Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 537: Can You See Through My Speed?

(Thank you very much for the rewards of "Condensation", "Seven Sins of Silence" and "Thunder Strike"!

Alec was a smart man.

Though a little twisted in personality, Alec does have a part of wisdom and reason that other Gods don't have, as the only one in today's "Gods of God" who is completely mind-blowing.

Thus, while not wanting to admit it, Alec recognized two facts in his brief verbal confrontation with Noah.

One: This compatriot, who has only been reincarnated for more than three months or so, possesses the ability and rational mind not less than his strategy.

Two: Because he is different from others, extremely special, and very troublesome, he is conscious and aware of this, and he confronts the one who so openly admits all his possessions and has no emptiness, and if he keeps his mouth stiff, in the end, the one who loses will surely only be Alec.

In other words, unlike Noah, Alec doesn't verbally admit that he's the same type as the other God-fearing people, but he already feels vain.

So, if this argument continues, the opponent is someone else's, but if neither wisdom nor reason is lower than his opponent's, then Alec's pressure is greater.

Being aware of this, Alec's part of reason was persuading him not to go on.

So Alec shifted the subject.

“Although it is a question that I know to ask, let me ask, why did you break into my" Great Maze "and come here? ”

“You're right, it's really a question you know to ask, or it's a stupid question, unlike the one you're going to ask.” Noah shrugged her shoulders and unnecessarily threw them away.

“Have you ever seen a man who's been robbed and doesn't go after him? ”

“But if I remember correctly, this thing is supposed to belong to the witches of Napoli, right?” Alec said so naturally.

“I don't have this thing in your memory of everything. ”

“Think of me as a guy who can help catch up after someone steals something.” Noah flanked her body and looked straight at Alec.

“So can you give that thing back? ”

“A sense of justice blast?” Alec sounded sarcastic.

“If I say no, can you go back and take this as if you didn't see it? ”

“Then I'm sorry, I have to tell you something that's not very good for you.” Noah's face was calm.

“You stole the" Hera Pillar "in order to lure Gnivia out or be interested in" Steel ". Unfortunately, it was me who was invited by Gnivia. There is no room for you here, Your Highness the Black Prince. ”

“Unfortunately, I am the kind of man who would prepare for the stage for himself.” Alexander said that.

“So, negotiations failed, right? ”

“Negotiate?” Noah raised her head and watched Alec's gaze gradually sparkle.

“You didn't negotiate with me before you stole Hera's Pillar, and now you talk to me about negotiation, so I'll tell you if you've got the wrong time to do this. ”

And the next moment, something that the other person couldn't understand, happened.

“Buzz ————! ”

Like a mirage, Noah and Alec suddenly disappeared almost at the same time.

Instead of knowing when Noah had replaced Alec, standing in front of the "Hera Column", Alec had suddenly appeared on a rock not far away with a hint of light on his body.

“So that's it.” Noah turned his head like he understood something and looked in the direction of Alec.

“Is this your speed? ”

“I've heard you have the same divine speed of 'power' as I do, but I didn't expect you to be quite proficient in that power.” Alec's expression came with a little surprise.

“You know, this ability is troublesome. ”

It's really troublesome.

Because there will be no interference from external factors, you can increase the speed without any constraint, so that you can reach a level that is truly comparable to the speed of lightning. In such a state of ultra-high speed, there is no way to make an accurate attack.

That is, while entering the world of divine speed, those who use divine speed will also lose their ability to attack.

It is not difficult to solve this problem.

Like Noah did against Donnie, when he moved to the desired position with the divine speed, he deactivated the divine speed in an instant and just launched an attack.

Beyond that, however, God's swift 'power' poses other problems.

There are physical limitations in addition to externalities that prevent humans from achieving true lightning speeds.

A person's body cannot support that kind of hypervelocity movement.

Therefore, the use of divine speed can also place a severe burden on the body and can even have many negative effects.

“In the state of divine velocity, we will have hypervelocity, and we will have hypervelocity around us, so that our heart will beat faster, our blood flow faster, and even our brain's neurotransmission faster. One bad thing is that it will not only shorten our lifespan, but it will also collapse because of the difference in the time flow rate around us, which is a convenient and dangerous ability.” Alec talked.

“So, people who use God Speed can either control the time they spend using God Speed and be careful not to overuse God Speed, or they can be like me...”

Speaking of such a sentence, Alec's body turned into a thunderbolt as well.

“Abandoning a person's body directly does not naturally entail any physical burden! ”

After that, Alec, who became lightning, disappeared directly into space.

Almost instantaneously.

A thunderstorm suddenly appeared in front of Noah and regrouped into a human form.

Alec just grabbed a sharp pen and stabbed Noah in the chest.

But the next moment, Alec was stunned.

“Psst! ”

The sharp fountain pen stabbed directly in the empty space.

I wonder when Noah would take a big step to the right and look at Alec sarcastically, the next second, squeezing his fist, punching out.

This punch is too fast to be described in words.

That's because Noah opened Phoenix's incarnation and turned it into a speedy punch.

Although it is impossible to carry out an accurate attack at the speed of God, but if it is aimed at a target that does not move, it does not move itself. If the incarnation of "Phoenix" is used at the moment of the attack, this speedy punch will naturally not deviate from the orbit.

“Bang, bang, bang! ”

Unfortunately, this speedy punch did not hit Alec's body, but suddenly turned into a thunderbolt Alec again, striking a thunderbolt and causing a shock.

And then the lightning went away.

By the time it reappeared, Alec, who had returned to human form, had stood back on the rock with a deep frown.

“Can you see through my speed? ”

In the state of divine speed, the human eye cannot be traced at all.

But Noah did avoid Alec's attack just now.

“So that's it.” Alec's expression became solemn.

“Do you have a mind like Salvatore Donnie's? ”

Donnie's mind can see through the speed.

People immersed in the cultivation of martial arts and reaching the highest realm are generally able to practice this kind of skill.

It is not surprising that such beings as Donnie and Lori can see through the speed of God.

“Unfortunately, although I learned some fighting skills, I didn't do all the work like Donnie did, so I don't have the skills.” Noah answered bluntly.

“However, my senses are acute, and even if I can't see through your speed, I can still sense your proximity. ”

So, here's the deal.

Noah only had to wait for the moment when Alec was attacking to detect Alec's proximity.

After all, God Speed cannot support precise attacks by users, and Alec must be relieved of God Speed at the moment of the attack.

In this moment, Noah can escape in advance with the sensory power of divine indoctrination.

Noah will have time to escape only at this moment when Alec disarms God's speed.

“Of course, there's more to being acute than that.” Despite Alec's solemnity, Noah looked up to the sky.

“I can detect even if there are any unwanted guests approaching. ”

Rumor has it that Alec also seems to have noticed something, looking up into the sky.

“Boom boom -! ”

The next moment, a fierce lightning struck out of the thunder cloud.