home.

The whereabouts of his children have become unknown, and the original lively home has become extremely lonely, and Makarov's lack of outrage on the spot has been quite good.

But even so, Makarov was still caught in a slightly violent state, with the heavy magic that pervaded his surroundings, allowing Mira and Elusia, two active S-class advisors, to breathe into one nitrogen, and Lisa was even prettier and less likely to kneel.

It belongs to the magic of the Holy Ten.

You know, Makarov ranks high among the top ten demons.

Thus, even if Makarov did not fully detonate his own magic, that slightly revealed little bit of magic would be enough to deter the average S-level wizard.

So, there's hardly anyone in the room, except Noah, who can be as comfortable under the magic that just exploded in Makarov.

Raising her hand, Noah gently hugged Lisa, who was a little pale, before coming to Makarov with the magic rolling out of Makarov's body.


“Noah?” Makarov didn't even lift his head and had a shady mouth.

“Is there a problem over there? ”

“Me and Mira and Lisa are fine.” Noah shook her head.

“But Mira just contacted Lisa at home and found out that Alfman was not here, and I'm afraid she's missing as well. ”

“Even Alfman is missing?” Makarov's face is getting ugly.

“What the hell happened?! ”

What's going on?

I'm sure no one here will want to know the answer.

And Noah finally confirmed that her miserable hunch with Elusia had come true.

Since yesterday, members of the Fairytail Guild have lost track of each other, and there has not even been any news of their whereabouts.

It's not just Alfman, it's Naz, Gray, Hubby, and Lucy, Rabbi, Kana, who were at home yesterday because they were drunk, and Lucy, Rabbi, Kana, who came to the Guild to show up, all lost their news and disappeared.

Makarov, who noticed something was wrong, immediately came to the guild and sent someone to look at the house of someone who had not come to the guild. As a result, he was stunned to find no one at home.

That is, as yesterday, today, Fairytail has fewer people in the guild, and it is still overwhelmingly fewer, with only a dozen people remaining.

Why do so many Fairytail members suddenly disappear for no reason?

Fools can guess what's going on.

“Brother Elf... and everyone else..." In such a situation, Lisa said with concern that everyone cared.

“I don't suppose there's anything really going on? ”

Everyone here was silent.

Just because, the answer to that question, no one can give it 100 percent.

“Who the hell is that?” Elusia held her fist tightly and revealed a strong light on her body, replacing her armor with an extremely dangerous look on her face.

“Who the hell is after Fairytail?! ”

When she heard Elusiana's angry words, Mira just held Lisana tight and fell into silence.

Once again, Noah looked around at the whole guild, at the silence of a dozen people left, and her eyes were getting colder and colder.

Thought it was rare for a PhantomLord to come forward and die on his own, but it never occurred to me that there would be too many people in this world who would spend too much time on their own.

Is it just the words of a PhantomLord who can't let the world know what happened to Fairytail?

And this time, it wasn't as simple as moving the Guild building, it was moving people directly from Fairytail.

Well, let's not say it's Noah, but Makarov won't stop.

But who else would mess with Fairytail?

In such a heavy atmosphere, a loud laugh suddenly sounded.

“Oh, did it disappear again? ”

It was said that everyone in the room looked up and looked at the second floor of the Guild, and the expression of everyone in the room changed.

“A bunch of weak, pathetic guys just disappeared and made the whole guild look good.” With the eyes of everyone below, Laxas made an arrogant noise.

“Why don't we just leave them alone? Old man! ”

“Laxas!” Makarov stared dead at Laxas, his temples bursting with blues and yelling.

“Are you trying to piss me off?! ”

“You bastard...” Laxas jumped out of provocation in the absence of a way to confirm the safety of his companions, making it intolerable for Alusha.

Mira and Lisana also looked angrily at Laxas, with a pretty face full of yin.

“Laxas..." Noah was the only one, staring closely at the arrogant face of Laxas, and the cold eyes made Demira and others palpitate.

“This isn't about you, is it? ”

The whole scene, quietly.

The angry Makarov, Elusia, Mira and Lisana were all surprised by what Noah had just said.

Noah, what does that mean?

Is he suspicious of Laxas?

In the cold eyes of Noana, the smile on Laxas's face grew thicker and thicker, without a drop of smile in his eyes.

“Sa, who knows? ”

There was no exit denial in Laxas, and the rest of the Guild was face-to-face.

“Laxas!” Makarov whispered with a heavy face.

“You should know, this is no joke, right? ”

“Are you kidding?” Laxas glanced at Makarov and sounded sarcastically.

“Unfortunately, I never joke. ”

Having said that, Laxas simply ignored all those present, that is, left no explanations and no apparent denials, and turned around and left.

See, everyone is silent.