Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 495: Short Short Duels Against Pin Sharps (Moon Tickets)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'My name is Li Shunsheng’, 'Night Moon Chen Yu’, 'A Lori Lover’ and ‘The Witch Horse is Here’!

“You're too proud to forget, kid. ”

With the passage of such a sentence, Warbana's lean body suddenly erupted a very large spell, which turned it directly into a wind wave, and the wind of the surrounding building that cried out was returned.

“Buzz ————! ”

At the same time, Warbans stared at Noah's miserable green eyes sparkling like gems.

Under these circumstances, Noah felt a very strange spell wrapped around herself.

Erica and Liliana freaked out when Noah hadn't reacted to Warban's eyes gleaming green.

“No!” Erica's direct alert shows the sound.

“Don't look him in the eye! ”

“King, that's the Eye of Sodom! It's one of Marquis Warban's" powers "!” Liliana hastily made a sound, too.

“This' power 'turns everything you see within the sight of the Marquis into salt crystals! Even if The Goddess is extremely resistant to spells! Parts of your body will also salt if you match this Power! ”

After all, that is already a power that falls within the category of "power," a true power of God.

Even if the God-fearing had an extraordinary resistance to spells, looking directly at those evil eyes would salt a part of the body.

At least don't look directly at those evil eyes.

In that case, as a God-killer, Noah should be able to slow down more or less the rate at which the body is salted, right?

That's what Erica and Liliana think.

However, instead of looking into Warban's eyes, as Erica and Liliana had reminded her, Noah met Warban's evil eyes directly, and her expression became laughable and non-laughable.

“Boo-hoo! ”

In the next moment, only Noah and Warban would notice that the spell wrapped around Noah as a result of the activation of "Sodom's Eyes" had suddenly exploded and the smoke had dissipated.

“Hmm?” Even Warban couldn't help but notice the situation.

Warban's "Eye of Sodom" is simply an evil eye directly linked to death for ordinary people, but for "Goddess Goddess Goddess Goddess", not only can it weaken its effectiveness, generally without surprise, trying to decipher this "power" is not so difficult.

But Noah didn't even use the spell, so she deciphered Sodom's Eyes?

Wouldn't have been a surprise.

Worban had no idea that Noah's health was far more irregular than his power.

With three special bodies, Noah is able to give herself all the power she has left to absorb, eliminate all the negative forces and side effects, and restore her magic (spell) to herself like a world in which she operates, without any weakness.

It is precisely because of its ability to eliminate all negative forces and side effects that Warban's "Eye of Sodom" is useful to Noah, without even beaded "Eye of Demons".

So, to deal with Noah, you must never use curses, poisoning, and weakness to indirectly influence the body.

If you want to deal with Noah, only a direct physical impact on Noah's body is effective, and it is absolutely useless to play around with some small means.

Though I don't know what's going on, Warban doesn't have much hope for his "Eye of Sodom", which is not the "power" that would have been suitable for dealing with the "God-fearing" and "Unobedient God".

“A little bit of skill, as a kid born less than a month ago, I commend you.” Old Warban sits in a luxurious seat and the glow in his miserable green eyes disappears directly, but his expression becomes even more dangerous.

“Well, I'll just move a little bit more authentic...”

Word fell, Warbans reached out one hand and struck a ringing finger.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

The wind around them suddenly became violent.

In the sky, the clouds that emerged somewhere began to diffuse throughout the sky, blocking all the light, making the heavens and the earth bleak.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! ”

Along with the thunder, winds, storms and lightning play a role in the clouds.

“It's" The Wind is Furious. "” Erica is tight.

“Not only can storms be called, but also thunderstorms and tornadoes can be called to dominate the 'power' of wind, rain, thunder and electricity. ”

Noah whispered when she heard that.

In Noah's heart, the contour connected a stone tray representing ten incarnations, pointing to a tornado descending from the sky.

“Pfft! ”

The next moment, Noah also struck a thumb.

The winds, thunderstorms and torrential rains rolling back and forth in the sky suddenly came to a standstill, solidifying even the clouds of darkness.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

A violent cyclone burst from above the clouds, like a vortex, twisting in a sky filled with clouds, twisting the entire black sky into chaos and blowing the thick clouds away.

Then, the cloudy sky suddenly came back as bright as a joke.

“What?” Woban finally frowned.

See, Noah retracted her hand and said faintly.

“The 'power' that dominates wind, rain, thunder and electricity is amazing, but unfortunately, my 'power' not only causes storms, but also dominates the sky. You intend to start 'power' from the sky, which is really a step forward. ”

“Really?” Woburn's face sank and he laughed.

“Then let my hound take care of you! ”

Speaking of which, Warban waved his hand so hard that the floor of the luxury seat in which he was sitting shivered immediately.

“Buzz ————! ”

A shadow of darkness centred on Warban's position, expanding in all directions.

Soon after, a giant, big enough to rival a horse, full of hair as gray and black as a mouse, a giant wolf with the same tragic green color in its eyes emerged from the shadows, flashing fierce beast eyes nailed directly to Noah.

“It's" The Wolves of Greed. "” Liliana shouted.

“Able to summon dozens or even hundreds of giant wolves' power ', the first' power 'of the Marquis of Warban. ”

As if to testify to Liliana's words, that huge wolf made a purely wild beast roar, tightening his body and ejecting suddenly, pounding in the direction of Noah.

Noah glanced at the wolves that covered them like rain.

In its heart, the stone plate, which originally pointed to the pattern of the incarnation of "The Storm," once again rotated, pointing to a human figure who opened his arms to the sky, like a figure who wanted to give the whole sky a luxurious costume around him.

Until then, Noah's eyes sparkled with spectacular light as she burst into flames.

“Back the fuck up--! ”

A cold drink rang from Noah's mouth, carrying a rippled curse that swept around and swept past that giant wolf's body.

“ ———— ”

The fierce giant wolf suddenly stagnated like a dog strangled by his neck, landed on the ground and couldn't even move.

Seeing this scene, Warban glanced first, then his expression became gloomy.

Faced with such Warbans, Noah was proud to lift her arms and still smiled.

“Is that all? Old sir?”

Worban's face suddenly became very ugly.

Back and forth, Warbans have used three Powers.

"Sodom's Eyes" was unjustifiably cracked.

"Rage of the Wind" was simply dispersed.

Now, even Warban's first 'power' - the 'coyote of greed' - is controlled by the other party's 'power', turning Warban's most vicious hounds into good and submissive loyal dogs.

How can this humiliation be tolerated as the oldest 'god killer', who has placed himself at the top of Warbans from beginning to end?

And in Erica's view with Liliana, this short showdown is even more remarkable.

After all, neither Noah nor Warban ever left their original position, even a centimeter.

In general, how can two kings not be frightened by the power that ordinary humankind simply cannot resist?

Of course, what surprised Erica and Liliana the most was the power Noah showed.

As the youngest king in the world today, Noah has been extraordinarily brilliant even in the face of the oldest demon king.

Noah, in the midst of two hundred years of age, took the upper hand.