Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 438: The World Will Always Be On Your Side

(Thank you very much for the rewards of "Morning Wind ", "Windless Heaven", "Thunder Buzzing" and "Empty Guest"!

There is no time in "Between Worlds," but there is no shortage of time in a real world.

Without time, the world would be like losing its roots, and that consequence would be that the world itself could not exist.

Space and time.

These are two essential elements of existence in a world.

Exceptions may be made only between worlds.

And what was Noah's basis for determining the point in time when it came to a world with a timeline in which there was no time?

Noah never thought about this question before, but now, if you think about it, there's only one answer.

The world that Noah came to, or the time point of the world that Noah came to, had one thing in common.

“'World debris'.” Noah spoke softly.

“At the time of my arrival, there was a World Fragment! ”

I don't know why, but some of the worlds in Between Worlds have been destroyed.

These destroyed worlds are all shredded and lost in an intact world.

Naturally, when these 'world debris' are lost in an intact world, as is the case with Noah, they need to enter the world's timeline.

So, if Noah arrives at a time when World Debris isn't here, then you can't find World Debris?

In this way, if Noah wants to find the World Debris, he can only come to the point where the World Debris exists.

“Correct answer!” Gaia responded vibrantly.

“Little Noah, when you choose to come into the world, the world will automatically send you to the point where the World Fragment exists! ”

“The world can't dry the world, but it can implicitly interact with each other, so you get hints from the world when you encounter clues to 'world debris'.” Alayer explains it in a completely emotionless voice.

“Just as the last time we were able to implicitly sense that 'world debris' existed in our world was in a parallel space, the world would of course know where the internal 'world debris' was at and send you. ”

“This transmission is similar to the existence of instincts, sort of a function of the world itself, like a light that emits light, is destined to emit light when the switch is turned on, and little Noah, you are the equivalent of that switch.” Gaia smiled.

“So, little Noah, please answer, if you've recycled the world debris that was lost in a world, what is the basis on which the world chooses when you arrive in this world? ”

In this sentence, like a heavy hammer, the raw knock awakened Noah and shocked Noah's spirit.

“You spent two years in another world, and when you returned to the world where you grew up, the time point was two years later.” Alayyah said not too slowly.

“When 'world debris' no longer exists in a world, and you do not choose a time point when you arrive, then the world will let you descend based on the time you actually left. ”

“No time point selected?” Noah grabbed the keyword sharply and was thrilled by a guess.

“Are you saying that I can choose my own time of arrival? ”

“As I said earlier, the world will take the initiative to send you to a time point where there is' world debris', but if there is no 'world debris', the world can only send you to a time point after what you actually have, just as you have spent two years outside and two years back in the original world.” Gaia said in the same tone as a little adult.

“But, little Noah, I also said that you are the spouse of the world, and the world will not reject you. ”

“If there is no 'world debris' in a world, then as long as you make a request to the world when it comes to it, like choosing a time point, the world will surely respond to you!” Alayer told Noah the best news he ever wanted.

“So you don't have to worry about this kind of thing, just do what you want! ”

The words of Gaia and Alayer made Noah's gloom disappear, and she was overjoyed.

If it is true that you are free to choose a time point, what can you worry about?

When we need to return, can't we just get to the point where Noah left off?

This way, Noah doesn't have to worry about Hades attacking her while she's gone, or about the impact of her departure on Mila and Lisana.

Everybody's happy!

For the first time, Noah truly appreciated the world.

Once again, however, it was as if Gaia had seen what Noah was thinking.

“But, little Noah, even if there is no 'world debris' in the world, you can't get to the point where you left off. ”

It was like a pot of cold water poured over my heart, and Noah asked quickly.

“Why?! ”

“Although you are quite special, you can freely break away from space and time, penetrate the barriers of the world, and come to 'between worlds', but it is also true that you really exist in the world you existed in. If you choose to leave the time of the present existence, then the world also needs a period of time to buffer, during which you cannot come.” Alayer explained.

“This is about a month in every world, and even if you choose to leave, the world will send you a month after the time you choose. ”

In other words, if Noah leaves the world of Fairytail, it can only come a month after he leaves the world.

Noah's heart is finally settled.

A month isn't long at all.

After all, in Fairytail, it takes months to complete some of the most challenging tasks, and sometimes it takes years to complete some of the entrustments above S-level tasks.

For a month, as long as Noah takes on a more troublesome assignment, she doesn't even need to explain why she left, and Mira and Lisana can't wait a month.

As for Hades, if he chooses to fight Fairytail in a short month, then Noah has to admit it.

“Remember, little Noah, you're the world's favorite!” Gaia's voice is still naive and cheerful.

“Even if there is no way to help you directly, the world will choose to help you in all kinds of deviant areas. Behind you lies a world that is underpinned by nothing to fear! ”

“Do what you want!” Alayyah even gave such a sentence.

“The world will always be on your side! ”

The words from Gaia and Alayer have made Noah's heart stronger than ever.

Surely, I still like the world...


When Noah returned to Fairytail again, it was dawn.

It was dark when I left, and it was dawn when I came back?

This phenomenon made Noah wonder, while there was a feeling in her mind that she had forgotten something important.

With this suspicion, Noah did not choose to lie down and sleep, but went downstairs and returned to the guild.

What Noah didn't expect was that when he showed up, the members of the guild looked at him with incredible eyes.

“Brother Noah!” Lisa, who was also serving drinks, threw the tray directly into Noah's arms with two lines of tears.

Not only Lisa, but Mira, who was stuck, ran out of the bar, almost fell into a panic, rushed to Noah's side, grabbed one of his arms tightly, and almost came out with tears.

Just as Noah was lost in all of this, so did Elusia and others.

“You bastard! What's wrong with disappearing without a sound?!” Grey slapped Noah hard.

“Do you know how worried people are?! ”

“You... you're exaggerating, aren't you?” Noah was silent.

“I... didn't I just leave for a moment? ”

“For a while?” Elusia looked angrily at Noah.

“You disappeared for a whole month! ”