Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 468 Recovery of principal and interest

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Closed Festival Moon’, 'Windless Heaven’, 'Little Master Apprentice’, ‘Bent Book Friend’!

Noah opened her eyes, looked at her hands, and smiled slightly.

“It's not the first time, but my physique is cheating. ”

Pandora said, "Generally, a god can only be given a 'power' if 'god killer' works hard to kill a god.

Noah killed Welleslana and Meccal at the same time, and should reasonably have been able to get two 'powers', but Noah ended up with only one 'power' because of an unknown change in her body and power and the power of God that flowed into her body.

"Storm," "Giant," "White Horse," "Dragon Man," "Golden Wolf," "Priest," "Phoenix," "Pokémon," "Thunder," and "Warrior," all Noah gets is the power to use these ten incarnations.

Typically, there are strict limitations on "power" such as this ability to use multiple forces, for example, an avatar can only be used once, it has to be used for a later period of time before it can be reused, and even the time it is possible to use the avatar is limited.

However, because of its physical relationship, Noah absorbed all of Welleslana's and Meccal's forces into existence and merged them with her own, eliminating them altogether.

It's not surprising if you think about it.

After all, Welleslana has the ability to use ten incarnations of 'power', and he himself has no such limitations.

If Noah was just a "god killer" in general, he usurped the power of the gods, inevitably limiting them, but Konoah's body absorbed them into its own possession and turned "the power of God" into "his own power," naturally there would be no strange limitations.

So, although it is still "power," it combines the power of Noah, Welleslana, and Meccal to create ten incarnations of power that are no longer the power of God, but of Noah himself.

Without those limitations, the ten incarnations of "power" could be used as ten "power," and no wonder Noah would say it was cheating.

In any event, however, it is a fact that Noah cannot fail to be satisfied that her power has risen geometrically to a different dimension.

Close your eyes again and come to mind with a stone tray with ten incarnations attached to it, clearly understanding how powerful these ten incarnations are, a thrill in Noah's heart.

“With my strength now, if I face Hades again, I will never lose again! ”

“And..." Noah opened her eyes and raised her hand, immediately fluctuating with a magical pattern of electrical lines all over Noah's arm.

“Even without merging with" Runi Magic "and" Power ", my" Magic Bullet "and" Enhanced Magic "will no longer have to come into contact with" Magic Base "and can be used entirely on their own! ”

That's a great thing.

As has been said, the power of magic depends on the power in the "Root Root" and is determined from the beginning, and the extent to which magicians can use it has long been determined.

In other words, no matter how much you sharpen your magic, as long as you reach the limits of the determined power in "The Root", there is no way for the magician to increase the power of magic.

Now that Noah's magic is completely independent, like the forces that Welleslana and Meccal have flowed into Noah, it has become Noah's own power, no longer coming into contact with the Magic Base, no longer coming from the forces in the Root.

Noah is perfectly capable of increasing the power of magic by exercising herself, much like the magic he once mastered of "crushing."

And what about Enoina's magic, which has become more cheating because she has become a Goddess Goddess Goddess Goddess Goddess?

“In addition to magic and magic, my" power "is the embodiment of my true power, and I must familiarize myself with it during this time. ”

The door to Noah's room was opened just after Noah had figured out her changes and the way forward.

Immediately afterwards, Erica in a black and red princess dress and Liliana in a blue and black plainclothes came in from the outside.


Perhaps it was unexpected that Noah had woken up and when she saw Noah sitting in bed, Erica and Liliana were surprised at the same time.

“Are you awake? ”

“I just woke up.” Noah reacted and nodded to Erica and Liliana.

“Did you bring me back? Thank you!”

Erica and Liliana nodded subconsciously, and the next second, the two girls finally remembered.

The man in front of him is no longer just a strong man capable of blocking Italy's "King of Swords", but a true "God-killer"!

The seventh god murderer in the world has been born!

And right in front of Erica and Liliana!

Now, Liliana, who was the first to realize this, knelt down on the ground with her right hand in front of her left chest and gave Noah the highest knight's gift.

“Allow Liliana? Crannie Charles sends his regards, King. ”

So, Liliana also glanced at Erica, who was still standing there and didn't even mean to salute her, and frowned slightly.

“Erica, don't tell me that when I met the king, you were still as lewd as ever, not knowing what to do. ”

“It's really strict, and I wouldn't do that anyway, and I'm not being paranoid, knowing that attention to glamour is what your lady deserves, Lily.” Erica shook her head with a bitter smile, but, like Liliana, she knelt on one knee and took the knight's gift.

“Erica? Browntree is also here to offer you the highest courtesy and congratulations, King of the Seventh. ”

Watching even Erica, who was extremely confident and overly focused on herself, knelt down to herself, Noah opened her mouth slightly, but hesitated for a moment before finally choosing to accept Erica and Liliana's submission.

Erica and Liliana, who thought Noah would object to the excessive courtesy of others because they were not accustomed to it, were surprised, even with a faint admiration for Noah.

Why do the magicians see the Gods as kings and serve them?

That is not only because the God-fearing have the power that mankind cannot resist, but also because the God-fearing are the only God-fearing beings that can resist chaos around the world.

Because the "God-fearing" is a challenge to the "God-fearing" on behalf of mankind and is able to shelter the existence of mankind from the "God-fearing", mankind will honor the "God-fearing" as king and have an obligation to serve the "God-fearing".

Being a newborn king, suddenly bequeathed by others like this, generally subconscious resistance, but Konoah did not resist, but accepted instead.

That's not because Noah became the "God-fearing" and then really saw herself as the king of all mankind, but because Noah knew full well that this identity represented not only status, but also responsibility.

Therefore, Noah did not reject the gift of Erica and Liliana's sons, even if she acquiesced in her duty to fight the Unobedient God and shelter mankind from the Unobedient God.

It was only through this that Erica and Liliana would admire Noah.

“How long have I been unconscious?” Noah asked.

“You brought me back, didn't you? ”

“Yes, King.” Liliana answered respectfully.

“You've been in a coma for three days. ”

“Three days?” Noah rubbed her eyebrows and sighed.

“I'm sorry to keep you guys looking after me for so long. ”

“No, this is what a knight is supposed to have.” Erica's smile remains as powerful as that of a female lion, despite the gift of her son.

“Of course, we have also reported the entire process of the King's Challenge to the undefeated military gods and the Mediterranean god kings to the magical societies to which he belongs, and Salvatore has been informed, and has specifically instructed to contact him as soon as you wake up. ”

“The idiot?” Noah sighed again.

“Knowing that I succeeded in killing God, that warrior must have lost his temper, right? ”

With this phrase, Noah's mouth gradually pulled up an arc as well.

“Well, it's time to take back the money and interest! ”