Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 602: Outsiders Arriving Two or Three Times in a row (Request for Moon Tickets)

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of Ling Xuexiao! And rewards for 'idleness of the realm', 'God is doing good, believe it or not’, ‘The Witch Horse is here’, 'Reverse Night of Dawn’, ‘Red Lion Head’, ‘Claustrophobic Moon’, ‘azreal plague’, ‘rtzxq’, ‘Rui Rui Lui'!

“You're the God-killer, right? ”

Along with this phrase hovering around, there is a strong sense of tension in addition to the sound.

That's entirely because of the warlike expression on the face of the White Dragon King.

Perhaps because there is no way to hold back the will of war in your heart, a faint magic rose around the body of the White Dragon King.

“Magic?” Yudo Kiba, who guarded Shinichi Fujita behind him, was extremely surprised.

“Are you still the devil? ”

Yudo Kiba's surprise is really necessary.

Just because "SacredGear" made by the Gods in the Bible resides only in the human body.

However, the White Dragon Emperor had magic on him, proving that he was still a demon.

Typically, this situation just represents a problem.

That is, the man in front of him, with Longlnus, DevineDividing, who called himself the King of God and Demons, was either a human being, a demon through rebirth, or a hybrid of demons and humans.

This is not uncommon in the devil's world.

However, if the owner of Longlnus had become a man of the power of the Devil, it would have spread throughout the Devil's world.

In front of this man, Yudo Kiba has never even heard of it.

“My name is Wally. ”

This is how the man who calls himself "White Dragon King" introduced himself.

“Although you may still wonder, I will explain that my current camp is that of fallen angels. ”

“Fallen angel?” Noah frowned.

“The Fallen Angel came to the devil's land, and it seems you are planning to do something about it again. ”

“I don't know what's going on up there, but I couldn't help but come and check it out when I heard that there was a God-fearing man here.” A beautiful man named Wally opened his hand to Noah, and there was a stronger war on his face.

“Being able to kill the existence of God, if you can fight, you should be able to know exactly how much the difference between me and the so-called God and the Demon King is? ”

“So you're a battle freak?” Noah takes a step forward and raises his hand so that Ichigo Bito and Yudo Kiba don't follow.

“I just didn't think that my news had reached the fallen angel. It's not even a few days since the demon's secret work is really unprofessional. ”

“Never mind, because few people believe that you are a man who has truly killed God.” Wally lowered her hand like she was powerless, but stared at Noah from the beginning to the end.

“I, too, came to confirm that. ”

Speaking of which, behind Wally's back, a pair of wings flashed in a suddenly bright light.

It's a pair of white wings that look like they've been carefully crafted and have a glowing blue light on their wings.

———— "DevineDividing".

“Mm-hmm! ”

At the moment when Wally showed "DevineDividing" to the Emperor White Dragon, Yudo Woodfield protected the soldier behind him made a sudden and painful cry and grabbed his hand tightly, his face was filled with pain.

“Ichigo!” Yudo Wood Yard was shocked.

“Hmm?” Noah's eyebrows also grew deeper and deeper. First, he looked at Wally with a warlike smile on his face, then at Shinichi Fujito, who screamed his hands behind his back, instantly understood.

“Sensing the emergence of the White Dragon Emperor, did the" Red Dragon Emperor "in Makoto Fujito finally react? ”

“It's amazing how the unawakened BoostedGear reacts to the emergence of DevineDividing, a man named Ichiko Soldier Fujita who looks very much like a dragon.” Wally couldn't help but look at the soldier's vine.

“Unfortunately," SacredGear "is still not awake because the host is too weak? ”

“Anyway, it's not always a good thing to let you near Ichigo.” Noah looked straight at Wally and glanced.

“So I'm sorry, I don't know why you're the devil from the Fallen Angel camp, but please leave! ”

Noah waved violently without giving Wally time to answer or even react.

Meanwhile, in Noah's mind, the stone tray connecting the "power" of the Decalogue turned directly, pointing to the pattern of the "storm".

“Boo-hoo! ”

A stormy wave suddenly shook from Wally's feet and quickly turned into a tornado, wrapping Wally in it.

“What?” Wally felt his body suddenly as if it had been crucified in a space of nothingness, with an invisible wind squeezing in tight on all sides, causing Wally to tremble, unable to move.

In a spin, the tornado that wrapped Wally tightly inside suddenly exploded and completely turned into a shock wave.

“Boom --! ”

Like the shock of an explosion in situ, the violent storm shook back at Wally without mercy.

“Mmmm...!” Wally snorted and the whole population was swept backwards by an irresistible shock wave, like an arrow off a string, backwards towards the sky.

“It made me completely irresistible! A man who claims to have killed God! I'll be back --! ”

Just in time to leave this sentence behind, the whole of Wally rose to the sky with a shock wave, and blinked and vanished on the other side of the sky.

Noah specifically canceled all the killing power, allowing the weather summoned under the incarnation of "Storm" to become the most direct impulse, taking Wally away.

At this point, although it is not known how far Wally can be scratched, the wind that acts on Wally will not dissipate without one day and one night.

Of course, over time, the wind that plays a role in Wali will become less powerful.

So, Noah estimates that in about three hours, Wally should be able to resist the storm on his own, and come back in one breath with the magic array of diversions?

That means Wally won't be back for at least three hours.

Noah now came to the side of a soldier with an arm over his shoulder.

“How's it going? ”

“It's... much better...” Shinichi Battou's face is no longer in pain, but he is still covering one of his arms. Some hearts look at it with palpitations, as if looking at something very strange, his eyes are full of shaking.

“What... what the hell is going on here? ”

Isn't it hard for Ichitomi Battou to accept that his body somehow reacts like this?

After all, everything is too strange for Ichitomi Tano, isn't it?

“If you don't understand, don't think about it. Either way, you're safe for now.” Noah patted Shinichi Fujimoto on his shoulder, shaking his face, turning his head and looking at Yudo Kiba.

“Take Tanto home first and tell him all the explanations. Now that" White Dragon Emperor "has appeared, then let this" Red Dragon Emperor "know nothing, it would be pathetic. ”

Yudo Kiba nodded heavily, holding Ichigo to the direction of Ichigo's home.

Noah made a sudden noise as he watched Shinichi Muto disappear from the other side of the street with Yudo Kiba.

“Well, after all this time, should we come out? ”

The tension that was going to dissipate in the air suddenly solidified as Noah's sentence came out.

But the whole place was silent, and nobody was there.

In such a situation, Noah simply turned her eyes to the shade beside her and said faintly.

“If you don't come out, you want me to invite you out, right? ”

As soon as the voice fell, both shadows suddenly flew out of the shade beside them. Like monkeys, they jumped on a tree with their hands intact and jumped towards the distance.

However, at this point, a stone burst out from below, catching up with one of the figures.

“Bang --! ”

A rock that flies like a loaded bullet hits each other directly in the shoulder.

“Ah---! ”

A scream of pain and a shadow fell.