Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 594: There's No Need For That Trouble At All (Moon Ticket)

(Thank you very much for the 1000 reward of 'Sword Fingers in the Heaven'! And the reward of 'The Wind Has Run Away' and 'Xuanyuan Extreme Holy Emperor’!

One hour after Riesel left Supernatural Research, Lias was notified by the Gimonry family.

“Tomorrow, Noah Dollar's bet with Rezel Phoenix will be followed by all superior demon families, including the Gimonli and Phoenix families, in the form of a formal confrontation, at which time Gullefia will be the referee. ”

Eliminate the contact from the Gimon Ribbon family with a small magic array, and Lias rubs her temple behind a luxurious desk, with some annoying openings.

“Why is this happening? ”

Originally, Lias was ready to fight everything to the end.

As a result, the situation suddenly unfolded beyond the reach of even Lias himself.

What the hell is this?

“I had no idea that Mr. Noah would agree to a gambling appointment with Lord Riesel.” Jijima Zhu is full of confusion.

“It's just an unauthorized gamble between the Gimonry and Phoenix families, even if Lord Riesel himself agrees, right? ”

“It is precisely because of a promise made unauthorized by man that they will agree.” Sitting on the couch, Noah drank tea charmingly and accidentally explained.

“For the nobility of the pureblood demons, a human against the three Phoenix sons, there is no chance of victory at all. In that case, instead of ignoring the human gambling and dealing with the nature of the Gimonry sisters, it would be better to justify the gambling and let the three Phoenix sons justify victory and betting. By then, with so many nobles to notarize, Lias, you can't even regret it. ”

“Well, I'm not surprised that all those nobles did what I expected.” Noah opened the cup of tea in her hand from the front of her mouth, and her eyes filled with thoughtful colour.

“I just didn't think, it was just an hour, and the Gimonry and Phoenix agreed so simply, didn't they worry about the Phoenix master losing at all? ”

For demons, the vast majority of humans are indeed fragile.

And Crias also said that there are people who can match the devil.

For example, the holder of SacredGear.

For example, church exorcists.

For example, Noah is considered to be a magician.

Although, most wizards, exorcists, and holders of SacredGear simply possess the power of comparable subordinate demons, some are even worse than subordinate demons, and may be comparable to the presence of superior demons.

So Noah was going to show a little weakness and let the Gimonry and Phoenix lose their minds.

However, it was unexpected that the Gimonli family would have agreed to this confrontation so easily, as Noah had predicted.

Do those demonic aristocrats really despise humanity to the point where they have no chance of losing?

If that's the case, then Noah Pacific looks up to the demons' nobles.

But then, Lias' words solved Noah's confusion.

“Even if the teacher had the strength of a rival superior demon, none of those aristocrats thought Riesel would lose!” Lias spoke softly.

“Because Riesel will never die! ”

“Hmm?” Noah reacted instantly when she heard Lias' low voice.

“Absolutely not? What's that supposed to mean? ”

“Don't teachers know?” Noah's question was answered by Junah Kijima.

“In the past, Phoenix was regarded as the sacred beast of life, revered, whose tears healed any wound, drank their blood and even lived forever, a legend that many nations in the world of humankind have retained. ”

Noah also remembered what Junuh Kijima said.

To make up for his lack of knowledge of mythology, Noah has also read a number of books on the mythological system in the world of The Goddess Murderer.

Of these, Noah knows about Phoenix.

After all, the so-called Phoenix, actually, is the legendary undead bird.

“And in Phoenix, the Holy Beast, there is also a position of Marquis, ranked one of the top seventy-two columns, belonging to all the blood of the devil.” Lias said in a heavy tone.

“Whether Phoenix as the Holy Beast or Phoenix as the Devil, there is almost no difference in capacity. ”

“Doesn't make any difference?” Noah's eyes squinted slowly.

“So that's why you said Riesel would never die? ”

Phoenix is the undead bird.

As the sacred beast of life in the past, with the designation of immortal bird, there is no doubt about what one of Phoenix's basic abilities is.

“Yes, as a Phoenix, Riesel is immortal!” Lias said word for word.

“In other words, teacher, you must confront the immortal! ”

Confronting the immortal?

So, what's the result, you know.

“Even when attacked, they can regenerate immediately and heal the wounds, and the Phoenix family can manipulate the flames and burn everything down, and they are truly immortal!” Lias bit his teeth.

“Just because Riesel has immortality, neither the Gimonry nor the Phoenix family thinks that Riesel will lose to a human being, even if this human being has the power of a rival superior demon or even above it, Riesel will not lose! ”

That's why the Gimonlites immediately agreed to Noah's bet with Riesel, without worrying about Riesel losing, right?

“Of course, immortality is not really invincible, and there is still a way to defeat the undead Phoenix.” Lias sighed.

“After all, even if the body is immortal, the mind and spirit cannot be immortal, and as long as the spirit of Phoenix can be broken, it can be won, and then their regeneration will stop, and then fall. ”

“So, if you want to defeat Phoenix, either you can overwhelm the opponent with a powerful force that is absolutely crushing, breaking his/her mind, or you have to be more resilient than him/her, constantly defeating each other, one defeat at a time, depleting each other's spirit.” Zhunai Jijima sighed as well.

“Of course, if you have the power to compete with God and the Demon King, it is certainly easiest to destroy your opponent's body and spirit directly. ”

In the world of demons, all demons are divided into five levels.

From low to high, they are ranked as: inferior demons, intermediate demons, superior demons, superior demons and demon kings.

Lias, Kane, and Riesel are all superior demons.

So, if you want to crush a superior demon, you have to have at least the power of the superior demon.

And if you want to defeat your opponent over and over again and deplete the spirit of a superior Phoenix demon, in addition to the need for strong endurance and resilience and the ability to sustain battle, you must at least be a superior demon.

As for having the power of a rival god and a demon king, that level of strength, can instantly destroy a Phoenix body and mind?

Neither the Gimonry nor the Phoenix thought Noah could have it.

So who wouldn't agree to face an absolutely undefeated bet?

“Even so, does the teacher still have to live up to this promise?” Lias stared closely at Noah and looked pretty serious.

“Maybe the teacher will be killed by Riesel! ”

Smell it, Noah laughed and laughed with disdain.

“In your view, immortality may be powerful, except, unfortunately, I have faced many similar enemies, and they are much more difficult than any Riesel.” Noah sipped all the tea out of the cup and stood up and looked at Lias.

“To crush an opponent with absolute strength? Deplete opponents with unrivalled endurance? To defeat your opponent with the power of a rival god and a demon king? ”

“No, there's no need for that kind of trouble!” Noah turned around and waved to Lias and Zhunai, Kijima, before walking out of the Supernatural Research Department.

“Anyway, just wait and see! ”

Leave that behind and Noah will not go back.

“Lias.” Jijima Zhu Nai made a noise.

“Is this really okay? ”

“There's nothing good about it.” Lias has been watching Noah leave.

“I have no choice but to trust my teacher. ”