Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 535: The Maze of Mount Vesuvius

(Thank you very much for the 10,000 reward of Moon Night West Wind 2! 2476 reward for ‘Xuanzaki the Magistrate'! And the rewards of 'lord' and ‘three mountains and two waters'!

The next day, when the sun had just risen and the sky had just become bright, Noah woke up.

After a basic wash, Noah walked out of the room and slowly wandered around the living room like the library on the second floor of Diana's old bookstore.

Diana runs an old bookstore on the ground floor that sells extremely ordinary books, but there are several bookshelves stacked here on the second floor, almost entirely stacked with books related to God.

Noah stayed in the room and went through the books, supplementing her knowledge of the mythological systems she lacked.

Liliana rose earlier than Noah and dragged Erica out of her nest. In Erica's reluctance to get used to bed, she took Erica with her and seemed to rendezvous with Diana to continue her search for the whereabouts of Hera's Column.

Originally, Noah, who was relaxed and fine, offered to help last night, but both Erica and Liliana felt that "finding something" would really be useless if they needed Wang to do it.

Therefore, under the opposition of Erica and Liliana, Noah could only compromise and entrust Erica and Liliana with the task of finding the "Pillar of Hera", and she would be fine to look at the books in Diana's shop, enrich her knowledge and prepare herself as a "sword" in the next battle.

That's what Erica and Liliana must think, isn't it?

I think that Noah, rather than looking for the Hera Column, might as well supplement the knowledge of the mythical systems here and prepare for the Sword of the Warrior incarnation.

That way, it will be most helpful to the next battle.

Nor does Noah have any objection to this, leaving Erica and Liliana to torment, while she stays alone in the old bookstore, looking at all kinds of God-related knowledge.

However, there is so much knowledge about God that the number of mythological systems of all kinds that have existed in the past and present is countless, not to mention the knowledge of the gods under each mythological system.

Even if Noah had an extraordinary memory and understanding, she would not dare say that she had learned all the knowledge of the mythological system for three months, that Erica and Liliana, two prodigies who had learned the knowledge of God since childhood, would not dare to say so.

So now, all Noah basically remembers is the knowledge of the gods in a particularly famous mythical system.

Even so, Noah's mind is filled with a lot of divine knowledge, dominated by the most famous mythological systems of Greek mythology, Roman mythology, Nordic mythology and Celtic mythology, while the mythological systems outside Europe are only roughly remembered for a few more famous ones.

If you want to learn all the mythological systems in the world, even Noah will take years, right?

And Noah didn't have that much time to learn the mythological systems of the world, so he had to finish the more famous parts first.

So, Noah was immersed in the world of books, and at first glance, he saw the afternoon directly from the morning, and the evening was almost here.

Erica and Liliana didn't come back until the sky began to soften up and bring good news to Noah.

“Found Hera Stone Column! ”


In the corner of the eastern coast of the port of Napoly, a volcano lies here.

Mount Vesuvius.

Called "Europe's Most Dangerous Volcano," it is one of the most famous volcanoes in the world.

Now, under this volcano, Noah looks up, looks at this magnificent volcano, frowns, and looks at Erica and Liliana beside her.

“Hera Column is on this volcano? ”

That's basically bullshit.

Because by the time we got to the bottom of Mount Vesuvius, Noah was already able to clearly feel the extraordinary curse on the mountain.

This spell feels almost exactly like the spell that converged on Hera's Column.

So Noah can be sure that Hera's Column is on this volcano.

Nonetheless, Noah said something that was purely nonsense.

Without it, the volcano in front of us is really weird.

Just at the top of the volcano, a thick dark dark cloud covering it, a lightning bolt from time to time flashing from the clouds, as if it could fall on the volcano at any moment, looks very dangerous.

Around the volcano, there is also a very thick fog covering the entire volcano, so that one can only see implicitly the surface of the volcano, which becomes a very red surface due to its excessive iron content, without being able to see the exact situation inside.

Where would a volcano look so weird?

That's why Noah has so much doubt.

Question One: Since when does Mount Vesuvius look like this?

Question two: Since the volcanoes are all like this, how does "Hera Column" appear in them?

I'm sure whoever sees the volcano in front of them will have the same questions as Noah.

“That's probably Prince Alec's masterpiece, isn't it?” Erica points to Mount Vesuvius.

“The reason why Mount Vesuvius became like this should be because of the maze given to him by his" power. "”

“The maze?” Noah's eyebrows grew deeper and deeper, and he looked at Mount Vesuvius, surrounded by mist and covered by thunderclouds.

“Is that the legendary 'Great Maze'? ”

Black Prince Alec is not only a user of God's speed, but also a maze maker.

Noah has already heard of this.

Alec is said to have killed Minos, the god of the earth and the maze.

From this deity, Alec usurped what Alice-led "The Sage's Council" called "The Great Maze."

It's a 'power' that can create a maze anywhere.

Whether on the ground or underground, Alec can create a maze with this' power ', if he wishes.

And with this "power," Alec is not only able to create a maze, but also to transform what already exists into a maze.

The mansion is fine, the building is fine, even the underground tunnels, the forest and even the ordinary fog, and Alec can turn it into a fascinating place and a dangerous area with the 'power' of the Great Maze.

I'm afraid Mount Vesuvius is going to be like this, because Alec hid inside with the "Hera Column" and turned the entire volcano into a maze with the "power" of the "Great Maze"?

“With that layer of fog, no matter how we go in, it's bound to come out eventually.” Liliana gave a tricky look.

“Plus the presence of thunderclouds above the volcano, we can't fly to the top of the volcano by helicopter, even Diana can't help it, she can only invite you here. ”

“The only way to deal with 'power' is to pay homage to 'power' as well. Humanity cannot find a way to resist the current volcano.” Erica looked at Noah.

“And there's as much change in your Power as Welleslana. Can you find a way to fight the Great Maze? ”

“That's fine.” Noah slowly loosened her wrinkled eyebrows and, after a moment of silence, gave the order.

“Well, I'll just go in this side of the labyrinth, Erica, Lily, you let Diana evacuate all the people she's exploring, and she can't go in anyway. Stand by around. If something goes wrong, make your own decision whether to intervene and evacuate! ”

“Understood!” Erica and Liliana nodded and retreated.

Noah raised her head again, staring around her eyes covered with fog, the sky filled with thunderclouds of Mount Vesuvius, and a slight smile gradually appeared on her face.

“I'd like to see what you're up to, Alec. ”

Then Noah closed her eyes and a stone tray with ten patterns appeared in her heart.

“* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In Noah's heart, one of the ten patterns on the stone tray outline illuminates.

It's a pattern of lightning.

Using the incarnation of "Thundering", Noah's body suddenly emitted a lot of thunder, turned into a bright lightning bolt, swept into the sky, rushed into the bright thunder cloud, disappeared.