Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 512 Actually, I Have A Question

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“Here it is all. ”

In Noah's room, Erica and Liliana stacked all the thick books on the glass table in front of the couch.

“Here are the records and myths of every god from whom the three Bishops of Lotho, the Marquis of Warban and Lord Salvatore usurped 'power'.” Liliana said to Noah sitting on the couch.

“Apollo, the origin of Marquis Wolfgang, Osiris, the origin of Cage of Dead Servants, Feng Bo, Rainmaster and Thunder, even the origin of Sodom's Eyes, are documented in considerable detail by the Roman one-eyed god Horatio Cochres. ”

“The origins of Bishop Luo's" Major Gods of Vajra "The origins of the strong king of Luoyan and the secret sign Vajra and the" Dragon Bard Tiger Tsunami Dafu "Gaietli are also recorded here.” Erica added.

“Also, the origins of Lord Salvatore's 'Ripped Silver Hand', Nuada, 'Protected by Steel', Sigfrid, and the origins of 'Power', which can wipe away all mysterious forces, are on top of the records of the ancient Greek mythical wine god Dionysus. ”

Rumor has it that Noah picked up the nearest book to herself, which looked quite old and heavy, and went over it at will.

“Thanks, with all this, my" warrior "incarnation will be fully utilized, and it should be easier to deal with Loren, Warbang and Donnie, and they won't be able to move any more. ”

As I said earlier, the knowledge gained through the magic of "Professor" can only remain in your mind for about a day.

In other words, Noah's vast knowledge of the gods from Alice, Erica and Liliana yesterday is all gone, and he can no longer use that knowledge to initiate the incarnation of the Warrior.

Originally, Noah was still thinking about her body so special that she could absorb the power into her body completely. I wonder if she could also absorb the knowledge brought by the magic of "Professor".

As a result, I wondered if it was because it was not the power but the knowledge that entered my body. Yesterday I remembered the clear knowledge of the gods. I woke up early this morning and Noah didn't remember them all.

Despite some regrets, Noah was not disappointed when she was ready, and then went to Erica and Liliana to learn about yesterday's gods.

In a spin, Erica and Liliana said that the dictation was too troublesome, simply let the head of the "Red Copper Black Cross" and "Bronze Black Cross" division send a book containing the knowledge of the gods for Noah to see for herself.

By writing down all the contents of these books, Noah is ready to forge "swords" against Warban's "wolf pack of greedy wolves", "servant cage of death", "wind rage" and "eyes of Sodom", as well as "power" against Luo Qing's "King Kong's mighty divine power", "Dragon's Tiger Tsunami Dafa" and Donnie's "torn silver hands", "steel guard" and later named "Violent God's Wine" by the "Sage Parliament".

The Golden Sword is also the Sword of Wisdom.

At this point, Noah is already well aware of how offensive the Golden Sword that the Warrior incarnate can be.

Whether the opponent is a 'godless' or 'godless', or an object other than a 'godless' and a 'godless', this part of the power can be sealed as long as the knowledge related to the other's power is fully obtained.

In other words, as long as there is sufficient knowledge, the Golden Sword, which can be cut off even by divinity, is a nightmarish weapon relative to the enemy.

Moreover, unlike the former Black Shaver, the Golden Sword does not need to be touched before it can be activated, but also has restrictions on the use of sufficient knowledge.

Using "Black Shave" requires contact with the opponent, which can plunder one of the opponent's abilities and only his ability.

The use of the word "warrior" requires sufficient knowledge. If it is ready, it can only seal the strength of the opponent, but the number of sealed powers is unlimited. As long as there is sufficient knowledge and the use of incarnate spells, seal as many times as you want.

The latter is more useful to Noah than the former.

After all, Noah's spell is more offensive than the average "god killer", he can use the incarnation of "warrior" more than once, and Noah's memory and understanding are strong enough to learn a language in a short time. It's much easier if you want to learn anything. The incarnation of "warrior" really suits Noah.

As for "Black Shaver", it is indeed strong to be able to plunder an opponent, but there is only one ability to plunder, and the prerequisite to be exposed to each other is too uncertain. Integrating into the incarnation of "Warrior" is also a good option.

Of course, the advantages and disadvantages of "Warrior" and "Black Shaver" are different, except that the words "Warrior" are more suitable for Noah and more practical.

“It's just that even if you were prepared in advance for the" sword "of Bishop Luo, Marquis Warban and Serbatre, you wouldn't necessarily be able to defeat those three kings again, would you?” Erica said to Noah.

“Needless to say, Bishop Luo is a king of the same age as Marquis Warbang. There can never be only two" powers "," Vajra Gong "and" Dragon Inquisition Tiger Tsunami Law ". Not to mention, Marquis Warbang did not fully understand the King's" powers "or even" Sage Council ". In addition to the most commonly used and established" wolf swarms "," Death Servant's Cage "," Wind Fury "and" Sodom's Eye ", there must be other" powers "that have not yet been revealed. ”

“So is Salvatore, then?” Liliana twisted her head.

“There are four of the King's 'powers', three of which have now been exposed, but the last 'powers' are still in the snow. Though the 'powers' themselves are useless in battle, they may also have other uses. ”

“Even so, the most common and familiar 'power' they have ever known, whether it be Warbans, Lorens or Donnies, will seal these 'power' swords and prepare them, which is too good for battle.” Noah flipped over the book and didn't lift her head.

“I have the confidence to defeat them all in the height of the day, and if they seal a lot of 'power' status, then, like yesterday, even if the three of them go together, it won't be my opponent. ”

Indeed, yesterday's fighting proved that.

Yet Erica and Liliana shook their heads at the same time.

“Wang, you have just been reincarnated as a" god killer ", and your mind is still in the normal human condition, using those words to evaluate" god killer ", that will be a big problem.” Erica spoke frankly.

“The so-called 'god killers' could all have killed the existence of the gods when ordinary people were, needless to say, much weaker than gods, but ultimately, they succeeded. ”

“Although" The Goddess Murderer "initially killed God to succeed, the ingredients of luck occupied a great deal of factors, but if he was not a natural warrior, even if he was lucky, he would have started to shake his legs in the face of God, let alone wave his sword at each other.” Liliana also said seriously.

“Even if they seal most of the kings' power, as long as there is still a little power left, the kings can fight. ”

“And once there is a glimmer of opportunity, the kings of the gods can seize it and win.” Erica took Liliana's words and her beautiful eyes looked straight at Noah.

“It's the same for God, and it's the same for you, the king of the same size. ”

Noah flipped his hand off the book.

Erica and Liliana were right.

Whether it's Robin, Warbans, or Donnie, they all killed the existence of the gods. How could they simply go to defeat because most of their power was sealed?

"God-killers" cannot be judged by human common sense.

The essence of "God-killer" is more like a beast.

And even weaker beasts still have fangs that can bite off the neck of humans, tearing apart their claws.

Therefore, most of the forces that can seal the God-fearing must not feel comfortable with each other, so that they can be taken lightly.

That would definitely kill you badly.

At this point, Erica suddenly turned her tongue.

“Speaking of 'power' things, King, actually, I have a question. ”