Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 615: Only Under the Hands of God and the Demon King

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Lori God's Safeguard’, ‘Dark Dragon Slash’, 'Book Friend 150822203035880’, ‘Pokémon'!

“I've always wanted to see you," God-killer "...”

He said that, but Kirkborne's gaze toward Noah was filled with drama and ridicule.

Even on her knees, Noah knows why Cockborne behaved like this.

“When Assassin told me about a human being who claimed to have killed God, I almost laughed. ”

Without Noah's own words, Cockborough gave an unscrupulous account of why he looked at Noah with such eyes.

“If God and the Demon King had killed so well, I would not have had to struggle so hard to survive in the Great War of the Tripartite Powers. Kid, once you see the power of God and the Demon King, you will never be able to say that.” Kirkbor laughed.

“However, your silly words made me happy for a while, so you should continue to live as a 'god killer', and there should be a lot of people like me who think it's funny, in this boring day without war, to spend the best time. ”

Listening to the word "Cockborough", Noah just glanced at him and, spinning, relaxed his shoulder.

“So this is what fallen angel cadres are capable of? ”

“Oh?” Kirkborough frowned.

“What, are you still trying to find your face in front of me? ”

“No, I'm just a little bit overwhelmed, and I've just looked at you a little too high before.” Noah whispered.

“You know, after seeing me, Suzex stopped suspecting me of being a god killer." ”

“Suzex?” Kirkbor was slightly flashed.

“Isn't that a good word? A strong person is the ability to know clearly the existence of the same strong person and the power of being stronger than oneself!” Noah lifted her curtains slightly and looked to Cockborough.

“You can't even see what strength your opponent has. No wonder you can only breathe under the hands of God and the Demon King. ”

Cockborough's eyes swept away, and the smile on his face became slightly more ferocious.

“That's right, his mouth is pretty good. I'll rip your mouth off later and take your head to Suzex and tell him how badly he looks. ”

“Kirkbor!” Lias finally couldn't help but stare straight at Cockborough.

“Do you really want to start a tripartite war?! ”

“What? You already know that, don't you?” Kirkbor opened his hand and said helplessly.

“Originally, I thought if I took the sword, Michal would have had to bring soldiers to kill me, but I just sent two untold swords to kill me. I had no choice but to grab this little girl. ”

With such a phrase, Cockborne floated to the side of the cross tied to the sky, reaching out his hand and holding the unconscious shoulder of the sky.

“If the angel can't make an idea, then I can only make an idea on the devil's side. Just grab her and Seraful will kill her. Plus, you're here, and Sazechs won't be able to resist attacking? This is amazing! ”

Lias' expression became extremely ugly.

“Are you out of your mind? ”

“Crazy? If I keep doing this, I'll really go crazy!” Kirkbor couldn't help but laugh and look a little crazy.

“I've been bored every day since the end of the war, and Assassin promised not to start a second war, and I couldn't help but want to destroy it! ”

“Exactly! I can't stand it anymore!” Kirkbor looked coldly at Lias.

“If everyone doesn't want to fight anymore, then I'm the only one left, and I'm going to wage war against angels and demons, kill the four demons, kill Michal again, and nobody can stop me! ”

Everyone couldn't help but strike a chill when they heard Cockborough's near madness.

“So that's why you broke into this town?” Just Noah alone, a faint, unaffected opening.

“Because Lias and Cannes are in this town, just give them to the captives, even kill them, and that will provoke the wrath of the Devil's camp, right? ”

Lias' brother is Lucifer, one of the four great demons.

Compared to Lias, the background of the sky is equally strong.

To say why, Qianna's sister, is also one of the four great demon kings.

Seraful Sidi, Leviathan, one of the four great demon kings.

This is the sister of Qianna.

In other words, Lias and Qianna are not only the next heads of the pureblood demon family, but the brothers and sisters of the two young girls are also two of today's four demon kings.

If something happened to Lias and Heaven, would Suzex and Selafur have gone crazy?

By then, the purpose of the war in Cokebor will have been achieved.

“Well, there's more or less a reason for choosing this town.” Kirkbor cast his contemptuous eyes on Noah.

“I just want to see what a stupid human being who dares to claim to have killed God himself looks like. After he kills you, tell others that I have killed the one who claims to have killed God, and prove that I am stronger than God. In that case, Michal will go crazy, too? ”

Should I say this guy is smart? Or should I say this man is stupid?

Says he's smart. He's like a madman, trying to start a war between the three forces.

Said he was stupid, this man could think carefully about everything, first use the sword to involve the Church in his dispute, then abduct the sky, involve the devil, then try to kill Noah and Lias, then force the angel camp and the devil camp to go mad, so that he could succeed.

But it is also true, as Heaven said, that Noana's status as a "god killer" has really led to people like Kirkbor, who are very sensitive to the three forces and have the potential to ignite a tripartite war of power.

In a nutshell, a fly can't shake away.

Unfortunately, Kirkborough lost count.

“The holy sword was taken, and as a result, the supreme ruler of the angel camp, Michal, did not come, and took the sister of the demon king, and as a result, the supreme ruler of the demon camp, the four demon kings, did not come.” Noah couldn't help but laugh and laugh with great irony.

“You're just trying to tell us that you played a unicorn on your own, right? ”

Kirkbor snorted.

“I have waited so long for the Tripartite Wars of Demons, Angels and Fallen Angels to erupt sooner or later, if only I could kill you here, kill Suzex and Seraful's sister, and kill all those who came from the Angel and Demon camps. ”

After that, Cockborne turned around and looked at the sky tied to the cross, with a violent curve at the corner of his mouth.

“I thought if I caught this woman, Seraful would be drawn, but neither Michal nor Seraful would come, then she would be useless. ”

Listening to this, Lias had a very intense and unclear feeling in her heart, followed by what she had in mind, a dramatic change of face.

“Buzz ————! ”

In the oscillating sound of space, there is a strong force of light in the hands of Cockborough, which converges in the palms of hands like a large number of fireflies.

Soon after, an all-over brilliant, taller than man, a huge gun of light as deliberately decorated appeared in Kirkbor's hand and was lifted by Kirkbor.

“Don't hate me, hate me, hate you as Seraful's sister, hate this world too peaceful! ”

By the way, the giant long gun of light swung under Cockborne, rubbing the air, and in the sharp cracking sound of the air, the harsh hole penetrated into the heart of the cross tied to the sky.

“No --! ”

Lias screamed miserably.

Jijima Zhu Nai and the kitten opened their eyes all of a sudden, but also knew that they couldn't stop anything, almost unconsciously don't go over.

Only Jenova and Irina, one who inevitably unbandages the Sage of Destruction, one who converts the Sage of Idea from a rope to a knife, erects the holy sword in his hand and prepares to fight against Cokebor.

In such circumstances, the long gun of bright light fell heavily on the cross.

“Boo-hoo! ”

Blast, blast, blast.