Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 589: Don't Just Spell Alone? (Moon ticket)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Bubble’, ‘Bent Book Friend’, 'Fallen Hell Baron’, ‘Witch Horse In This Room’!

To be honest, this is the first time Noah has seen Lias as a pathetic and helpless person.

In the past, Lias felt like a thoroughly educated, highly educated person with a sense of dignity and elegance that people couldn't pick out.

You know, in EvilPiece, Lias is King.

And what Lias did and did didn't fail his "King" positioning, clever, able to get on the big table, sometimes even makes people feel rough. It's really the next head of the pureblood superior nobility in the devil, impeccable.

But at this moment, Lias, who is in front of Noah, is no longer a brilliant aristocratic grandmother, but an ordinary girl caught up in a heavy heart.

It's incredible how powerful people have become so weak.

And it's because this is incredible, that no man can stand by and watch this Lias in front of you, right?

At least, Noah is.

Now, Noah brings the door to the supernatural research department that opened, and she looks out the window, not far from Lias, and makes a slight noise.

“Lias? ”

Though the voice is mild, Noah's cry is quite dazzling in the silent, dark, supernatural research department.

But Lias didn't seem to notice Noah's voice at all, not even Noah's proximity, just staring out the window, stupidly stunned, a pair of pupils even a little loose, completely disoriented.

If Noah really had any ill intentions about Lias, he would have killed himself at this time, right?

Lias, is that what's bothering you?

Noah's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, reaching out and putting on Lias' shoulder.

“Lias, it's time to look back. ”

“Ah..." I couldn't help but wake up, and Lias just made some lovely shouts, and came back to God and looked behind me in a hurry, and waited until I saw Noah, and I was surprised and shocked.

“What are you doing here? ”

“That's what I asked you, isn't it?” Noah's eyebrows grew deeper and deeper.

“What are you doing here so late? ”

“Late?” Lias looked out the window somewhat puzzled, and her expression became even more surprising when she found that the sky outside had completely darkened.

“Is it that late? ”

“Didn't you notice the time?” Noah was a little surprised.

“What are you thinking? ”

“No, nothing.” This is what Lias is now, adjusting his emotions before showing Noah that noble, elegant and bright smile of the past.

“Did the teacher come to see me? Thank you so much! ”

Noah sighed instead of explaining herself when she saw Riasse return to her old state.

“Now this is just telling me that you're strong. ”

“What?” Lias' smile on her face changed slightly, turning around and turning her back on Noah, seemingly reluctant to be seen by Noah.

“I'm not being strong, it's the teacher who's worried too much. ”

“I'm fine, I'm just worried.” Noah shook her head, came to the other side of the window, leaned up, and took up the left and right sides of the Supernatural Research Department window with Lias, turning her head and looking out into the night view.

“But your lovely families are not just worried, they are very worried. ”

Lias suddenly silenced.

Obviously, Lias herself understands that if you go on hiding it, it's really just being strong.

The surrounding area was suddenly silenced, making the atmosphere diffused in the supernatural research department's air slightly different.

Shortly after, Lias suddenly spoke.

“Teacher thinks that was born in nobility, okay? ”

This quote by Lias reminds Noah of what Junuh Kishima said in the morning.

So, Noah also said what Junah Kishima said in response to Lias.

“Being born into a nobleman is not always a good thing. ”

“Exactly.” Lias' expression became a little bitter, but soon became a little illusory, as if she were going far away.

“But I don't think it's a bad thing that I was born in the Gimonli family, and I'd rather say I'm grateful that fate made me born in the Gimonli family, giving me a family that loves me and countless glories. ”

“Really?” Noah glanced at Lias like she wanted to see through her heart.

“Do you really think so? ”

“Yes.” Lias nodded heavily and looked out the window.

“It's just that, if I may, I hope that while carrying the name" Gimonli, "others will remember me as" Lias. "”

I don't need to tell you what I mean.

Noah doesn't know how famous the Gimonli family is and how high their status is.

But if you were born in such a family, Lias would inevitably be overshadowed by her own light.

When people see Lias, they just say, "That's the next head of the Gimonry family," not "That's Lias."

Just as Noah and Laxas were seen with tinted glasses because they were Makarov's grandchildren, so was Lias.

When it comes to doing something that ordinary people can't achieve, others will think that, given the special origins, it's natural to have that kind of accomplishment.

If nothing good was done, others would look contemptuous and think it was tarnishing that noble birth and not worthy of that status.

Laxas, because of this, the whole person gets nervous.

Lias is not as extreme as Laxas, but she feels very stressed.

“I am proud to be a Gimonli.” Lias smiled bitterly at Noah with a confused expression.

“So I don't want the name" Gimonli "to burden me, can the teacher understand? ”

“If you are from a nobleman, then sometimes a lot of things have to do with you.” Noah said softly after a moment of silence.

“The most common example should be the inability to decide who you want to marry? ”

In that sentence, let Lias bow her head and bury her pretty face beneath the red Liu Hai, covering up all her performance.

Noah just smiled suddenly.

“Actually, I have an engagement, and I have two fiancées. ”

Lias' ears twitched slightly, seemingly responding to Noah's words.

“They liked me since I was a kid, but I never responded to that. It wasn't until recently that we finally had a positive outcome. We made a marriage contract with each other and made a promise for the rest of our lives. At that time, I really felt that the marriage contract was pretty good, and I wanted to make it good. ”

As if she hadn't seen Lias' performance, Noah started talking to herself.

“You want me to spend the rest of my life together. It's not just what girls expect. It's also the luxury in the heart of any person who has a vision of love. But being able to live with each other's hearts is the closest thing to each other. That engagement is undoubtedly happiness. Everyone wants it. ”

So Noah sighed.

“But it is not the engagement you desire, it is not the vision of the future that bears, but the weight of reality, for whatever purpose, that can only be a hurt. ”

“Consider yourself a teacher talking about your life.” Noah smiled at Lias.

“Don't let the name" Gimonry "fool your heart, you just have to do" Lias "well, and if you let go of the harm caused by that name, you must also let go of the benefits of that name, the family gives you, it is often something that you can only accept unilaterally, so if you want something, you can only fight for it yourself. ”

Lias almost couldn't help but say that.

“But isn't my power alone limited? ”

“Then why don't you just spell it alone?” Noah responded naturally.

“Isn't there a lot of people around you who can lend you strength? ”

Lias thought about it.

Nor did Noah disturb Lias, just smiling at the night out the window.

Night, it just passed...