Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 474: Second Power, Second Incarnation (Moon Ticket)

Thank you very much, Panda! ’,‘ H Wenwu H ’,‘ Glorious ^_^ ’,‘ Quiet Purple Electricity ’,‘ Dear Loli 'reward!

“Boom --! ”

The heart makes a sound wave for one of the shrinking loudspeakers, echoing beneath the pitch-black sky, and hovering like an echo.

A huge tornado exploded, turning into a sweeping wave of shocks, and the tide swept in all directions, all around every corner.

“Psst! Psst! Psst! ”

At this moment, whether it's the ground, the tarmac, the buildings, or the cars that stay around, all are simply lifted under the sweep of a fierce impact wind wave, and even crushed by strong wind pressure and turned into a tiny piece of debris, shot at the surrounding area like bullets.

As a result, even Noah herself was swept by the shock wave, her body was blown away, and she did not know how many rolls had been turned over in the air before reacting. Using the power of the incarnation of "Storm", she let the wind that had been called upon by herself calm down.

It wasn't until now that Noah understood what the "storm" incarnation was all about.

Storm in this sentence refers not to "storm" in the literal sense, but to "storm."

Including storms, cyclones, typhoons and even tornadoes, which can be described as "violent" winds can arise when Noah uses the incarnation of "storm" and are freely controlled according to Noah's heart.

Of course, because it was the first time that the incarnation of "Storm" had been used, Noah had not been able to control the power of "Storm" at will, and the result was to call for the largest tornado.

If we let that tornado just go on, then, I'm afraid, in the end, even Italy can cover itself with a giant tornado and destroy Italy in the real sense?

But by that time, I don't know if Noah's spell will be able to support the extension of the tornado to cover the whole of Italy.

Turning the wind to calm Noah on the ground and looking forward, the expression became wonderful.

It's gone.


Within sight, except behind Noah and not knowing how far away, the berths, buildings, cars and the ground that were supposed to exist there all disappeared.

All that remains is a huge deep pit, with scattered pieces of rubble and fragments of a wide variety of buildings, tarmac and sedan.

Seeing this scene, Noah's heart beat without a fight.

That was caused by fear of the shock and impact of one's present power.

“Aren't Erica and Liliana supposed to be evacuating the crowd? ”

Noah prayed, looking around at the whole pit and not finding a trace of anyone.

If it wasn't clear that Erica and Liliana would have evacuated the crowd as soon as they walked out of the hotel, Noah would not have directly matched Donnie.

Now Noah can only pray that Erica and Liliana can evacuate the crowd in a timely manner, otherwise his sins will be truly great.

“Hahahahahahaha -! ”

At this point, in one of the rubble piles of that giant pit, a loud laugh sounded out.

“What an opponent I've seen, I've only just become one of my kind with such a degree of strength, I'm sure I didn't wrong you! ”

So joyful and laughing, Donnie stood up and pushed the rubble directly from her body like a panel.

If you look closely, Donnie was completely unharmed in the impact that just now seemed to destroy the heavens and the earth.

Because there were almost a hundred marks like wedges that appeared around him like they were guarding Donnie, and fluctuated slowly.

That text, Noah knows.

It is the "Runi script" from northern Europe.

Of course, it is not "Runi Magic" that Noah had previously mastered, but the true origins of the divine words in mythology, mastered and used by the Magic God.

That is not the magic, the magic, but the true power of God.

The power of power.

Convenience is a giant pit created by itself, and the environment is still intact behind it.

Standing at the edge of this line, Noah cast her gaze at the wedge text on Donny, which fluctuates on the "Runi text" around Donny.

“As you can see, this is my second Power.” Seeing Noah's eyes, Donnie patted herself and carried the knight's sword.

“The kind of congressman who seems to call it" steel plus protection, "can make me turn my body into steel, both in weight and hardness, and with that body, even the tornado you just used, you can't do anything about me, and because of the weight gain, if I hit you, that's no joke. ”

That was immortal - Donnie laughed like that.

But don't need Donnie to say it, Noah knows it.

As an expert on "Runi", Noah glanced around Donny and saw "Runi" surrounded by "Steel".

The effect of that text is similar to that of the "Hardened" "Runi" text, which increases the hardness of the object used and improves its weight.

However, 'steel' has advantages and disadvantages compared to 'hardening'.

For example, "Runi" in "Steel" can suddenly increase hardness and weight to the toughest steel, but it is also fixed to the strength of "Steel".

"Hardened" "Runi" can be raised all the time, so long as there is enough magic and quantity, it is not difficult to increase the strength beyond steel.

However, it refers to "like the Ni script" of a "steel" compared to a "like the Ni script" of a "steel" but also of a magical degree.

Donny's "Runi script" is a "power" degree, and there are almost a hundred more. I'm afraid, the hardness and weight of his body has reached a terrible point, saying that he is immortal, not too much.

“With this body, coupled with the Magic Sword, both of these" powers "have always been a major part of my battle, and the other two" powers "are basically useless in battle, and the other one will spill into me myself, and when I use that, it's usually desperate time. ”

So Donnie shoots a fiery sight of war at Noah.

“You, can I use that power? ”

Then again, Donnie's right hand flashed a silver glow, and his sword was swept by a vast spell.

I don't know how many times I've seen Donnie's magic sword, Noah glanced at it, and in his heart, the stone tray with the ten incarnations attached to it turned, and one pointer-like icon on the stone tray stayed on the other.

“--Fear those with wings, the wicked, and the mighty, for me with wings, and my wings shall bring you a curse, and the wicked shall not be able to strike me--”

A new spirit sprang out of Noah's mouth, transforming it into a new force and filling Noah's body.

Then Noah felt it.

Visual, sensory, and thinking are all going super fast.

Instead, everything around us is slowing down.

In this moment, Noah gained the speed of God over everything.

So Noah took a step to the side.

“Psst! ”

In Donnie's eyes, Noah's figure suddenly turned into a phantom, and she moved a long way to the side.

“Choke ————! ”

At the same time, a swordlight swept past Noah's original location and landed empty.

Noah, entering the state of divine speed, clearly saw this scene, his mouth hooked, as if he were a phantom, and he burst out in the direction of Donnie. Before Donnie had reacted, he inevitably appeared in front of him, punching Donnie in the chest.

Next, however, Noah was surprised.

Because the fist that was supposed to punch Donnie in the chest actually made a big curve and punched into the open space.

"Phoenix" - "Power" from Welleslana, gets above and beyond the divine speed of everything.

However, with this avatar, Noah, while gaining the speed of God, was also too fast to let the attack fall precisely on the target.

So it makes sense that a punch that Noah should have landed on Donnie's chest would have crossed Donnie's location because of excessive speed, and a punch would have landed empty, just as a man would have been unable to control his figure for a distance if he had run all the way out because of inertia.

This incarnation is a little troublesome...