Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 527: How Old Is She?

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of 'Booklover sd'! And the rewards of 'Soul Down’, ‘Blank Rhythm’, ‘Fantasy Dream Rain’, ‘Pokémon’!

Naples, also known as the city of Naples, is one of the few major Italian cities and is also a port street and tourist destination.

The beauty and elegance of this ancient capital is even derived from the phrase "You can see Napoleon and see it".

As one of the world's three great night vistas, the city of Naples will not only be lit by all kinds of lights at night, but will also be able to see a magnificent volcano 10 kilometers away if you look east.

Naples, famous for its pizza origins, is actually also a university city.

The University of Naples, established in the days of the Syrian Kingdom in 1224, is still alive.

Because of this environment, there are many old bookstores unexpectedly in the city.

Especially around Piazza Bellini in the Old Town, which is a very famous old bookstore street.

In such a city, on the corner of the city of Naples, there is an old town.

Near Piazza Garibaldi and the Cathedral, the city centre has a city well style corner.

Right there, there's an old bookstore called The House of Milid.

The design of the shop is very neat.

It is a very small old bookstore, but the store is stacked with old books of all sizes and sizes, with a variety of clutter and a unique atmosphere.

The three of us, Noah, Erica and Liliana, who flew directly from London, England, to Naples, Italy, in Penfolds, are now at the door of this old bookstore.

“Finally...” Even Noah could not help complaining at this time.

“It's the first time I've been on a plane so often, even if there's nothing physically wrong with me, I'm still a little tired mentally. ”

Erica nodded with Liliana.

If you look closely, both Erica and Liliana have a hint of tiredness left over from the rush.

“Lily.” Erica struck hard and said to Liliana.

“Is this where you belong to the Bronze Black Cross? ”

“Exactly.” Liliana cheered up and nodded at Noah and Erica.

“You guys wait here. I'll go find her. ”

By the way, Liliana went straight into the old bookstore and soon brought the owner of the old bookstore out.

It was a totally unknown age, wearing a lot of lace sides, looking very soft and pretty dress, and a woman with a doll face.

“Diana Milid sends her greetings to the King.” The woman with the doll's face held the horn and offered Noah a solemn salute.

“I also ask Wang to forgive me for my poor hospitality. ”

“Miss Diana is a witch who lives in Napoleon and, like me, belongs to the Bronze Black Cross. She is also a wise mentor who has given me magic.” Liliana was also on the side of the introduction.

“To me, Miss Diana is like a teacher. ”

“Teacher? How can I be that old?” Diana said that to Liliana and cheeked up.

“I do teach you witchcraft for witches, but I'm not your teacher. ”

“Yes... is it?” Liliana's eyelids clearly twitched a few times and laughed.

By the way, Noah and Erica had joined forces to steal whispers.

“So this young lady Diana is actually much older than she looks? ”

“At least in my perception, you know that Lily and I were green and plum horses. I was only seven years old when I first met her, and by then, Miss Diana had this look. ”

“It's been about nine years since you were seven, right? That's what it's been like for so long? ”

“Nothing strange, as long as the curse is practiced to the point where the fire is pure blue, the witches can maintain their young appearance and body. Despite this, time always passes. If you look carefully, you can still find the fishtail pattern that appears in Miss Diana's eye corner. ”

“How old is she? ”

“… it would be better not to think too much about this...”

Noah and Erica, who reached such a consensus, decided to turn a blind eye to the matter.

Then Noah goes forward.

“I'm sorry, Miss Diana, but the reason we're here is because I'm sure you already know from Lily, so, excuse me, can you tell me first if anything strange has happened here, if there's any sign of" God of Disobedience "? ”

When it came to business, Diana nodded to Noah as she shrugged her smile.

“I understand, and ask Wang to go to the shop first. Let's go inside and talk. ”

Noah, Erica and Liliana all nodded their heads and, led by Diana, entered the old bookstore in front of them.


On the second floor of the old bookstore, there is a place like a living room and a library.

At a desk, Noah sat in her only seat, Erica and Liliana standing behind Noah like escorts and attendants, while Diana stood in front of the desk, facing Noah as if she were about to report to her boss.

This arrangement gives a clear indication of the high and low ranking of people in the venue.

Noah is not the type of person who likes to enjoy the feeling of being high, but being treated like this doesn't create the feeling of being high, so it doesn't matter.

In this situation, Diana came up with a report, flipping over and speaking to Noah.

“Lily contacted me a while ago to draw my attention to any anomalies on Napoly's side. Since then, I have been investigating signs of Napoly's spells and finally detected a lot of spells gathering in the corner of Napoly. ”

Erica and Liliana, standing behind Noah, exchanged their eyes.

Even Noah squinted her eyes slightly.

In fact, there was a lot of curse gathering in Napoly, and Noah noticed it when she came to Napoly.

Erica and Liliana are not as sensible as Noah, nor does Noah have a keen sense of the spell as the Goddess, but the two young girls are also very good knights. I'm sure, even later than Noah, they must have noticed somewhat more or less the same phenomenon?

This is not of the utmost importance.

Most importantly, it was a place with a lot of spells, which, according to Liliana, seemed to be an underground relic managed by the Bronze Black Cross that only witches could access.

Liliana had also entered the underground site.

So, what's in that underground ruin, Liliana still remembers clearly.

So, Liliana made a direct noise.

“Was it Hera's Column that gathered so much spell? ”


In Greek mythology, the wife of Zeus, the god who has the same fate as Martis, the half of Athena.

Like Athena, born in North Africa and worshipped throughout the Mediterranean, Hera was originally the goddess of the earth on the Peloponnese peninsula, unlike Athena, the queen of the divine realm, but also the highest goddess of the same earth.

However, when the feminist society was denied, men began to monopolize power, and mythology was radically altered, Hera and Athena fell to the same fate.

The original noble supreme deity was deliberately degraded, and Hera, like Métis, became a subordinate goddess to Zeus in Greek mythology.

And the Hera Column is the seal that symbolizes Hera's snake.

Just like "The Stone of Gorgon" is the seal of Athena's "Snake" and "Hera's Column" is Hera's "Snake".

Today, this "Hera Column" is stored in the underground ruins of Napoly managed by the Bronze Black Cross.

After realizing that Napoly had gathered a lot of spells, Liliana used the witchcraft of reconnaissance to ascertain that all these spells came from underground ruins stored in the "Hera Column".

In this way, it is easy to guess the origin of the massive curse.

And Diana's answer confirms Liliana's guess.

“Since the birth of" The Stone of Gorgon "a few months ago," The Pillar of Hera "began to assemble its spell. Previously, it was not obvious, so we thought at the outset that only the power left in the artifact had been leaked, and we did not associate it with the" godless "aspect. ”

“First Athena and now Hera?” Noah frowned.

“But shouldn't it be" steel "in Naples? ”

“Check it out first!” Erica crashed.

“It's better to make sure first! ”

Nowadays Nowadays Nowadays.