Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 563: Things seem to be getting interesting.

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Destiny Void’, ‘Seven Sins Broken’ and ‘Special Enchanted Poi’!

“This is the infirmary. ”

In the infirmary of the campus building of Khu Wang, take Kang Na and introduce him to Noah.

“The school is preceded by a school for girls, whose body is generally weak, and the infirmary is an essential facility for Khu Wang School. If possible, it is advisable for teachers to stay in the infirmary as much as possible. ”

“Since the infirmary is so important, what about the previous health teacher?” Noah got a little confused.

“Before me, there must have been teachers as health teachers, right? ”

“Previous health teachers have retired.” Pick up Skynet and answer.

“Because the school has not hired a health teacher for a long time because he has been a health teacher here, the school is anxious to hire another health teacher after the retirement of his predecessor. ”

Noah, by the way, wrote in her online resume that there are items involved in this area.

So, Khu Wang School responded to Noah.

After all, in a school with a high proportion of girls, there are absolutely no fewer, if not all, physically weak girls who are vulnerable to any kind of ripple.

Healthcare teachers are really important to Khu Wang School.

With that in mind, Noah suddenly realized a very serious problem.

Since Khu Wang School is basically a higher proportion of girls and is also more likely to come to the infirmary, doesn't that mean that Noah has to take care of a large group of girls?

But in some places, it doesn't seem very suitable for boys to do it, does it?

Noah smiled in the dark with such a thought in her heart.

There is no difference between a male and a female doctor, or just between a healthy person and a sick person.

Unfortunately, Noah is not a regular doctor.

Aren't people afraid to hire a scum who doesn't care much about their lower body and use it as a health care teacher to get some with their female classmates?

Forget it, nobody else cares, and Noah certainly doesn't mind either.

“Got it, I'll stay here if it's all right.” Noah said to Pick up the sky.

“Please, pick up your classmates and go back to class. ”

“Got it, teacher.” Picking up the sky and bending over to Noah, Piegee did the same thing almost at the same time.

“Well, let's just say goodbye. ”

Speaking, Pick up the sky and leave the infirmary with Piang Ji.

Noah took a spin in the whole rather spacious infirmary and later stopped at a desk, looking at the white coat stacked on top, shrugging her shoulders.

“I really wanted Erica and Liliana to see this scene when I was wearing it, to get rid of the impression that they treated me like a saboteur all day long. ”

After that, Noah picked up the white coat stacked on the desk, put it on her body, sat down, and grabbed a book on health care and sports that was resting on the desk and looked over.


Picking up the sky with Pian Ji walking in the empty corridor at a slow pace, the face is still so intelligent and a little seriously cold.

After a while, Pick up the sky and stop walking and gently start Zhu Lip.

“You rushed me into the classroom before. Why are you still here? ”

The voice had just fallen. Behind a pillar beside her, the red-haired girl came out and leaned back against the pillar, holding her arm, her beautiful eyes staring directly at the lifting of the sky, her expression became a little funny.

“I'm surprised you're so passionate about a new teacher that, normally, even with this kind of guided assignment, you just give it to someone in the student council? ”

“Didn't you come out of the school for the teacher?” Picking up the sky closed his eyes, Gujing no wave opening, said this sentence.

“Lias, do you really think that teacher is just a regular new teacher? ”

That changed the atmosphere on the scene.

“If you must know an answer, I can only tell you, I don't know.” Lias spoke frankly.

“The teacher, like ordinary people, had nothing special about him, at least I couldn't feel that he was different from ordinary people. ”

“Neither do I.” Take the book and the serious expression becomes more intense.

“But there's always something wrong. ”

“Ah, pull? Is that what you think?” Lias smiled a little, but had no smile in his eyes.

“There was nothing strange about it, but it just didn't feel right. I felt it when I saw him from the school building, but when I came out to meet him, it disappeared, so I didn't even know what to say to the teacher. ”

“So you came all the way over here to take a look, right?” The tone of taking over the sky became a little helpless.

“I knew you weren't the kind to rush me into the classroom. ”

“I'm so sorry, a little naughty.” After Lias said that, she said something like that.

“Nah, God, do you think we should get in touch with that teacher? ”

“... do you think he might be related to our side?” Take the sky and open your eyes, your eyes flashing.

“But didn't we all notice something strange? ”

“That's what I'm saying, but I think it's better to get in touch.” Lias looked in the direction of the infirmary and smiled.

“How can such an interesting person appear in my territory without touching it? ”

“Really?” Pinched the faint remark.

“What if, in the end, the other side is just a normal human being? ”

“Well, isn't that nice?” Lias' smile is even more beautiful.

“As a human being, can you make me, Lias? Gimonli was interested, and there was a good reason for me to get in touch, and maybe it was a good seedling. ”

“Good seedlings...?..." Asked after a moment of hesitation.

“You want him to be your" chess piece "? ”

Lias shrugged her shoulders instead of answering directly the question of taking Skynet.

“Who knows? ”


So, until school, Noah stayed in the infirmary, reading books, and didn't greet even one patient.

That's probably because the school's re-employment of health teachers hasn't been announced, or because the school intends to familiarize Noah with the clinic environment before officially opening the clinic?

Anyway, Noah stayed free all day until after the evening, when it was confirmed that no one would really come into the infirmary, before Noah took off her white coat and walked out of the infirmary.

In the evening, the students in the school were walking pretty much the same way.

Because of this, Noah did not suffer the same major sight as she did when she came to the school in the morning, walking quietly out of the school and in the direction of the apartment.

“Di Di ————! ”

On the highway, the sound of the car honking continues to echo around.

Standing at the crossroads, Noah, waiting for the green light, suddenly moved in her heart and glanced not far away.

There, a young girl dressed like a second dollar sent some leaflets to the people around her, not to Noah.

“Please take this! ”

Noah silently picked up the leaflet in the girl's hand, her eyes moved as the girl left, her dark eyes slowly appeared a little surprised.

“Well, it's not human, is it? ”

So Noah lowered her head and looked at the leaflet in her hand.

It was a leaflet similar to a card.

It says this in an exaggerated circle.

--fulfill your wishes.

And beneath such a sentence, a precise magic array is painted.

Normal people will probably ignore this leaflet as a spreading of some strange religion or belief, or as a prank of some abnormal person?

However, Noah would not do so.

Because Noah found that the structure of this magic array was quite reasonable, and if it was really activated, it would definitely cause magic and magic phenomena to occur.

Before and after Noah has learned a lot of magic and magic such as "crushing magic", "fortifying magic" and "Runi magic".

So, Noah can still be sure of that.

Noah's mouth raised unconsciously as she stuffed the flyers in her hand into the pocket.

“Things seem to be getting interesting...”