Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 433: The? Just drop the screen.

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Windless Heaven', ‘Boy' rzGirl ’and‘ Xuan Yuan Ultra Holy Emperor ’!

“Shh...! ”

When such a breaking sound came from afar to afar, from afar, in the direction of Noah, most of the Wizards of Fairytail watching the battle from afar were unaware.

The only ones who can see it are Makarov, Elusia, Mira and Laxas, all of whom are above the S-level Wizard.

Now, all walkers, including Laxas, are in shock.

“Careful ————! ”

Actually, no need to be reminded, Noah already noticed.

Though wholeheartedly in a state of battle, Noah's sensory abilities are automatically triggered when foreign hostility, malice, or intent to kill comes directly towards Noah, making Noah aware of everything.

Thus, in the moment the void broke, Noah sensed the crystal ball that had burst against her and did not hesitate to lift the Knight's Sword, which was connected to the magic chain at the front end.

At the same time, however, the bullet burst into Noah's crystal ball for no reason and stagnated, turning in a direction and shooting at the tip of the Knight's Sword.

There, the magic chain that binds Hades.

“Bang --! ”

The next moment, the magic chain connected to the Knight Sword was broken in a muffled sound by a direct hit of a crystal ball that turned into a shadow.

Noah and Hades, who were cornering themselves through the magic chain, lost balance at the same time as the chain broke, and their bodies jumped backwards, respectively, but stabilized immediately.

Until then, the crystal ball that broke the chain of magic slowed down and slowly fell into the hands of a young girl.

Who else but Urudia?

Noah turned her head and looked directly at Uruthia. The flash of death in her eyes made Uruthia feel cold in her heart. She couldn't even hang her most representative delicate smile. She subconsciously avoided Noah's gaze and seemed to have a slight fear of Noah.

But that's not surprising.

Who is this man in front of you?

It was able to confront the chairman of Grimoireheart and reverse the situation several times, finally giving Hades a headache and even seizing the magic of Hades.

Urutia never underestimated Noah.

The ability to defeat the Holy Ten Degrees of Joseph and Gerrard is enough to prove Noah's extraordinary.

But Urudia really didn't expect Noah to be strong enough to compete with Hades.

No one knows Hades' horror better than Urutia.

It's the closest thing to the abyss of magic, the closest thing to Jerf, and it's absolutely capable of being called the most powerful wizard of all mankind today, a man over a hundred years old, with magic and longevity unimaginable to others.

Only by being able to confront Hades positively in one-on-one situations to the point where there is even the possibility of defeating Hades did Uruthia realize Noah's horror, which naturally engendered fear in her heart.

Ultimately, however, Uruthia suppressed the fear, a flash, and came to Hades.

At the same time, the Fairytail crowd came all the way to Noah to confront Hades and Urutia.

“Is that you?!” Seeing Urutia, seeing Arusha, Naz, Lucy, etc. on the side of Urutia in the Tower of Paradise was astonishing, while Grey's eyes flashed.

“Urudia?” Hades glanced at the broken chain that bit on his arm and slowly turned into a pure magic dissipation, without even looking at Urutia's shady mouth.

“Why? You don't think I'm gonna lose to that kid, do you? ”

“How is that possible?” Uruthia bent her body unchanged, smiling like a respectful and not overbearing smile.

“It's just that that man is really hard to deal with, and even if Chairman Hades can handle him, it should take a while, and we're not fit to be in a place like this for too long, so what do you say we call it a day? ”

“Why?" Instead of Hades, he raised the knight's sword in his hand, pointing it at Noah of Hades.

“Wanna run? ”

“Being able to make an effective blow to me seems to give you a lot of confidence.” Hades chilled his face, his body magically turned black, and he kept falling and falling around.

“If I wanted to, I could have just attacked Magnolia from the beginning, and the reason I didn't was just to be kind to you, kid! ”

In that sentence, Noah's face sank.

Hades was right.

Without the House, Hades can now lead his own Grimoireheart into Magnolia and slaughter Fairytail.

In that way, with the power of Hades, let alone 'Fairytail', Magnolia will suffer great casualties and become hell.

Ultimately, however, Hades did not do so, but instead used troublesome means to lure Noah away by handing the Fairytail Wizard to one person.

With Hades' strength, if the goal was really to elicit Noah, there was no need to do so at all.

After all, besides Noah, who can stop Hades?

Did Hades really just do it to show his magnitude?

Of course not!

“You didn't just kill Magnolia for mercy, you were scared! ”

At this point, Makarov stepped forward, staring at Hades, and said one such thing.

“Though I don't know what your purpose is, it's impossible to forget your words, isn't it? ”

“It's impossible to forget that there's that in Fairytail!” Makarov spoke in silence.

“Are you afraid that" that "didn't kill Magnolia directly and blatantly? Prechto! ”

When the sentence came out of Makarov's mouth, Hades' expression became extremely ugly, but he did not speak out against it.

If not disproved at this time, that would amount to acquiescence.

So, Noah sort of figured out why Hades had to pull the Wizard of Fairytail out of Kidnapping such a troublesome thing.

Not because of Hades' mercy, but because of something in Fairytail that Hades fears.

That's what Makarov calls "that."

What's in Fairytail that even people like Hades need to be afraid of?

I've never even heard of it.

It's not just Noah, even the rest of Fairytail shows up or puzzled, confused, or confused.

Forget about Fairytail, Uruthia frowned and looked at Hades in shock.

Is there really something in Fairytail that even people like Hades need to be afraid of?

This question, in the end, is still unanswered.

Hades' black magic dissipated slowly, his grim glance glanced at Makarov, and he looked at Noah again, and a moment later, he said this.

“Okay, that's it for today! ”

After that, Hades turned around.

“Though it was just a pleasure to come by, but knowing that there was such a number in Fairytail, and also trying to detect each other's strength, but remember, Fairytail exists in the wrong way! ”

“For Jerf, for the Great Magic World, I will destroy Fairytail myself! ”

Leaving behind this sentence, without giving anyone a chance to react, Hades and Uruthia suddenly hovered and swept to the sky at an extremely rapid speed and were taken away by a single light.

That's the light coming from the magic spacecraft.

Noah's pedestrians watched the magic spacecraft fly toward the other end of the sky in silence.