Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 604

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'D-Light Fire Sun 9', 'A Secondary Illness Patient in the Arctic’, ‘Fantasy Dream Rain’, ‘Book Friend 150830190406711’, ‘Claustrophobic Moon’!


In a slight opening noise, Noah opened the door to her apartment room and walked into the room, looking quite in a good mood.

Behind Noah, the two girls gave a humiliating look and followed Noah into Noah's room.

If someone else sees the scene next to them, it will definitely create a reminiscent thought.

After all, this scene, it seems, is too much like a man grabbing the handle of a woman, trying to force her to do something extremely unwanted.

In fact, this cannot be said to be wrong.

Because it was under Noah's duress that Jenova and Irina followed Noah back to his home.

Of course, coming here isn't about what Noah's going to do to Janova and Irina.

After bringing Jenova and Irina into her room, Noah pointed directly at her messy room and gave no courtesy orders.

“Well, first of all, help me clean this place up and clean it up again! ”

It was said that the humiliation on the faces of Janova and Irina was even more intense.

Then, half an hour ago, that conversation outside the front door of the Kui Wang School, came back to the minds of two young girls.


“You... what did you say? ”

As the sky gradually dimmed, outside the front door of the school, Genois and Irina were looking at Noah with a shocked look, and then the same anger appeared on her face.

“Are you trying to insult the faithful?!” Irina shouted at Noah in disbelief and anger.

“Why should we be your servants?! ”

Yes, it is.

When Janois and Irina proposed that Noah be the intermediary for a conversation with Lias, it seemed necessary to observe Noah's eyeballs of the young girls from the two churches and make such a request.

That is, Jenova and Irina must temporarily be Noah's servants, listen to Noah's assignments, and do something.

This demand directly caused the outbreak of Jenova and Irina, who dared not speak to Noah.

“Is it your purpose to call ourselves the Gods of God, to desecrate our faith, and then to make us servants of the Church, to desecrate our faith? ”

Even Jenova, who until just now looked cold and cold, raised his sword against Noah with some fire.

“We are only doing this because we have a mission and do not want to have an extra conflict, 'Godfather'. If you intend to insult us repeatedly, it is at the cost of a mission failure. We will also fight you for the faith in our hearts! ”

“Oh?” Noah picked her eyebrows and her face didn't shake at all.

“So you're going to ask me for help, and you won't even pay a dime? ”

“Can you help me?” Jenova frowned and reacted.

“Are you referring to the matter that led us to negotiate with Lias Gimonli? ”

“Exactly.” Noah stared at the stall and smiled in disgust.

“Since you are going to let me take you to Lias for this favor, in exchange, should you also listen to my terms, or do people in the Church feel that as long as you speak for yourself, others must cooperate with you and not refuse? ”

Jenova was mute with Irina.

But after figuring out what was going on, Jenova stepped forward and calmed down.

“Well, if that's the price to pay for your help, then we'd be grateful. ”

“Right, right.” Irina nodded, and her lovely face was a little grumpy.

“Even without your help, we can find Lias Gimonli ourselves and negotiate with her. ”

Noah laughed, making Janova and Irina alert again.

“You don't know yet, do you? ”

The next second, Noah gave such a message.

“The Lias you're looking for have made an engagement with me to be my fiancée! ”

“Engagement?” Genois and Irina face each other.

Though a fighter from a church without love, Jenova and Irina don't even know what the engagement is.

But what was Noah's idea when he brought up the engagement?

“Don't you get it?” Noah cautioned when she saw Jenova face to face with Irina.

“In other words, as a betrothal, this is my territory, and my opinion is crucial to Lias, and if you intend to make any kind of agreement with Lias, once I object, you will end up losing nothing. ”

“Wh...” Jenova and Irina understood what Noah meant and put a sharp and angry look at Noah.

This man, indeed, intends to threaten them.

“It's just nonsense to say it's a threat or something. ”

Noah sneered just as she saw through the thoughts of Jenova and Irina.

“Knowing that you are from a church that stands apart from the devil, I will bring you before Lias, when I believe that you are only here to bargain? ”

“If you are worried about our attack on Lias Gimonli, we can take an oath to the Lord of our faith.” Jenova took a deep breath and looked at Noah indifferently.

“Guaranteed by our faith, can you believe that? ”

“Unfortunately, I am a 'god killer'. I have no faith in anything. If you want to persuade me with this, stay cool!” Noah made the declaration in an unquestionable manner.

“In a word, you will obey my assignment, and I will take you to Lias tomorrow, or you may choose to go straight into Warlord's School, as you have just said! ”

Speaking of which, Noah took a glance at Janova and Irina.

“If you have the confidence to break through my defense here. ”

Jenova and Irina trembled in anger, but nothing could be done.

Ultimately, the young girls from the two churches were forced to respond to Noah's request and, led by Noah, moved in the direction of her apartment.


Noah made that request for three purposes.

One: Take the opportunity to observe Genova and Irina and see if they have any unknown plans.

Two: Give a sigh of relief to Aisha, who was expelled by the church.

Three: to suppress these two aggressive, faithful teenagers one at a time.

That's why Noah specifically used the term "servant" to humiliate Jenova and Irina.

Noah proved very successful.

Besides, Noah doesn't think it's enough.

“That's right!” Noah, who didn't know where to pull out two clothes, threw the clothes in her hand at Jenova and Irina.

“Put this on and get to work! ”

Jenova and Irina can't talk for half a day.

Just because the clothes in the hands of Jenova and Irina left neither of the girls with the slightest idea to wear them.

Those are two dressy clothes.

Sleeves and skirts are pleated with cute floral accessories and patterns, sewn in front of you with the same apron decoration, and also with laces to give you a feeling of fluffiness and cuteness.

Well, that's exactly two maid's clothes.

Looking at the maid's dress in her hand, Jenova looked at Irina with confusion.

“What kind of clothes are these? ”

Janois, you don't even know a maid's dress.

Irina, on the other hand, had a volatile face and eventually sighed a lot.

“Don't ask, Jenova, you definitely don't want to know. Put it on for our mission. ”

“Understood." Jenova said with pleasure.

For Jenova, who doesn't understand the meaning of a maid's uniform, it's just a change of uniform, isn't it?

So Janova immediately untied her white robe and took off her tights.

That's right.

Right here.

In front of Noah.

“Pfft! ”

A cold glimpse of Janova with a pile of white skin and full breasts of crispy Noah sprayed out all the tea she'd just drunk.

“Jenova! ”

Irina discovered the fact that Noah was there. She hastily stopped Genova from coming and pulled her tights back from removing Genovana to her stomach.

“Can't change here! ”

The whole room, make a mess.