Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 493: Being Started by The Goddess and The Unobedient God at the same time (Moon Ticket)

Thank you very much. Friendship often? ’Cause 5888 rewards! And the reward of' no wind ’!

The oldest 'god killer' today is on his way to Italy and will arrive shortly.

That's what Donnie brought Noah.

“The troubled characters have followed...”

With the phone, Noah sighed and asked Donnie on the other side of the phone.

“The so-called old gentleman came for The Stone of Gorgon? ”

“Apart from that possibility, the old man had no other reason to come to my land.” Donnie gave a joyful tone of news that surprised Noah.

“After all, it's no wonder who killed who my relationship with him was one day. ”

“What?” Noah frowned.

“Are you angry with him? ”

“I don't know if that's a vendetta, but it's definitely a tie for Liang.” Donny Mann doesn't care, "he said.

“As you know, I haven't been a god killer for more than five years, and my first god to kill was Nuada, the king of Celts, and from that wretched god, I usurped the" power "of the sword. ”

“And the second god I slaughtered was Sigfrid, the immortal" Power "of Steel Protector, taken from this god.” Donnie smiled softly.

“But this god, which the old man had summoned by some interesting means, was his prey, but I robbed him. ”

Noah was speechless when she heard that.

Since Sigfrid was the second god that Donnie slaughtered, prove that before that, Donnie was just a rookie who had just become a god killer, right?

Having just become a Goddess Murderer, you dare to rob the most ancient Goddess Murderer of our time and summon it with great effort?

This guy is an idiot, bold enough.

“The old gentleman is basically a stray with nothing but appetite. Besides the food he can eat, the only thing he should be after is battle, right?” At this point, Donnie's tone became more or less intriguing, as if he were talking about himself.

“So I robbed him of his prey, and he was quite upset with me, and now the light is treading into my land, and if he hadn't come to me to fight a crash, it would have been for the" Gorgon Stone "in your hand that would have attracted Athena. ”

In other words, there is only one possibility that Marquis Woban, who was evaluated by Donny as having nothing but a fighting appetite, will come to Italy.


As to whether or not that came to count against Donnie or whether or not he looked at the prey in Noah's hands, Donnie preferred the latter.

“I can only be a child to that old gentleman, and God or something is a prey in his eyes, which is undoubtedly more of a prey interest for a stray guy than a child.” Donnie Shah said something like that.

“I am here to remind you that Athena has targeted you, and now there is another vicious old demon king who may find you. You are so hard, as a best friend, I can't watch. ”

“Come on, what you're saying is just trying to convince me to give you the Gorgon Stone, right?” Noah, in one sentence, directly broke Donny's mind.

“Besides, the people who are after me are not only the ancient Queen of God and the ancient Goddess King, but you are also a fool who knows nothing but battle except to eat! ”

“Don't say that.” Donnie still looks hilarious when someone tells her what she intends to do.

“Anyway, there's an old demon king who's going to look for you, isn't there? You fight him well! Athena, why don't you let me have it? ”

“There is a serious contradiction in your statement.” Noah rolled her white eyes.

“Since that old guy is coming for Athena just like you, the only thing he's looking at is the Gorgon Stone. If I give you the Gorgon Stone, he'll turn around and look for you. For him, I'm a younger kid than you, much less interested in me, right? ”

“Uh..." Donnie obviously didn't think of it and suddenly became mute, but quickly went straight again.

“I can't think of anything that complicated, anyway, if you give me the stone, if that old guy comes, it would be fun to fight together! ”

“In other words, if the negotiations fail, you're just going to act like your own idiot, right?” Noah sighed.

“In that case, we'll say goodbye! ”

“Wait... wait!” Donnie seemed to realize something and panicked.

But knowing that Donnie had nothing in mind, it was just a brain following its own ideas to call itself, and after not coming up with a suggestive solution, Noah wouldn't bother talking to this idiot anymore.

So, regardless of Donnie's rushed voice, Noah just hung up.

When I hung up, Noah's expression on her face slowly changed to something.

“Warbang...? ”

Athena said that it is not just power that can be used as a weapon.

As the goddess of wisdom, Athena's wisdom is also an unquestionable force.

Well, here comes the problem.

Athena's Snake was only in Noah's hands today, until now, not even a day has passed.

In such a short period of time, Donnie was able to learn that the stone of Gorgon was in his own hands. After all, this was Donnie's territory, and it was not surprising that Erica and Liliana had reported it to the Red Copper Black Cross and Bronze Black Cross.

But how did that Warban know?

Though Woban lives in the Balkans and is a neighbor to the Italian Peninsula, how can it not be known that Noah has the stone of the Gorgon within less than half a day?

Therefore, Noah can only come up with one possibility.

“Athena, did you do this? ”

Though they are all "Gods of God", "Gods of God" and "Gods of God" are at best the same kind, but not companions.

Even humans have the power to fight, not to mention the horrible power, to compete for this level of struggle in the world map.

Noah suspected that Athena was deliberately spreading the message, even directly to Woban, to get him to come to the door.

Elinor's perception of Woban, who is absolutely like Donnie, is the kind of troublemaker who would not hesitate to execute if Athena came to them herself and said to them, "Help the concubine regain her strength if she wants to fight back against her full concubine."

So, to provoke Woban, the way to bring Woban here is much more for that goddess of wisdom.

And even if people like Warbang and Donnie can't get the "Gorgon Stone" from Noah, Athena can patiently wait for the time to take back the "Gorgon Stone", even if she fails, she can continue to rebuild the banner drum, and then attract the other Gods.

Though reluctant to admit it, as Erica and Liliana thought, "The Goddess Goddess" is basically a problem.

If you want to provoke these people, how many ways do you want to use them?

“It turns out, too smart a woman can't handle it, let alone a goddess.” Noah complained independently.

“Isn't it nice to be as stupid as Mira and Lisa? How cute is that? ”

After that, Noah rubbed her eyebrows.

“Anyway, because of Donnie and Athena, I haven't slept all night last night. If I don't rest tonight, I don't have that spirit to fight, even if there is a god and a god. ”

Leaving this sentence, Noah glanced at "The Stone of Gorgon" resting next to her phone and stood up and walked in the direction of the bed.


That's it, three days have passed.

During these three days, Noah has been around hotels and hotels, not very far away, even if she knows that there are "Gods of God" and "Gods of Disobedience" and staring at herself at them at the same time, Noah, as if nothing had happened, tried to walk around and try to come across something about "world debris".

For Noah, competing with the Goddess of God and the Unobedient God is nothing more than an illustration of life. Finding the World Fragment is the real theme.

However, this pattern of action was effectively broken three days later in the morning.

Because Noah was contacted very urgently by the head of the Red Bronze Black Cross and the Bronze Black Cross division.

“Wang! Miss Erica and Miss Liliana were taken by the Marquis of Warbang! ”