Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 529: Belly Dark Personality Under Sophisticated Elegance

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Dust’, ‘Fantasy Dream Rain’ and ‘Windless Heaven’!

“Hoo-hoo! ”

At the entrance to the ruins underground deep in the old clothing shop, three shadows with a gust of wind burst out of the interior, directly into the sky, followed by a spin, stabilizing the figure and landing on the ground.

“Buzz ————! ”

At the entrance of the ruins underground, a rippled curse swung out of the interior, gradually becoming more intense.

“Buzz ————! ”

In Noah's hands, "The Stone of the Gorgon" vibrated frequently, also releasing ripples of spells, seemingly trying to echo and merge with the spell of the entrance to the relic, even "The Stone of the Gorgon" itself became incredibly hot, almost burning Noah's palms.

Instead of releasing the "Gorgon Stone", Noah grabbed it and the curse in her body flowed like a stream of water, flaming through her palms, covering the "Gorgon Stone" inside.

Covered by Noah's spell, "The Stone of Gorgon" stagnated, and its spell was slowly suppressed by Noah's spell and retracted into the badge.

Until then, the "Gorgon Stone" stopped vibrating and the temperature gradually dropped, returning to the cold at the beginning.

At the same time, the curse that fluctuated from the underground ruins was slowly shrinking back and gradually disappearing, as if it had lost its counterpart.

“Huh...” Erica and Liliana were relieved.

Even Noah, looking at the calm "Gorgon Stone" in her hand, couldn't help but smile slightly.

“Athena, that guy really left me something very troublesome...”

Because of "The Stone of the Gorgon," Noah has fought one after another with Warbang, Roche and Donnie, and has been around Athena many times, I don't know.

Now, the Gorgon Stone resonates with the Hera Column and brings Hera to life.

It has to be said that Noah is increasingly feeling the burning hand of The Stone of Gorgon.

“It is not surprising that before the advent of masculinity, people in feminist society used the goddess of the earth as their most basic belief, and the symbol of the goddess of the earth was the" serpent ".” Liliana gasped.

“It is not surprising that, as Athena and Hera, also subordinate gods of Zeus, who were tampered with and deprived of their status after the advent of masculinity, their" serpents "resonate. ”

“So we can't let Gorgon's Stone get too close to Hera's Column?” Erica said frankly.

“Otherwise, there is a real possibility that Hera's appearance will be attracted. ”

Noah never spoke, but held onto the "snake" belonging to Athena in her hand, recalling Hera's "snake" in the ruins underground, and recalling Alice's words, her eyebrows became tighter and tighter.

“Was Alice wrong? Isn't Gnivia's goal the appearance of steel? ”

Gnívia invited Noá to Napolí, saying that there was going to be a "god of disobedience" on Napolí's side.

However, as things stand, even if the "god of disobedience" does appear, it will only be a Mother Earth like Hera, and the "god of disobedience" of "steel" shows no signs at all.

If so, what is the purpose of Gnivia's invitation to Noah to Napoly?

Or is it, as Alice said, going to use Noah to prove that the "steel" that emerged in Napoly was the "last king" that Gnivia was looking for?

Erica and Liliana naturally understand why Noah is so confused.

Although the two knight girls were not present, Noah later conveyed Alice's words to Erica and Liliana.

So Erica and Liliana also know Alice's speculation.

“I think Princess Alice's guess should be correct, Lord Gnivia's aim or 'steel'.” Erica said what she thought.

“It's just that the factors that lead to the appearance of the Unobedient God are all kinds of things, sometimes just because of a small primer, and sometimes it's possible that the summoning phenomenon caused by artifacts like the Hera Column, and maybe Napoleon and the factors that we don't know about that can make the appearance of Steel go undetected? ”

“That's what I think.” Liliana also said her thoughts.

“Originally, the hero of Steel had a strong connection with the goddess of Snakes, and the vision of Hera's Column was likely to become a factor in the appearance of Steel. ”

The so-called "steel" originally refers to the slaughter in mythology of heroes who have an inseparable relationship between "dragons" and "snakes".

The heroes of the "steel" who slaughtered dragons in mythology can be described as symbols of the men who tampered with the mythology when the goddesses of the earth were devalued and their own "winged serpents" were rendered evil monsters - "dragons".

Men who deported feminist societies portrayed their own "steel" as heroes and introduced mythology to slaughter the "dragons" and "snakes" of the goddess of the earth, who represented women's beliefs, a factor deliberately added to the advancement of men.

Therefore, the relationship between the hero of Steel and the goddess of the earth, like the original relationship between masculinity and feminism, cannot be overstated as an enemy.

Now, Hera's "serpent" reacted so violently, that it was not impossible that the "god of disobedience" appeared not as a goddess of the earth, but as a hero of "steel".

Nodding thoughtfully, Noah shook "The Stone of Gorgon" in his hand and took a sigh of relief later.

“Anyway, the person I need to be vigilant with or on Gnivia's side, I'll leave it to you first, so I won't come near you in case anything happens again. ”

“Understood." Erica nodded at the same time as Liliana, turning around, following the road she came from, re-entering the ruins underground, presumably rendezvous with Diana, to seal the massive spell gathered on the "Hera Column".

Watching Erica and Liliana re-enter the ruins underground, Noah put "The Stone of Gorgon" in an import bag and turned around and walked out of the old clothes store with the respectful attitude of the boss.


Walking down the streets of Old Town, Noah wandered around in the crowd for no purpose, taking out her cell phone and sending Alice an email telling her what was going on here.

It wasn't long before Alice wrote back.

“I also agree with Miss Erica and Miss Liliana that the relationship between 'Steel' and 'Snake' is inextricably linked, and that Lord Gnivia, who was a goddess of the earth, somehow became a follower of 'The Last King', so I think 'Hera's Column' should still be related to 'Steel'. ”

Immediately after Noah read this email, Alice sent a new one.

“My body has been able to move freely and seeing me dancing in the lobby really made me feel very interesting, but because I was so proud, I let Ms. Irishin discover my plan to go out and say that it was easy to get better, never to mess around outside, then set the line again, don't let me go out, this time I must successfully escape, please be sure to wait for me to come! ”

Noah almost fell asleep with one head on the ground.

The girl is hidden in the noble temperament of her belly black and fearful of the unshakeable nature of the world.

With Alice, known as the wisest brain in Europe as a whole, Noah had every reason to believe that Alice would never have failed to associate herself with the freedom of movement she was proud of, which would have led to Eli's grounding.

Therefore, it is very likely that Alice deliberately made Elixir discover that her body was better, followed by deliberately letting Elixir watch out for herself and immersed herself in the game of escape, unable to pull herself out.

For Alice, as long as it wasn't like the last time Noah, Rochelle, Woban and Donnie were in a war, and the whole of Italy was at risk of a turbulent level of disaster, she was likely to be watching it deliberately, wasn't she?

At the moment, Noah was impatient to put away her phone.


However, at some point, a strange feeling paused Noah's footsteps, his eyebrows wrinkled deeply, and he turned his head sharply, looking at the top of a building beside him.

“Is it really here? ”

Speaking such a phrase, the little silver-haired goddess stood in the moonlight, and a pair of dark snake eyes gave off a deathly cold color, causing palpitations.