Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 452: The Message of Two Knights and God

(Thank you very much for the rewards of Evennel, Windless Heaven, and Fallen Demon!

That's it, three days have passed.

On the way back to his room, Noah touched his arm and frowned, making a "hiss" sound with a little pain.

If you look closely, you'll find that on Noah's arm, the clothes there don't know when they ripped open a crack, and there's silk in the blood, but there's no wound.

No, it should be said that the original wound has recovered from Noana's ability to regenerate due to countless enhancements of the colon virus, leaving only cracks in clothes, silk blood and a little pain left on the body.

Of course, if it's just a normal injury, it's simply not possible to scratch Noah's arm to the point that it's painful.

The reason why this happens after the wound has healed is that cutting Noah's sword is not just a common sword.

When I think of Donnie just now on the training field, with a delightful expression, "The Hand of Ripped Silver", with a sunny smile, waving that devastating sword directly at me, Noah's heart was a bite to the teeth.

“That damned guy, once in a state of battle, couldn't stop, he didn't know anything about mercy. ”

Three days ago, after Donnie persuaded him, Noah finally decided to kill himself.

Now that you've decided to fight a terrorist opponent who can match Donnie, then of course Noah needs to be prepared.

Instead of prepping, Noah simply asked Donnie to order the wrapping up of a gymnasium around the hotel and then let Donnie train with herself.

Noah did not want to hold Buddha's feet temporarily, but rather to adapt to the battle between the God-fearing and the unobedient.

When people stay in the dark for a long time, their eyes gradually adapt to the dark.

As people stay in warm places for a long time, the body gradually adapts to high temperatures.

Same thing.

Fighting a high-level opponent like Donnie will allow Noah to adapt more to the rhythm of battle between an opponent of the strength of the God-fearing and the God-fearing, so that he can better use his strength.

This approach has proved to be effective.

Donnie can't resist the long-distance knockout with the 'power' of the Devil's Sword and can't capture it with the naked eye.

Although Noah's sensing power can detect Donnie's long-range strikes, Donnie's strikes are too fast to keep up with Noah's body, even if she does.

This is also why Noah faced Donnie's sword in the beginning, knowing that it would be bad if he chose to resist, and finally he couldn't choose to resist, relying on Beo to bear Donnie's sword.

And now, after three days of Donnie's practice, Noah has gradually been able to adapt to the speed of Donnie's magic sword's slaughter and hide.

But even so, accidents happen sometimes.

Noah's arm would get hurt, which was just over there at the gym, because for a moment, the reaction was a little slower, and as a result, Donnie's sword rubbed it off.

That's when Noah's arm cracked open.

The irresistible sword is not just a statement.

“It seems that, in addition to increasing the scope of the attack and the lack of objects, Donnie's sword can make it harder to heal and worse.” Noah nodded herself as she wiped the blood off her arm.

“God is strong and weak, and" power "is naturally strong and weak. Donnie's sword," power ", is at the top of all" God-fearing "and" God-fearing ". If he can adapt to that kind of slap, he will be more confident in the face of" God-fearing ". ”

“I just don't know what kind of God Donnie will be looking for.” Noah shook her head helplessly.

“Hope it's not the kind of" god of disobedience "with the troublesome 'power'. ”

At that point, a voice sounded behind Noah's back.

“Ah, Ra, isn't this Lord Noah? ”

This is a voice that is not so sweet as to deliberately emphasize gorgeous and confident.

As soon as he heard the voice, Noah knew who was coming, turned his head and looked behind him.

It was Noah who saw it coming.

With long hair as gorgeous as a crown and golden waist, slightly underweight, but extremely overweight, there is a young girl like your lady coming out of the open elevator, the walking position is very powerful and windy, attracting the eyes of the surrounding people all the time.

"The Great Knight" of "The Red Copper Black Cross" - Erica Brountley.

Next to this young girl, who has always emphasized the gorgeous style, there is another young girl.

It's a young girl with a fairy reminiscence, a sophisticated appearance, and a very tight expression that makes people feel cute and a little powerful.

The girl tied her long silver hair into a ponytail and left it hanging behind her, shaking like a tail as her footsteps moved, approaching Noah with Erica.

Looking at this strange girl, Noah stopped and let Erica walk in front of herself with the silver-haired fairy girl.

However, as soon as she came to Noah, the silver-haired girl measured Noah with a clear gaze, and she opened her mouth a moment later.

“Are you His Excellency Noah Dollar? ”

Girl tone is the kind of tone that makes people feel too rigid.

Similar to this tone of speech, Noah often meets with a limited number of people, such as Arusha, Orange Bar, etc., so she nodded her head with more than a swim blade.

“You are?”

“Excuse me, as a knight, I should have given my name first.” The silver-haired girl held her fist in her right hand, resting it in front of her left chest, bending slightly towards Noah and doing a courtesy.

“Liliana Crannichar of Bronze Black Cross is here to greet you. ”

“Liliana Crannie Charles?” Noah seems to have heard that name somewhere.

“I remember, it seemed to be with...”

“Like my Erica Brountley, a gifted child who earned the glory of The Great Knight before he was a minor!” Without giving Noah a chance to remember herself, Erica's "whoops" laughed.

“Throughout Italy, the only person my Erica Brountley can admit to is Lily. Don't forget! ”

By Erica, Noah remembered.

Over the past few days, Noah has learned a lot about European magic from Andrei and Paul.

Among them, Erica and Liliana were highlighted.

The reason for why is also very simple.

Because Erica and Liliana are not yet sixteen years old, but both have earned the rank of "Grand Knight" that only the elite among the knights must be extremely prominent.

There are only two people in all of Italy who can achieve this achievement in this age group.

Erica Brountley.

Liliana Crannie Charles.

There are only two girls.

“What a surprise.” Noah couldn't help but make a sound.

“How could you be together? ”

Noah heard that the Magic Societies of "Red Copper Black Cross" and "Bronze Black Cross" appeared to be hostile.

I didn't expect the treasures of the two magical societies to stay together.

“Lily is a competitor I admit, how can she be out of my sight?” Erica stalled the stall and burst into an insider.

“Not to mention Lily is still my green plum horse. ”

“Don't scream so intimately, you fox!” Liliana couldn't help complaining.

“I'm not that close to you. It's just sin! ”

With such a sentence, Liliana deliberately coughed and took herself seriously, looking at Noah.

“I just wanted to see what the rumor was of the man who could take over Salvatore's sword. ”

Rumor has it, Noah is helpless.

When did it start, Noah took Donnie's sword, and in just three days, it came out completely.

This also led to the heads of magical associations coming from all over Italy looking at Noah with amazement, surprise, fear and sometimes even frightening eyes over the course of these three days, stunned by how few people dared to come up and say hello to Noah.

As Andrei said, Noah has become a celebrity altogether.

In this case, Noah can only answer.

“Is that why you came to me? ”

“No, it's just by the way.” Liliana's expression became more serious.

“I am here to inform Your Excellency that there is a message of God! ”