Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 416: Extrapolation! Individual actions

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Watching the figure of Laxas disappear in the direction of the second floor, all the rest of the members of Fairytail burglarized.

“Could it really be Laxas? ”

“No way? ”

“But didn't that guy always hate people in the guild? ”

“Besides, the chairman has announced that Noah is the next chairman of Fairytail. Didn't Laxas always want to inherit the guild? ”

“Is it not impossible to be ashamed and angry because of this, to do something like that? ”

“That's what you say...”

Suddenly, the speculation of one item all came out of the rest of the members of the guild, reverberating throughout the guild.

“Brother Noah.” Lisana said something like that.

“Is it really Laxas? ”

“Even Laxas wouldn't do that. Come on?” Mira spoke a little melancholy.

“Everyone is still one of us...”

“Why suspect Laxas?” I can't even seem to believe that Laxas had anything to do with the disappearance of those members of the Guild who didn't show up, and asked Noah.

“Did you find anything? ”

Makarov also looked at Noah, with a bitter heart ache and unprecedented solemnity in his eyes.

If the disappearance of colleagues in the Guild is really about Laxas, then, as Grandpa of Laxas, Makarov feels compelled to take responsibility for all of this.

In the eyes of all present, Noah frowned and raised her hand.

“Don't be nervous, I'm just trying to find out what Laxas is doing, though I doubt it. ”

Makarov was relieved when he heard it, and no one in the Guild could detect it slowing down, making Noah laugh bitterly when he saw the scene.

Noah hasn't said that although he didn't find out what Laxas really did, but after just testing and knowing about Laxas, Noah feels that Laxas is still suspect.

After all, Laxas' mindset was unusually distorted, and after learning that Noah was going to be the next chairman of Fairytail, something could be done that was irrational.

Besides, Laxas already hates the so-called weak, and those missing in the Guild are nails in the eye for Laxas, so maybe the idea of wiping them out?

If it was that Laxas, it wasn't entirely impossible to do that.

With such heavy thoughts, Noah shook her head and turned to the rest of the guild.

“It is imperative that we find the whereabouts of the missing persons as soon as possible. Let's go together and carry out a search in Magnolia. After all, the phenomenon started only yesterday. Even if people capture their partners, they will not be able to be transported anywhere in a single day. ”

With such a phrase, Noah looped her eyes at the people who were there.

“Remember, whatever it is that makes our companions disappear without even knowing it, since even Naz, Grey, and Alfman can't resist, it's best not to act alone, but to form a team of at least five people. Understand? ”

“Got it!” The members of the Guild nodded their heads, formed their own groups and left the Guild to find their companions in Magnolia.

In the blink of an eye, Noah, Mira, Lisana, Arusha and Makarov were the only ones left in the club.

No, no, no.

There's another one left.

“Well...” some twisted, pinched teenage girl said with a little panic.

“I... what should I do? ”

“Hmm?” Noah noticed that there was another person on the scene who was surprised when he saw the full story.

“Jubien? Are you there?”

“Yes… yes…” Seeing Noah shifting her eyes to herself, Jubien's head shrunk, still seemed a little scared, but unlike the last time, she mustered courage.

“Jubien also wants to help, but doesn't know what to do. ”

Noah glanced at Mira, Lisana, Arusha and others and smiled bitterly.

Jubien has just joined Fairytail and is not familiar with many people in Fairytail.

So even if you want to help find someone, Jubien, who hasn't remembered the looks of everyone in Fairytail, can't help.

“Jubien.” Makarov took a step forward.

“Where's Ghaziru? Is Ghaziru missing? ”

“Jubien is also unclear, and Mr. Ghaziru does not often interact with others.” The young girl in water seemed to have finally found what she could do and her expression got a little excited.

“Jubien, try contacting Mr. Ghaziru! ”

“Mmm!” Makarov nodded heavily.

“Please! ”

“Yes!” In response, Jubien's body turned directly into water. It was sprinkled on the ground, blended into the ground and disappeared.

Looking at where Jubien disappeared, Makarov's expression became gloomy.

“Laxas, is it really you? ”

Mila, Lisana, Alusha, and others chose to keep their mouths shut and try not to irritate Makarov.

“Grandpa.” Only Noah, after sighing, spoke to Makarov.

“Let's go and see if there's any clues, so you can sit in town on the Guild side. ”

“Go!” Makarov just reacted and waved decisively.

“It's enough for me here alone to activate the defense system you left behind, so, at least, nothing's going to happen here! ”

Noah, Mira, Lisa and Arusha nodded their heads and quickly gave each other a look and walked out of the guild.


As soon as she got out of the Guild, Elusia immediately asked.

“Where do we start now? ”

“Go to Naz, Gray, Lucy and their homes first.” Noah did not hesitate to answer that question, and obviously had an idea long ago.

“Naz and Grey were at home yesterday, and Lucy stayed in the guild until the evening, and if someone really took her away and led to her disappearance, it would most likely have been at home. Let's go to their house and see if we can find some clues. ”

“Then let's go home too.” Mira hurried out.

“Alfman could have been taken from the house, and we could have found some clues in the house. ”

“You guys?” Noah hesitated.

“If it's just the two of you, is that okay? ”

“Brother Noah, don't worry.” Lisa smiled cheerfully as she patted her breasts full.

“If I don't mention Mira, you know what it would be like to be serious. With Mira here, we'll be fine! ”

“Exactly.” Elusia nodded in agreement.

“With Mira here, at least not like Nazi and the others, without a sound, disappear. ”

Noah lowered her head and moaned for a moment, then nodded her head with difficulty.

“Well, be careful with yourselves. If you find anything, go back to the guild. We'll meet at the guild. ”

“Mmm!” Mira nodded at the same time as Lisa, turning around and walking fast in the direction of her own home.

“Whose house should we go to first?” Elusia looked at Noah.

“Nearest to here is Naz and Hobbie's house, right over in the woods. ”

“Let's go to Lucy's first!” Noah disagreed.

“Lucy left the Guild only last night, and most likely disappeared later than Naz and Grey. If there's any clue left, it's only one night. If it's not artificial, the clue is less likely to be eliminated, so let's start there! ”

“Got it!" Elusia made a strong and powerful voice that showed a very strong self.

“If anyone snatches them, I'll let them know exactly what happens when they step to the bottom of Fairytail! ”

Noah smiled indifferently and looked up at the sky.

Today's weather is turning shady.

The sky has always been gray and covered with thick clouds.

That, like the tranquillity before the storm, brought a slightly trembling repression to the mind.