Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 565

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of 'Unexpected Name'! And rewards for 'Thunder Rings’, 'Borderline Idlers’, ‘Handicap Kills’!

Satan responds to the call of mankind, conditioned on the price of acceptance, and helps mankind realize its aspirations.

This is a bridge that even has been documented in the Bible, and that has been the image of demons as a creature since time immemorial.

However, the kind of demons in the Bible that help humans realize their aspirations, often at a price, are the souls and lives of humans.

The demons of today respond to the call of mankind and come before mankind to help mankind realize its aspirations while also charging the price of substitution, but not as exaggerated as the soul and life.

Humanity, as a price for the fulfilment of wishes, can pay for demonic objects or for demonic money, whatever is equivalent to the fulfilment of wishes.

That is, the costs that people have to pay fluctuate depending on the level of desire that needs to be fulfilled.

And in this day and age, there are hardly any human beings who can make the bargain of giving their souls and their lives at will, and no one knows how to summon the devil.

That is why the demons paint the magic array of summonses on the leaflets and send them out to make an appearance in this way to help humankind realize its aspirations.

What can I say?

After learning about this from the kitten, Noah's impression of the devil had all collapsed, and there was no sense of terror.

Instead, if there was a demon who was summoned to Noah through the magic array and who induced Noah to sacrifice his soul and life all day long, I'm afraid that demon would have been killed by Noah.

Anyway, the emergence of the kitten aroused Noah's curiosity.

So Noah decides to play with the kitten first.

“Before I say what I want, I have a question for you. ”

Like a relative from somewhere, Noah and the kitten sat down at a small round table in the middle of the room, looking at each other face-to-face across from a small round table.

Noah gazed at the kitten with no expression on her face and said with a smile.

“You, you're not a student at Khu Wang School, are you? ”

The kitten was obviously stunned, then lowered her head and looked at her body.

At this moment, the uniform worn by the kitten is the uniform of the girl at the Khu Wang School.

There's nothing more to prove that the kitten is a student of King of the Fights school.

“I just feel a little familiar.” Noah couldn't help but laugh.

“Unexpectedly, the demon I summoned was my student. ”

“Student?” The kitten stunned again and understood.

“Are you a teacher at Khu Wang School? ”

“I'm the new health teacher, I just took up my duties today, and you'll probably hear from me tomorrow.” Noah shrugged.

“Let's start with more instruction. ”

The kitten just reacted, recovering from the initial faceless expression on her face, nodding towards Noah.

“Well, teacher, please say your wish. ”

“Since you are also a student at Khu Wang Academy, I don't need to explain that much.” Noah said that very simply.

“Lias? Gimonry and Pickup, these two third-grade students you should know, right? ”

When I heard Noah's words, the kitten was really surprised.

That was amazing, just like hearing a name that wasn't supposed to show up, but was closely related to itself.

Of course, kittens are surprised only by the look in their eyes, but the expression doesn't change much.

I just don't know if it's Noah's illusion.

It felt like after saying Lias and taking the name of God, the kitten looked at Noah with a little extra vigilance and vigilance.

Realizing this, Noah confirmed that Kitten and Lias and Pick Up God really knew each other.

But Noah didn't take her mind off it and put it out loud.

“Actually, my wish is to know more about those two third-grade students! ”

This phrase makes the vigilance and vigilance in the eyes of the kitten more intense, and the mouth is still so undulating.

“… I'm sorry, I can't make this wish happen. ”

“Hmm?” Noah soared as if she had predicted.


“… concerns personal privacy.” The kitten revealed such a phrase.

“And there's a nasty feeling...”

Noah almost fell.

“Why do you feel nasty?! ”

This girl didn't think Noah wanted to get Lias and take information from God to pursue them, did she?

Even so, we can't talk dirty, can we?

Or does the kitten think Noah's some kind of stalker or something?

Noah's a little speechless.

“Your thoughts are so extreme, I'm just curious about the wind and cloud characters in the school. ”

How can a beautiful girl like Lias and an ice beauty like Skynyrd, in a normal high school, not attract attention?

Though he spent only one day at Khu Wang School, Noah also knows more or less about Lias and Khu Qianna's fame at Khu Wang School.

It is said that Lias' popularity ranks first in the Khu Wang School, while the popularity of Kang Wang ranks third in the Khu Wang School, a figure that both boys and girls admire and admire.

Perhaps that's why Kitten thought Noah had a bad purpose in wanting Lias and taking information from God?

Noah has actually encountered a lot of respected characters like Lias and Li Qianna.

Most of the people Noah met were very good, looked very good, and were more or less loved by others, just like Lias and Li Qianna.

So, Noah was really just curious about Lias and Pickup, and, incidentally, she wanted to get some information about the world, so she had no particular idea.

I don't know if I can see a hint of sincerity in Noah's crying performance. The kitten silenced for a moment and finally, shook her head and refused.

“Even so, the personal information of the schoolsisters cannot be divulged without authorization. ”

Rumor has it that Noah was slightly impressed with the little girl in front of him for a living.

Looks like a little kid. I didn't know kittens were for other people's sakes.

“Well, I'm just interested, really not getting anything.” Noah waved randomly, but the next second became agonized.

“So the covenant with the devil is broken? ”

“…” The cat frowned without a trace and seemed a little distressed.

“In that case, my demon performance will decline, and it will be troubling. ”

“Yes... is it?” Noah grinned and spat in her heart.

So demons talk about performance, too?

“Don't teachers have other wishes?” Kitten asked seriously.

“If there's anything I can do for you, please let me know, I'm good at the workforce. ”


Kitten good at labor?

A little girl like that can't really tell what she's good at.

“Hmm?” The kitten frowned.

“Feels like the teacher is thinking something very rude. ”

“No... there's no way...” Noah couldn't help but look away and be watched closely by the kitten, as if she were going to see through Noah's heart, and her gaze became very sharp.

Spinning, the kitten stood up and, in Noah's puzzling eyes, walked to the bed beside her, reaching out and resting on the edge of the bed.

“... hey...”

With an emotionless fluctuation, a particularly powerless and soft delicacy, the next moment, the scene emerged with Noah's corner as one of a kind.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

The bed, which was several times as heavy as Noah's, was suddenly overhead by a petite little cat, standing above the cat's head.

Holding such a heavy object that could easily crush the seemingly thin arm, the kitten's expression still did not fluctuate, appeared to be superfluous, even the sound line did not change.

“I'm good at labor. ”

Noah's mouth twitched continuously in the cat's repeated voice, like trying to prove herself.

“I... I get it... anyway... how about putting my bed down first? … ”

The kitten nodded, and then "hey" screamed emotionally, putting the overhead bed back where it belonged.

Sure enough, people are invisible.

It's also a demon, and there are strange places.

Though I don't know if it's strange or unfortunate to give a little cute teenage girl weird powers...

Noah rubbed her eyebrows now.

“Well, I just moved here anyway. I have a lot of things to tidy up. If you're good at labor, then help me move the furniture. ”

Kitten, that's what makes me happy.

“Well, the contract is in place. ”