Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 570: Sending a Person to Live with You? (Moon ticket)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Candleless’, ‘Pokémon’, 'Violet °C’, ‘Emotional Displacement’!

Behind the campus of Khu Wang School, there is a lush woodland.

In the middle of the woodland is a building surrounded by trees.

That's the old school building at Khu Wang School.

The old school building, which was a former school building of Khu Wang School, cannot now be said to be abandoned, but it is not in use. It gives a rather shady feeling that it can be boasted of one of the seven most amazing events in every school and circulated throughout the school.

However, the wooden school building is old in appearance, but the windows are intact, and at first glance there is nothing noticeably damaged. It is old, but it is not broken.

This is, of course, particularly true in the interior of school buildings.

Not only is the corridor very clean, even the idle and useless classroom is spotless, the impression that it should be filled with layers of spider web and layers of dust has not appeared, told others that there is often cleaning here.

In such a school building, there is a large room.

It's a room with mysterious text in every corner of the room.

And in the middle of a room like this, there's a huge magic array that takes up most of the space, and it looks pretty weird.

Beyond that, there are only a few sofas and a luxurious desk in the room, and the interior is furnished with a lot of common furniture, such as a table in the center of the sofa, a table lamp, a chandelier and an interior bathroom, which disperses a lot of the quirky atmosphere that pervades the air.

In fact, this room is the venue for the community activities of the Supernatural Research Department of Kui Wang Academy.

Gimonli's family, headed by Lias, are all members of the Supernatural Research Department, and Lias is the minister of the community.

By now, it's almost dark.

However, there are a lot of people in this community venue of the Supernatural Research Department.

Junuh Kijima, with a cup of hot tea, came to the side of the couch and placed the hot tea on the table in front of Noah sitting on the couch.

“Tea, please. ”

“Thank you.” Noah was also polite, holding up the hot tea directly on the table, taking a small sip, holding it in her hand and looking across the street.

There, Lias sat on the couch, forming a face-to-face confrontation with Noah.

Jijima Junai returned to Lias after making Noah tea and stood behind Lias the closest distance from the couch.

Next to it, Yudo Kiba stands side by side with Kitty Tower, and the high and low status can be seen in this scene.

“Well, Mr. Lias.” Noah had a hot cup of tea and a few lacking openings.

“Tried me hard, invited me here again, enough scene, should we talk about the real question? ”

“I didn't set the scene up on purpose.” Lias frowned a little uncomfortably, but the next second he recovered and looked straight at Noah.

“This Kui Wang Academy is run by the Gimonli family. It's also my place in the world. To be honest, people like the teacher suddenly break in, can't we be unaware? ”

“Doesn't this school's students and teachers amount to trespassing on your property?” Noah noodles don't change color, "he said.

“Is Lias still on guard for all the teachers and students in the school? ”

“Teacher, you know what I mean. Can you not turn around?” Lias' beautiful eyebrows get tighter and tighter.

“You should know that I am not prepared to attend and serve in this campus, but to attend and serve in this campus as a powerful teacher and student. ”

“Frankly, if it weren't for not feeling demons, angels, or fallen angels from you, we would have treated you as an intruder and ruled you out!” Lias' beautiful eyes stared straight at Noah and began to smell faint magic.

“But like you said, you're just a human being, and my place has never forbidden human access, like the teachers and students in this school, which is a little difficult to deal with, so we were hoping that you would cooperate with us, at least, so that there would be no conflict. ”

Noah still hasn't changed color on the surface, but she's actually developed a lot of fondness for Lias.

Prior to this formal negotiation, Noah received a lot of information from Kitten and Yodo Kiba during the chat.

There are not only demons in this world, there are even angels and fallen angels in the Bible.

It is said that wars between demons and fallen angels to dominate the underworld, what humans call hell, have been going on since the ancient times.

The underworld is roughly divided into two sides: demonic territory on the one hand and fallen angel territory on the other.

In order to monopolize the underworld, the dominion of the whole underworld was in the hands of the devil and the fallen angel, who had fought as frequently as two countries competing for territory since the ancient times, but who could do nothing about it.

And with God in the Bible at the head, angels in the heavens see demons and fallen angels as objects that must be eradicated.

In this way, the three forces of demons, angels and fallen angels have formed a momentum, constantly fighting, even to this day.

Human beings without power are undoubtedly too fragile compared to so-called demons, angels and fallen angels.

Therefore, Lias can allow humans to study and serve freely in his own territory.

But if another demon, angel, or fallen angel broke in, it would be an invasion unless it was agreed to by Lias.

At this point, Lias will make every effort to expel his enemies and even completely exclude them.

Noah is a human being, just as Lias tolerated.

However, Noah possesses strong powers that humans in general cannot possess, and Lias must note that it is not strange.

However, Noah is still a human being after all.

Even if the individual is stronger, Lias can use the power of the devil to surround Noah. He doesn't need to be as powerful as Angels and Fallen Angels. Why should he say so much?

Now, Lias offered not to have a conflict.

That proves that Lias is not bad in nature, and that there is no superior pureblood demon who defies humanity and chooses to have an equal conversation with Noah.

At this time, Noah will never be able to pass if he doesn't give face.

“But as you said, I'm just a human being. Even if I have power, I'm the only one who stands for it. Let's not say that there are forces behind humanity that are forming against the devil, that is, that the devil doesn't exist, right?” Noah bluntly said.

“Or do you think I'm an enemy sent by an angel or a fallen angel? ”

“No, either angels or fallen angels, the human beings under their control have the right to exercise the power of light, and there is no breath of light in you.” Lias touched his chin and sang.

“There are many things to consider without the power given by any of the demons, angels, or fallen angels, and while it cannot be proven that you are not associated with any of them, at least we know that you possess power as a purely human being. ”

“Whatever the considerations, Mr. Lias, you have your own concerns, which I understand, but I'm just here to be a teacher, not as complicated as yours.” Noah sighed.

“So, as Lias said, in order not to clash with each other, as long as you give me a non-exclusionary statement, it's not wrong for me to cooperate with you. ”

“Then it's done.” Lias looked loose and had a beautiful smile on her face.

“First of all, I want my teacher to allow me to investigate your identity. ”

Noah was surprised to hear that.

“Didn't you investigate my identity before when you were interested in me? ”

“At that time I had decided to contact you first, so I didn't do anything that rude, and now that I think about it, it's really nice not to do that.” Lias laughed.

“Is that all right now? ”

“Okay...” Noah helpless.

Although Noah's identity cannot be described as seamless, he did not come into contact with any demons, angels, fallen angels.

If you haven't done it, you can't investigate it.

Lias was mostly worried about it, and leaving it to her to investigate.

But the next word from Lias really stunned Noah.

“Then we'd like to send someone over here to stay with you for a while.” Lias said seriously.

“By the way, what about kittens? ”

“Huh?” Noah snapped.